WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 32

Hello once again and thank you all so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my blog postings.  I truly appreciate it.  With each leg completed, we’re getting closer and closer to reaching our final destination and of course where it all started waaaaaaay back in early June.  I’m still hoping to complete the tour either slightly before or around the same timeframe the official WorldFlight 2018 tour will be completed.  Keep in mind that what has taken me, or should I say will take me five months will all be done in about a week.  Let’s get started with this tour update.


History of City

Fairbanks is the largest city in the interior region of Alaska with a population of 32,751 within the city proper and over 100K in the greater Fairbanks region which makes it the second most populous metro area in Alaska after Anchorage.

History of Country

The United States of America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories and various possessions. At 3.8 million square miles, the US is the world’s third largest country by total area and just fractionally smaller than the entire continent of Europe. With a population of over 325 million, the US is the third most populous country.

History of Airport

Fairbanks International Airport is a state-owned airport located three miles southwest of the central business district of Fairbanks, Alaska. Fairbanks is the smallest city in the United States with non-stop service to Europe via Condor Airlines and their weekly flight to Frankfurt during the summer season.

History of Airline

Alaska Airlines is an American airline headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Founded in 1932 as McGee Airways and offering flights from Anchorage. Today, Alaska Airlines has flights to more than 100 destinations in the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Costa Rica and Mexico.

Flight Briefing

Planned Fuel – 14,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 34,000
Distance – 589nm
Flight Time – 1 hours, 55 minutes
Route:  BKA4 BKA J501 YAK J507 ORT J502 RDFLG HRDNG2

leg 32 fp

Flight Journal

Our group spent a few extra days in Sitka (as planned) and are now ready to fly to Fairbanks.  Our stay in Fairbanks will be flexible.  We have a confirmed two full days for sure, but will be keeping an eye on the weather for our next destination due to a short runway and no ILS.  Meaning, we’ll need good weather conditions for landing.  However, no need to worry about all that now as we still need to fly from Sitka to Fairbanks. 

We’re getting right into the action and have taxied our Boeing 737-800 in Alaska Airlines livery out to the active runway and are just awaiting take-off clearance. 


With our take-off clearance granted, we’re off. 


Making our turn to the northwest to resume the departure course out of Sitka.


Southern Alaska is mystical.


We’ve reached our cruising altitude and on our way to Fairbanks.


The weather is quickly changing as we’re descending into the Fairbanks area. 


We have a mix of rain and light snow in the area. 


On final with runway in sight.


We’ll be on the ground shortly.


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
PMDG Boeing 737-800 (Alaska Airlines livery)
FSDreamTeam GSX Level 2
Orbx Global Texture
Orbx FTX Global openLC North America
Orbx USA/Canada Pacific Northwest
Orbx Southern Alaska

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft, PFPX & Simbrief
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

My apologies as some how the screenshots taken on the ground in Fairbanks didn’t save.  But we’re here and our travelers will soon be taken to the hotel.  We’re monitoring the weather for our next destination which is Provideniya Bay, Russia.  We’re fairly certain we will need to stay at least one extra day (perhaps two) in Fairbanks as we wait out better weather.  But hey, our travelers will have plenty to do to keep them entertained.  See you next time.


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 31

While vacation now seems like a distant memory, both my wife and I are officially back in our groove with regards to our normal sleep schedule and daily routines.  Not sure why exactly, but the jetlag from this trip seemed stronger and lasted much longer than previous trips abroad.  Perhaps it’s that age thing!  Anyway…it’s  good to be back.

As you can tell from our progress map below we’ve reached the final third of our long tour and will soon be turning west, then south as we head back to the starting point of Sydney, Australia.  Let’s get started with this tour update.


History of City

Originally settled by the Russians in 1799, Sitka was the site of the transfer ceremony for the Alaska purchase on 18 October 1867 and served as the US Government Capital of the Department of Alaska between 1867 – 1906.  Today, Sitka has an estimated population of just under 9,000.

History of Country

The United States of America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories and various possessions.  At 3.8 million square miles, the US is the world’s third largest country by total area and just fractionally smaller than the entire continent of Europe.  With a population of over 325 million, the US is the third most populous country.

History of Airport

Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport is a state owned, public use airport located west of the central business district of Sitka.  The airport is named after Sitka’s former mayor Rocky Gutierrez.  It features a single terminal with air service operated by Alaska Airlines and seasonally by Delta.

History of Airline

Air Canada Rouge is a low-cost subsidiary of Air Canada and is fully integrated into the Air Canada and Air Canada Express networks.  The airline launched in 2012 with services beginning in 2013. Air Canada Rouge has a fleet of over 50 aircraft and serves 50 destinations.

Flight Briefing

Planned Fuel – 16,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 38,000
Distance – 642nm
Flight Time – 2 hours, 15 minutes

leg 31 fp

Flight Journal

After a few days in Vancouver, our travelers are now headed northwest to the small Alaskan town of Sitka.  Once again we’ll stay here a full week to allow our travelers a bit more R&R in the area before we head to Fairbanks.  For this flight we’re once again in the Airbus A319 as we shuttle and Air Canada Rouge flight to Sitka.


Myself along with our crew have arrived at the Vancouver airport.


As you can tell it’s a bit rainy in Raincouver today.  The last of our cabin crew is about to step onto the aircraft.  Our travelers are soon to follow.


Bags have arrived and are being loaded onto the aircraft.


And now for our passengers.


With the aircraft now fueled, loaded and ready to go.  We’re also ready to blast out of Vancouver.


Goodbye Canada


A cloudy, wet and bumpy departure.


Things are starting to smooth out once we climb above the clouds.


Nothing but smooth skies at flight level 380.


A beautiful landscape as we descend towards Sitka, Alaska.


The Alaska region has some of the most spectacular scenery we’ve seen during our long journey.


The view from the flightdeck.


Nice and green down there.


The Sitka airport and runway in sight.


Cleared to land


Parked at the gate in Sitka, Alaska.


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
FlightSimLabs Airbus A319 (Air Canada Rouge livery)
FSDreamTeam GSX Level 2
Orbx Global Texture
Orbx FTX Global openLC North America
Orbx USA/Canada Pacific Northwest
Orbx Southern Alaska

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft, PFPX & Simbrief
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

Another leg down and we’re just that much closer to the completion of this tour.  Once we leave Sikta, our stay in Fairbanks will be dependent on weather for the Provideniya Bay region of Russia.  This airport has a gravel runway with no ILS system.  We’ll need good weather conditions to safely land and as summer is quickly turning to fall, the weather is also becoming less predictable.  Stay tuned…

Thanks for reading.


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 30

Hello ladies, gentlemen and children of all ages…I’m back from vacation.  At the time of me flying this particular segment and writing this article, we’ve been back for a week.  We’ve been back to work for a week as well and boy did we both need this weekend to recuperate.  Both my wife and I generally do pretty well getting back into our schedules once we get home from our two week stay in Europe, but this particular trip really seemed to take a much greater toll on us and as a result it took us slightly longer to get back into our normal schedule.  As an example, we’ve been back for a week and I just had my first full nights sleep. 

Our vacation was sheer joy and we both enjoyed it immensely.  But equally, I think we are both really glad to be home.  The saying “there’s no place like home” is so very true.  Upon our return, it’s been a busy week for me.  My long time YouTube viewers will know that I’ve published my first Farming Simulator 17 video in almost 90 days and I recorded another just last night.  With regards to YouTube, I’m doing things much different and won’t place any added pressure on myself to adhere to any type of schedule.  Things will just happen when they happen and I’m happy with that.  But enough about all that…you’ve landed here to hear about leg 30 of our long worldwide tour.  Let’s get started.


History of City

Vancouver is a coastal seaport city in western Canada, located in the province of British Columbia. As the most populous city in the province, the 2016 census recorded a population of 631,486. Vancouver has the highest population density in Canada with over 5,400 people per square kilometer. Often referred to as Hollywood North, Vancouver has become one of the largest film production centers in North America.

History of Country

Canada is a country located in the northern part of North America. Canada is comprised of ten provinces and three territories which extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 3.85 million square miles, making it the world’s second-largest country by total area. Canada’s southern border with the United States is the world’s longest bi-national land border. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

History of Airport

Vancouver International Airport is located on Sea Island in Richmond, BC (about 7.5 miles from downtown Vancouver. It is the second busiest airport in Canada by aircraft movements and passengers, just behind Toronto Pearson.

History of Airline

United Airlines is a major United States airline headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. It is the world’s third-largest airline when measured by revenue, after American and Delta. United operates a large domestic and international route network with a fleet size of 754 aircraft serving 342 destinations in 60 countries across Asia, the Americas, Europe and Oceania.

Flight Briefing
Planned Fuel – 15,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 36,000
Distance – 613nm
Flight Time – 2 hours

leg 30 fp

Flight Journal

Our travelers have enjoyed their extended stay in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and enjoyed the daytrips exploring all the areas around this beautiful place.  But it’s time to once again move on as many more interesting and exotic locations are waiting to be explored. 

We’re back in the Boeing 737-800 flying a United jet over to Vancouver.  The ground handling teams here in Jackson Hole have been most accommodating in helping get us going for an on-time departure. 


While KJAC has several commercial airlines operating into and out of the airport, a lot of GA or general aviation aircraft also operate here.  We’re holding short while a Cessna 172 is on final approach.


With take-off clearance received, we’re blasting out of JAC on our way back towards the Pacific Northwest and Canada. 


The views of the beautiful Rocky Mountains just off the starboard wing.


I’m sure the early season snow is much appreciated.


Our United Boeing 738 at flight level 360 (36,000 ft). 


It’s a bit of a grey day in the PNW region.  We’ve begun our descent through the clouds and fog.


Ahhh, that’s a little better. 


On final approach into YVR. 


Runway in sight. 


Our Boeing 738 parked up at the gate.  Our passengers will clear customs and proceed to the busses.  Our stay in Vancouver will be short, then we move on to our first of two stops in Alaska. 


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
PMDG Boeing 737-800 (United Airlines livery)
FSDreamTeam GSX Level 2
Orbx Jackson Hole Airport (KJAC)
Orbx Global Texture
Orbx FTX Global openLC North America

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft, PFPX & Simbrief
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

With this leg in the books, we’re down to the final 16 legs of this massive 46 leg journey.  Over the next few weeks our travelers will make two stops in Alaska, then proceed towards Russia with three stops, then two stops in Japan and so on.  It’s been a fun journey.

Until next time…thank you so much for reading.


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 29

While you’re reading this posting in mid to late September, I performed this flight just a few days prior to leaving on my European vacation.  Hopefully, we’ve arrived safely back home and I’ve been back at work for almost two weeks and also hopefully have had some time to resume flying the tour legs.  I promise I’ll provide you some of the details of our trip in the posting for leg 30 which you can read about in just a few days time.

While I can’t quite see the light at the end of the tunnel, we are halfway through the North America portion of the tour and upon resuming the flights will be down to the final 16 legs.  During these final 16 legs we’ll visit Vancouver, two stops in Alaska, three stops in Russia before heading to Japan (two stops), Shanghai, Hong Kong, Brunei, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and finally the final legs of our 46 leg journey back in Australia.  Or said in another way, we still have over 13,000 more miles to travel before we find ourselves back in Sydney sometime around early to mid November.

To be honest, when I began planning this tour and planning the articles…I wasn’t sure how popular they would be.  In other words, I really wasn’t sure anyone would be interested in reading them.  While I was committed to seeing the tour all the way to the end, I’m actually surprised they have become quite popular and it has me thinking and planning for the future.

A few weeks ago, during the blog update for leg 20 I mentioned a virtual airline which I had recently joined.  I’ve been flying for various VA’s for over 20 years, but this is the first United Airlines VA I’ve been a member of.  I’ve been having a lot of fun flying for virtual United Airlines.  Anyway, vUAL has various awards which members can achieve.  One of the awards I’m interested in is the 50 State Capital Tour.  Of course this tour consists of flying to each of the United States capital cities.   I’ve begun mapping out how I might do this and I’m considering doing a similar blog style to report progress of the route segments.  Most likely I won’t start this until after the WorldFlight tour has been completed.  I guess what I need to say next is, time will tell.  Let’s get on with this update.


History of City

Jackson is a town in the Jackson Hole valley of Teton County, Wyoming. The population of Jackson is approx. 10,000. The area surrounding the town was originally populated by Native American tribes including the Shoshoni, Crow, Blackfeet, Bannock and Gros Ventre. John Colter entered Jackson Hole during the winter of 1807/1808 during the return journey of the Lewis & Clark expedition. Various points of interest make the Jackson area a popular year-round tourist destination.

History of Country

The United States of America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories and various possessions. At 3.8 million square miles, the US is the world’s third largest country by total area and just fractionally smaller than the entire continent of Europe. With a population of over 325 million, the US is the third most populous country.

History of Airport

The Jackson Hole Airport is located seven miles north of Jackson, Wyoming. In 2015, it was the busiest airport in Wyoming by passenger traffic with 313,151 passengers. Jackson Hole is the only commercial airport in the US located inside a national park, in this case Grand Teton.

History of Airline

Delta Airlines, is a major United States airline with its headquarters and largest hub at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. The airline, along with its subsidiaries and regional affiliates, operates over 5,400 flights daily and serves an extensive domestic and international network that includes 319 destinations in 54 countries on six continents. Delta is one of the five remaining legacy carriers and is the 6th oldest operating airline by foundation date and the oldest airline to still be operating in the United States.

Flight Briefing
Planned Fuel – 17,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 36,000
Distance – 755nm
Flight Time – 2hr, 15min

leg 29 fp

Flight Journal

Another semi-early flight out of Minneapolis should have us arriving into Jackson Hole, Wyoming just about lunch time.  Our travelers are anxious to arrive in Wyoming as that will once again mean a slightly longer break (much like we had in Madeira) and the hope of some cooler weather.  The high temperature forecasted for Minneapolis today is in the low 90’s compared to Jackson Hole where the temp will struggle to break into the low 70’s.

Our flight today will be flown in a Delta Airlines Airbus A319.  We’re loaded, the doors are closed and we’re just waiting for pushback.


We’re ready to blast out of KMSP.


Up, up and away and goodbye to the Twin Cities.


Our little Airbus quickly climbs to our cruising altitude of 36,000’ and we’re headed pretty much due west across Minnesota, South Dakota and Wyoming.


As we fly further west, the clouds are starting to build.


Beginning our descent.  Hoping we’ll have a clear view of the approach into Jackson Hole as it’s really spectacular.


Ahhh…beautiful as we descend through the cloud layer.


See what I mean?  The beautiful Grand Teton’s


Gear down with the Snake River in the background.


While our tourists are a bit early for the ski season, there’s plenty to do in the Jackson Hole area during the summer months.


On final approach into KJAC.


Short final view.


Quite a busy day today at the Jackson Hole airport. A company 757 along with an American and United Airlines flight are getting ready to push back and head to their destinations while a few small Cessna aircraft are doing some pattern work.


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
FSLabs Airbus A319 (Delta Airlines livery)
Flightbeam KMSP Scenery
Orbx Jackson Hole Airport (KJAC)
Orbx Global Texture
Orbx FTX Global openLC North America

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft, PFPX & Simbrief
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

As mentioned in the last update, our travelers will spend the next week exploring the Jackson Hole area of Wyoming including both Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, the Shoshone National Forest and will take a trip over to Idaho to explore the Craters of the Moon National Monument.  The weather forecast over the next several days will be a nice change and I’m sure will be enjoyed by all.  We’ll soon depart Jackson Hole for Vancouver (or also known as Raincouver), British Columbia Canada.

Until then….

Happy Flying!


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 28

As I pointed out early on in our WorldFlight tour, most of the airports we’ve landed/departed from are default scenery airports.  While for the most part, the runway and taxiway configurations are somewhat accurate…the other buildings and such are not.  I use the word “somewhat” because much of what we see in default Prepar3D is all based on FSX scenery.  Or said another way, much of what we see in P3D, is how things looked waaaay back in the 2006 timeframe.  Once we depart Ottawa, the next several destinations including Minneapolis/St. Paul (KMSP), Jackson Hole (KJAC), Vancouver BC (CYVR) and Sitka Alaska (PASI) will be payware scenery which very closely represents the true look of the airports.  

To sync things up with my current real world schedule, I’m writing this blog update on the 12 of August and it will appear for you to read on the 15 of September.  We’ve yet to leave for Europe and when you’re reading this we’ve been back at home about a week.  I plan to fly and write up one more update post before leaving for vacation as this will give me some buffer and give me time to settle back into the work/life schedule once we get back. 


History of City

Minneapolis/St. Paul, also known as the Twin Cities is a major metropolitan area build around the Mississippi, Minnesota and St. Croix rivers in east central Minnesota.

History of Country

The United States of America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories and various possessions. At 3.8 million square miles, the US is the world’s third largest country by total area and just fractionally smaller than the entire continent of Europe. With a population of over 325 million, the US is the third most populous country.

History of Airport

Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport is located 10 miles of both downtown Minneapolis and downtown Saint Paul, it is the largest and busiest airport in the six-state Upper Midwest region of Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, North and South Dakota and Wisconsin. KMSP is the 17th busiest airport in the US and the 49th busiest in the world.

History of Airline

American Airlines is a major United States airline headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. American is the world’s largest airline when measured by fleet size, revenue, scheduled passengers and number of destinations served. American, together with its regional partners, operate an extensive international and domestic network with an average of nearly 6,700 flights per day to nearly 350 destinations in more than 50 countries. American Airlines fleet size is approx. 955 aircraft.

Flight Briefing
Planned Fuel – 15,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 38,000
Distance – 742nm
Flight Time – 2hr, 10min

leg 28 fp

Flight Journal

Over the past few flight legs, our travelers have been accustomed to afternoon, or late afternoon departures.  However, today we’re getting an early start out of Ottawa and plan to arrive in Minneapolis before lunch.  Our travelers will clear US customs here in Ottawa which will significantly reduce the time normally required before we can proceed to the hotel.  Our aircraft for this leg is an American Airlines Boeing 737-800. 


We can’t leave until all the bags are loaded. 


Push-back and taxi complete, we’re clear for take-off.  Let’s GO!!!!!


Goodbye Canada, next stop the USA.


Climbing out of Ottawa.


The Rideau River in the background as we continue our climb-out to our cruise altitude. 


I’ll admit, I wasn’t sure how much I would really care for the new American livery.  I had always been a fan of their shiny aluminum look.  But the more I fly their new livery, the more I do like it. 


Flying over Lake Michigan as we cross from Michigan into Wisconsin. 


Flying over the mighty Mississippi River as we begin our approach into the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Airport.


Looks like pretty descent farm land.


Just a few of the 10,000 lakes that can be found in the state of Minnesota. 


Hazy conditions on final approach.


Clear to land.


Please remain seated with your seatbelt securely fastened until I turn off the seat belt sign. 


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
PMDG Boeing 737-800 (American Airlines livery)
Flightbeam KMSP Scenery
Orbx Global Texture
Orbx FTX Global openLC North America

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft, PFPX & Simbrief
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

Another flight leg is officially in the books.  We’ll next fly down to Jackson Hole, Wyoming where our travelers will spend a week exploring the area including Yellowstone National Park, Grand  Teton National Park, Shoshone National Forest, Craters of the Moon National Monument and many other sites in the area.

As always, thanks for reading this tour update.  Have a wonderful day!

Until next time…

Happy Flying!


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 27

Hello to my wonderful and loyal readers.  We’re back in the USA…well sort of.  I’m writing this update before we actually left for vacation, but as my dad would say “The Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise”, we should be back home, back to work and trying to figure out how to sleep through the night without waking up at 2 AM as you are reading this.  It typically doesn’t take me very long to get back on my schedule.  The first couple of days are a bit brutal and coffee, good strong coffee is usually the thing that keeps me going then once home I fight the urge to crash at 7 PM.  After 2-3 days I’m back to my routines and all is once again right with the world.

When I began this tour waaaaaaayyyy back in early June, I really had no idea when it would wrap.  I know I told you all that if I could make it wrap up around the time of the actual WorldFlight event I would.  But with 46 flights, 36,000 miles and no telling how many hours…the target was a moving one at best.  However, now that we’re past the half-way mark and now that I’ve actually managed to build up a queue of almost 5 weeks of flights, I have a pretty good idea when I can say this tour will end.

The actual WorldFlight 2018 begins on 3 November and wraps up a week later on 10 November.  Now if I continue to release two flight updates each week, it means I’ll conclude my tour on 17 November (a week after the actual tour finishes).  So my plan is simple.  Once I get back from vacation, get over my jetlag and get caught up…I’ll increase my blog update schedule so that the final flight of this tour ends on 10 November (just as the official event).  So basically, as you are reading this update…we’ll wrap all this up in just two months.  Now let’s get flying….


History of City

Ottawa is the capital city of Canada and stands on the south bank of the Ottawa River in the eastern portion of southern Ontario. Founded in 1826 as Bytown and incorporated as Ottawa in 1855, the city has evolved into the political center of Canada with a population of just over 964,000 and a metropolitan population of 1.3 million, Ottawa is the 4th largest city in Canada.

History of Country

Canada is a country located in the northern part of North America. Canada is comprised of ten provinces and three territories which extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 3.85 million square miles, making it the world’s second-largest country by total area. Canada’s southern border with the United States is the world’s longest bi-national land border. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

History of Airport

Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport is an international airport named after the Canadian statesmen and two of the founding fathers of Canada, Sir John A Macdonald and Sir George-Etienne Cartier. The airport is the 6th busiest airport in Canada. The airport is one of eight Canadian airports that have United States border preclearance facilities.

History of Airline

Air Canada is the flag carrier and largest airline of Canada by both fleet size and passengers carried. Founded in 1937, Air Canada’s corporate headquarters are in Montreal, Quebec with its largest hub at Toronto Pearson Airport. Air Canada’s total fleet size consists of 415 aircraft including all Air Canada subsidiaries (Air Canada Cargo, Air Canada Express, Air Canada Jetz and Air Canada Rouge). Together with its regional partners, the airline operates on average more than 1,602 scheduled flights daily.

Flight Briefing
Planned Fuel – 19,500 lbs
Planned Altitude – 36,000
Distance – 762nm
Flight Time – 2hr, 30min
Route:  YYR L600 YZV V316 PESAC T781 AGLUK T731 TAKOL

leg 27 fp

Flight Journal

Our 27th leg has started off much like the 1st, with rain and lots of it.  Rain has pretty much been the theme during our stay in the Goose Bay area.  But considering the extremely hot and dry conditions our group experienced in the Africa and Europe legs, the cooler and even damp conditions have been a welcome change.  The ground crew at Goose Bay have been extremely helpful and we’re assisting Air Canada in moving one of their newly painted Airbus A320’s down to Ottawa.

Loading on our required fuel for this leg of the journey.


Our passengers have arrived and will soon be boarding.  Their bags are enroute to the aircraft as well.


The bags have arrived and are being carefully (yea right) onto the aircraft.


Fuel – check, Baggage – check, Passengers and Crew – check.  Time to pushback and get on our way.


We’ve had lots of cloudy departures, but not very many wet/rainy ones.  Taxing out to the active runway.


Cleared for take-off.


Blasting out of Goose Bay and on our way to Ottawa.


Making our turn to the right to join the SID or Standard Instrument Departure course out of Goose Bay.


The rain continues to fall as we’re climbing out.  We’ll soon be above the clouds and clear of this weather.


Finding ourselves in another cloud sandwich.


The view from the flight deck.  Keeping an eye on the weather radar.  ATC vectored us around the strongest of the cells and we should be in clear skies shortly.


There we go.  Clear skies all around.


Cruising at flight level 360 as we zoom across Quebec.


Nice lush landscape as we begin our descent into the Ottawa area.


On final approach into the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport.


Runway in view.


Cleared to land.


Our passengers are able to deboard via the airport jetbridge and will also be able to clear US customs here in the Ottawa airport.


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
FSLabs Airbus A320 (Air Canada livery)
Orbx Global Texture
Orbx FTX Global openLC North America

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft, PFPX & Simbrief
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

My plan is to fly two more legs of the tour before I leave for vacation which should place us in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  This will mean that while I arrive back home on the 7th of September, I will have a two week buffer.  I most likely will get started flying the tour segments once again within a few days of arriving back home, but in the event I’m just too busy then I’ll have the flexibility.  As mentioned at the top of this article, I do plan to double up a few postings either in late September or early October so that we can complete the tour around time of the official tour wrapping up.

Thanks for reading this tour update.  Have a great day!

Until next time….

Happy Flying!!!


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 26

As our travelers depart Greenland to begin the North American segment of our 2018 WorldFlight tour, in the real world my wife and I will be spending our last day/evening in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England.  Tomorrow (9 Sept) we will head into London and London Heathrow for our British Airways flight back to Denver.  Just as a reminder, I’m writing these updates before even leaving on vacation.  At the time I’m writing this update, it’s about two and a half weeks before we leave.  Upon returning, I’ll be sure to fill you all in on the vacation trip.  My plan is to continue flying these tour legs and writing up the blog postings until we leave, so hopefully by the time we actually leave the US for Belgium, I’ll have completed most of the North American flights, this way I have a bit of a buffer where I can ease back into my work life (which will be busy), but continue to keep these flight updates coming to you on a regular basis. 


History of City

Located in the central part of Labrador on the coast of Lake Melville and the Grand River, Happy Valley-Goose Bay is the largest population center in this region of Canada.

History of Country

Canada is a country located in the northern part of North America. Canada is comprised of ten provinces and three territories which extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 3.85 million square miles, making it the world’s second-largest country by total area. Canada’s southern border with the United States is the world’s longest bi-national land border. The capital of Canada is Ottawa.

History of Airport

Goose Bay, is a Canadian Forces Base operated by the Royal Canadian Air Force, but also has shared use operations with several civilian airlines.

History of Airline

Air Transat is a Canadian low-cost leisure airline based in Montreal, Quebec operating both scheduled and charter flights serving 63 destinations in 30 countries.

Flight Briefing

Planned Fuel – 24,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 38,000
Distance – 1405nm
Flight Time – 3hr, 30min

leg 26 fp

Flight Journal

Our travelers began their world tour way back on 6 June when we departed Sydney, Australia and with another two months ago they are just a little over the half-way mark of their trip.  This leg will start the North American tour segment and will have them visiting three different airports in Canada, two airports in the lower 48 of the United States and two different airports in Alaska before heading to Russia, Japan and China as we make our way back down under to our starting point of Sydney.  We’ve shifted our schedule slightly and will have another tour break once reaching Jackson Hole, Wyoming and another shorter break in Sitka, Alaska. 

We’re all present and accounted for, so let’s get started.  Our journey today is just over 1,400 miles and we should land in Goose Bay just before the sun sets. 


Goodbye Greenland!  You were a wonderful host.


A cloudy departure out of Greenland.


A little bit bumpy as we climb out. 


A much smoother ride at our cruising altitude of 38,000 feet.  Our Air Transat B737-700 is one of the more colorful liveries we’ve had thus far. 


Almost to our destination.  The Grand River just off our right wing.  We’ll see that again shortly.


Making our turn to final.


Once again, the Grand River as we’re on final approach into Goose Bay.


That’s a gorgeous river. 


Clear to land as we fly over the Grand River once again. 


Parked up and awaiting the bus who will take our travelers to customs and then on to the hotel. 


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
PMDG Boeing 737-700 (Air Transat livery)
Orbx Global Texture
Orbx FTX Global openLC North America

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft & PFPX
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

Another long, but exciting flight is in the logbook.  Our stay in Goose Bay will be brief.  Soon we’ll depart for Ottawa.  I hope you’ll join us as we continue our 2018 WorldFlight Tour.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 25

As we begin this leg of the journey, we find ourselves on top of the world.  As mentioned in the last update, our final departure location in Norway is the highest point in the northern hemisphere we’ll visit.  We were going to take another week-long pause, but our travelers wanted to to delay that until we reached North America.  The group took a vote and all agreed to take that week long pause once we reach Jackson Hole, Wyoming.   This will allow them more time to spend in the mountains.  So the plan is to add a few extra days to the stay in Jackson Hole and a few extra days once we reach Vancouver.

Unfortunately, as you are reading this posting….our European vacation is almost coming to a close.  We’ll be flying back to Denver on the 7th and will have two days to re-acclimate back to the USA time zone before returning to work on Monday, 10 September.  I’ll make sure to tell you all about my vacation, the flights and all the wonderful food I’m sure we’ve enjoyed the past two weeks.  But for now, let’s get started with the tour update.


History of City

While not technically a city, Thule Air Base is a United States Air Force base located 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle and 947 miles from the North Pole on the Northwest side of Greenland. Thule Air Base is the US Armed Forces’ northernmost base. This is the only place on earth where four active glaciers join together.

History of Country

Greenland is an autonomous constituent country within the kingdom of Denmark located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Greenland is the world’s largest island. While Australia and Antarctica are larger, they are generally considered to be continental landmasses rather than islands. Greenland has been inhabited off and on for at least the last 4,500 years by arctic peoples whose forebears migrated there from what is now Canada.

History of Airport

See history of city.

History of Airline

Icelandair is the flag carrier of Iceland and headquarted at Keflavik International Airport. As of April 2018, Icelandair operated scheduled services to 48 cities in 16 different countries on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Flight Briefing

Planned Fuel – 19,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 38,000
Distance – 1018nm
Flight Time – 2hr, 52min
Route:  GOLO1B GOLOL 79N010E 80N000E 81N010W 81N020W 81N030W 81N040W QQ W20 THT

leg 25 fp

Flight Journal

Over the course of the past several months, our travelers have been exploring two dozen different cities in 19 different countries within Eurasia.  This leg will transition us over to the North American segment of our tour where after departing Greenland, will visit three cities in Canada and four cities in the United States before heading back over toward the Eurasia side of the world.  Up to this point of our tour, we’ve traveled just under 20,000 miles, spent approx. 57 hours flying and have burned more than 350,000 pounds of jet fuel.

Our flight today is just over 1,000 miles and we’ll be flying an Icelandair Boeing 737-800.  Our travelers have arrived and are both ready and anxious to board and continue their jouney.


Push back and engine startup procedures underway.


The great thing about these smaller airports is the short taxi ride out to the active runway.  From completion of pushback, we can often be lined up and ready to go in 5-10 minutes.  Some larger international airports the taxi ride can be 20+ minutes if not longer.


Positive rate, Gear up


Goodbye Norway, you’ve been a most excellent host.


Climbing out on the departure route.


Climbing up to our cruising altitude of 38,000 feet.


The eastern coast of Greenland just off the left side.


I’m sure there’s some green below.


Can’t forget to showcase our Icelandair Livery.


Below the clouds.


Greenland is really green.


On long final with the runway just appearing in the distance.


C is for crosswind and we have a strong one.


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
PMDG Boeing 737-800 (Icelandair livery)
Orbx Global Texture

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft & PFPX
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

Another fantastic flight is officially in the logbooks.  Our next flight is another long one at 1,400 miles.  We’ll be flying the Boeing 737 once again as we fly from Greenland down to Goose Bay, Canada.  I think it’s time for me to say those three words….

Until next time…

Happy Flying!


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 24

Before we get started with this tour update, I would like to remind everyone why I’m doing this.  When you have a moment, (or right now) please visit the WorldFlight website.  This is the official site for the 2018 event and from that webpage you can find links to other sites such as Simfest UK, CB-Worldflight Team USA and others.  Each team of participant groups from around the world are raising money for various charities.  The official WorldFlight Event for 2018 will begin on 3 November at 2200z with teams departing Sydney, Australia and conclude a week later on 10 November around 0845z back in Sydney.  These teams will stream their flights on Twitch and YouTube for the world to watch and hopefully donate towards the charities these teams are sponsoring.

This particular tour update has many special meanings for us and our long journey around the world.  First, it somewhat marks the downhill segment of our tour.  However, we’re still flying somewhat uphill on the globe.  Second, today is the 1st of September and for those of us in the northern hemisphere it means fall is just around the corner and third…it marks the start of the 3rd month of our long tour.  Finally, upon landing we’ll reach the furthest in latitude we’ll achieve on this tour.  With our starting location of Sydney, Australia being the furthest south.

Now in the real-world, my wife and I should be enjoying the English Countryside down in Kent (Tunbridge Wells).  We would have departed Antwerp yesterday for the short 1 hour hop over the North Sea, then traveled by train from London City Airport out to the southeast of England.  Pretty much our favorite place on earth.  Of course I’m writing and posting this in advance of leaving for our vacation.


History of City

Svalbard is a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Situated north of mainland Europe, it is about midway between continental Norway and the North Pole. The islands were first used as a whaling base in the 17th and 18th centuries. Coal mining came to the area in the early 20th century with the establishment of several permanent communities. Svalbard is a breeding ground for many seabirds, and also features polar bears, reindeer and the arctic fox just to name a few.

History of Country

Norway is a unitary sovereign state in Northwestern Europe whose core territory comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Norway has a total area of 148,747 square miles and a population of 5,258,317.

History of Airport

Svalbard Airport, located in Longyear is the main airport serving Svalbard, Norway. It handles approx. 150,000 passengers annually.

History of Airline

Scandinavian Airlines, usually known as SAS is the flag carrier of Sweden, Norway and Denmark and operates out of its main hub at Copenhagen-Kastrup Airport with connections to over 50 cities in Europe.

Flight Briefing

Planned Fuel – 12,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 38,000
Distance – 517nm
Flight Time – 1hr, 40min

leg 24 fp

Flight Journal

The theme of today’s (or actually, should I say tonight’s) flight is “Chasing the Midnight Sun”.  To somewhat maximize our travelers time while visiting Norway, we’ve been departing during the late evening hours.  The flight tonight is no different as we have a scheduled departure time of 11:00 PM.  My flight crew and I have arrived at the airport and in the process of getting our Boeing 737-800 ready to go.  We’re shuttling another SAS aircraft and this happens to be a real world flight as well which is operated by SAS and also in the B738.


Pushing back with the help of the SAS ground crew. It’s just before 11, we should be airborne in the next 10 minutes.


Lined up and ready to go.


Off we go into the clear cloudy somewhat blue yonder.


Making our right-turn to join the departure route.


We’ve passed through one layer of clouds only to find another.


I’m sure we’ll find some clear skies soon.


Finally we’ve climbed above the clouds and are on our way of chasing the midnight sun.  This time of year the sun at this latitude never sets fully.  During our flight the sun will begin to rise again before we land.


Just before top of descent, our B738 is bathed in the light of the rising sun.


It’s midnight.


The moon is visible off the right wing.


The arrival into Svalbard is quite challenging and made even more so under this level of visibility.  But in our instruments, we trust.


On final, the PAPI lights are visible.


Such a nice approach.


Cleared to land, runway 28.  I’ll most certainly want to try this approach under clear conditions as I’m sure the views are simply amazing.


Parked at our gate and ready to deboard our passengers.


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
PMDG Boeing 737-800 (Scandinavian livery)
Orbx Global Texture

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft & PFPX
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

While it’s late, our travelers will spend the next two days exploring this area of Norway and do so mostly in the late afternoon and evenings.  Tomorrow evening they’ll take a special tour (weather permitting) to once again enjoy the midnight sun and dinner in a beautiful Norway.  As previously mentioned, this is as far North we’ll travel on our tour.  Once we depart Norway, we’ll fly west to Greenland and being our North American tour segment.  I hope you’ll join us.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 23

As the title reads, this is our 23rd leg of our 46 total leg journey around the world using the WorldFlight 2018 route schedule.  Upon completion of this flight, we will have reached the half-way point for our long, long journey.  As a reminder, as you are reading this on or around the 29th of August….My wife and I are still in Belgium and will be departing Antwerp in just a few days time to fly back to London.  Once reaching London, we’ll spend a week in the English countryside in the county of Kent.  As I write this in early August, I’m really excited about our trip…but still really busy with work.  But the days seem to be flying by at a fairly good pace and I’m sure I’ll get everything done that truly needs to be done before vacation starts. 

The magenta dots are cities/airports we’ve visited and the blue dots are cities/airports yet to be visited.  But we’re making progress as it seems like it was just yesterday we were turning the corner down in South Africa and that was many, many miles and hours ago. 


History of City

Established in 1838, Tromso has a population of approx. 64,376 and is the 9th most populous municipality in Norway. It is the largest urban area in Northern Norway and is warmer than most other places due to the warming effect of the Gulf Stream.

History of Country

Norway is a unitary sovereign state in Northwestern Europe whose core territory comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Norway has a total area of 148,747 square miles and a population of 5,258,317.

History of Airport

Tromso Airport began operations in 1864, replacing the older airport. It is the 5th busiest airport in Norway handling 1.9 million passengers annually.

History of Airline

Scandinavian Airlines, usually known as SAS is the flag carrier of Sweden, Norway and Denmark and operates out of its main hub at Copenhagen-Kastrup Airport with connections to over 50 cities in Europe.

Flight Briefing

Planned Fuel – 12,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 39,000
Distance – 419nm
Flight Time – 1hr, 22min

leg 23 fp

Flight Journal

Not only has the Norway experience been a nice one for the flight crew, our travelers are also finding the Norway experience awesome as well.  Our group spent a few days exploring and now it’s time to move onto our second of three Norwegian cities on our tour.  Once again we’re departing in the late evening.  It’s nearly 9 PM and if not for the cloud cover, you might think it was only late afternoon. 


Lining up and waiting for our take off clearance.  For this flight we’re moving a Boeing 737-600 up to Tromso.  The last time we flew this variant of the 737 was the JANET flight out to Diego Garcia. 


Up, up and away once again.


Wing view to the right


Wing view to the left


Our Scandinavian Boeing 736 at flight level 390.  (39,000 feet)


More of those fluffy clouds.


Beginning our descent into Tromso, Norway.


Absolutely love the arrival into Tromso.  Reminds me of some of my favorite flying spots in Alaska. 


Approaching 10:30 and the sun is still high in the sky. 


The descent path is taking us over some beautiful mountains and Fjords.  I’ve definitely got to come back here for some low and slow bush flying. 


On final into Tromso.


Short final into Tromso


Under a very cloudy sky, it’s approaching 11 PM and still light enough to see what we’re doing. 


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
PMDG Boeing 737-800 (Scandinavian livery)
Orbx Global Texture

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft & PFPX
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

This was another fantastic flight and as previously mentioned, marks the completion of the first half of the tour.  Our travelers will spend two days exploring the Tromso area before another late evening departure to Svalbard.  This will mark our third and final stop in Norway before we turn west towards Greenland and North America. 

Until next time…

Happy Flying!



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