WorldFlight 2018 GBS Tour – Leg 23

As the title reads, this is our 23rd leg of our 46 total leg journey around the world using the WorldFlight 2018 route schedule.  Upon completion of this flight, we will have reached the half-way point for our long, long journey.  As a reminder, as you are reading this on or around the 29th of August….My wife and I are still in Belgium and will be departing Antwerp in just a few days time to fly back to London.  Once reaching London, we’ll spend a week in the English countryside in the county of Kent.  As I write this in early August, I’m really excited about our trip…but still really busy with work.  But the days seem to be flying by at a fairly good pace and I’m sure I’ll get everything done that truly needs to be done before vacation starts. 

The magenta dots are cities/airports we’ve visited and the blue dots are cities/airports yet to be visited.  But we’re making progress as it seems like it was just yesterday we were turning the corner down in South Africa and that was many, many miles and hours ago. 


History of City

Established in 1838, Tromso has a population of approx. 64,376 and is the 9th most populous municipality in Norway. It is the largest urban area in Northern Norway and is warmer than most other places due to the warming effect of the Gulf Stream.

History of Country

Norway is a unitary sovereign state in Northwestern Europe whose core territory comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Norway has a total area of 148,747 square miles and a population of 5,258,317.

History of Airport

Tromso Airport began operations in 1864, replacing the older airport. It is the 5th busiest airport in Norway handling 1.9 million passengers annually.

History of Airline

Scandinavian Airlines, usually known as SAS is the flag carrier of Sweden, Norway and Denmark and operates out of its main hub at Copenhagen-Kastrup Airport with connections to over 50 cities in Europe.

Flight Briefing

Planned Fuel – 12,000 lbs
Planned Altitude – 39,000
Distance – 419nm
Flight Time – 1hr, 22min

leg 23 fp

Flight Journal

Not only has the Norway experience been a nice one for the flight crew, our travelers are also finding the Norway experience awesome as well.  Our group spent a few days exploring and now it’s time to move onto our second of three Norwegian cities on our tour.  Once again we’re departing in the late evening.  It’s nearly 9 PM and if not for the cloud cover, you might think it was only late afternoon. 


Lining up and waiting for our take off clearance.  For this flight we’re moving a Boeing 737-600 up to Tromso.  The last time we flew this variant of the 737 was the JANET flight out to Diego Garcia. 


Up, up and away once again.


Wing view to the right


Wing view to the left


Our Scandinavian Boeing 736 at flight level 390.  (39,000 feet)


More of those fluffy clouds.


Beginning our descent into Tromso, Norway.


Absolutely love the arrival into Tromso.  Reminds me of some of my favorite flying spots in Alaska. 


Approaching 10:30 and the sun is still high in the sky. 


The descent path is taking us over some beautiful mountains and Fjords.  I’ve definitely got to come back here for some low and slow bush flying. 


On final into Tromso.


Short final into Tromso


Under a very cloudy sky, it’s approaching 11 PM and still light enough to see what we’re doing. 


Simulator Specifics

Prepar3d v4.3
ActiveSky Weather Engine
ActiveSky Cloud Art
Envtex & Envshade
PMDG Boeing 737-800 (Scandinavian livery)
Orbx Global Texture

Route Planning Tools

AivlaSoft & PFPX
Navigraph Charts Desktop
Google Maps

Computer Hardware Specs

This was another fantastic flight and as previously mentioned, marks the completion of the first half of the tour.  Our travelers will spend two days exploring the Tromso area before another late evening departure to Svalbard.  This will mark our third and final stop in Norway before we turn west towards Greenland and North America. 

Until next time…

Happy Flying!


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