2018 WorldFlight

I have circumnavigated the world in flight sim many times.  In 2010 I embarked on an “Around the World” journey in a single engine Mooney Bravo which consisted of 75 individual flight legs, spread out over approx. 45 days.  The total trip mileage was 35,816 nm and consisted of 201.5 flight hours.  You can view my trip log here.

Each year, teams of flight simulation enthusiasts from around the world come together in November and over the course of just one week will fly around the world.  These teams will book time in various full-size simulators and stream their round-the-clock, round-the-world adventures to earn money for various charities.

For 2018, the event departs Sydney, Australia YSSY and travels in an westerly direction.  (see map below).

As it would be impossible for a single pilot to fly the complete route, during the actual event timeline…I’m planning to start my journey in mid to late June.  The general purpose of doing this is just to help raise awareness for the official event in November and expose as many of my viewers to this awesome charity event.  Plus I think the journey will be fun and exciting.

I plan to utilize a variety of different aircraft from my virtual hangar.  These most likely will be Boeing 737, Boeing 777, Boeing 787 and Boeing 747.  In addition, once the Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319 and A320/A321 is released for P3D v4 (eta is mid June) I’ll add some of these aircraft to the mix.  In addition, I’ll introduce as much variety in the form of airlines/liveries as possible.

Finally, utilizing as many real-world resources such as Flightaware, FlightRadar24 etc. I will do my best to ensure the flights/aircraft/airlines/liveries are as realistic as possible to the region I’m flying in.  However, many of the legs I’m flying may not have real-world flights connecting them.  I’ll then most likely default to whatever national carrier is operating and call it good.

Regarding routes, once again…I’ll strive for real-world accuracy as much as possible.  If I can’t find a real-world connection between two cities, then I’ll rely on PFPX to give me the best  route available.

As for how long this journey will take me, I’m pretty sure it will take me much of the calendar year to complete it.  My initial goal would be to wrap up my tour around the same time as the event itself is taking place or even wrapping up.  I suppose it would be fun to fly the last leg or two on VATSIM at the same time the event is taking place.   But only time will tell if that will be possible.

If you would like to learn more about the 2018 WorldFlight event, please visit this website.  In the mean time,  stay tuned to both my blog and my YouTube channel for updated information.

Here’s another map view I created on Google Maps.

I will update this page and also include a full trip log.  Stay tuned…

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