My Top 10 Payware Aircraft for Prepar3D v4

Hello Ladies, Gentlemen and Children of all ages…  I truly appreciate all who take the time to read the content I publish in written format on my blog site.  I realize the written word is so prehistoric in terms of all things new media.  After all, we have podcasts, vlogs, livestreams etc.  But the old blog site continues to received many thousands of visits each month and I very much enjoy writing and sharing…so thank you all for taking the time to read the ramblings of a middle aged man. 

Pay special attention to the subject line and notice the use of the word “My”.  This list hasn’t been compiled using some scientific method to include every single payware aircraft available for P3Dv4.  It’s just my very own Top 10 list of my favorite payware aircraft for Prepar3D version 4.  Yes, I own each of these and try to fly them on a regular basis.  The operative word in that sentence is “try”.  I’ll explain that later.  Let’s get started with MY Top 10 Payware Aircraft for Prepar3D v4.

Honorable Mention – CaptainSim 757

I’ve opted to list an 11th listing which I’ve thrown into the honorable mention category and it somewhat pains me to do so.  In my long history of flight sim and my nearly as long history of payware aircraft, I’ve had a somewhat contentious relationship with CaptainSim.  But I so much adore the Boeing 757 that when no other options were available, I plopped down my hard earned money and purchased their rendition of the aircraft.   While I had a terrible, terrible, terrible (did I say terrible) experience with their version of the 777 and I still believe their 777 flies like a brick, CaptainSim has come along way to improving the 757.  While I don’t agree with their pricing strategy, CaptainSim (at this time) is the only option for a 757 in P3Dv4. 

Note:  In between the time I actually wrote this article and published it, QualityWings did release their Boeing 757 which was originally developed for FS9 and FSX.  So technically there are now two B757’s for P3Dv4.  

#10 – Carenado C208B Grand Caravan with Cargomaster Expansion Pack

While Carenado may not be known for developing truly study level aircraft, usually their attention to detail in producing both a beautiful aircraft and one that handles well in the air is good enough to give me several hours of fun.  The Carenado C208B Grand Caravan with the Cargomaster expansion pack was perhaps my 2nd or 3rd purchase from Carenado and it remains one of my favorite aircraft to fly.  I enjoy loading it up in the Fedex livery and doing some Caribbean island hopping.  While I own a variety of Carenado aircraft and soon plan to add their latest release of the ATR 42-500 series aircraft.  I think this one will also be a fun plane to fly around the Caribbean in. 

#9 – Carenado Fokker 50

Just like I stated with the Carenado Grand Caravan, the Fokker 50 is beautifully detailed and flies well.  This aircraft has made the list due in part to the fact that I’ve flown on this same aircraft so many times between London City Airport and Antwerp, Belgium.  Unfortunately, when my wife and I were in Antwerp last summer (summer of 2018) the airline, VLM shut down operations just after we landed back in England.  Talk about timing!  So now we’ll most likely go by rail via the Eurostar which will be a brand new adventure I’m sure. 

#8 – Majestic Bombardier Dash-8 Q400

I would suspect this aircraft would rank much, much higher on other’s lists (if they were to compile one).  There are a few reasons why this aircraft ranks where it does on my list and it really has nothing to do with the aircraft itself.   You’ve heard the saying…”It’s not you, it’s me” right? 

So I was a bit late acquiring the Majestic Bombardier Dash-8 Q400.  When I did purchase it, it was for P3D v3.  Soon after purchase my life got busy (as it sometimes can do) and I never really got around to learning the aircraft.  Then when P3D v4 came out, I tried to upgrade but that was during the time when the FlightSimStore was having their issues which I discussed here and again here.  I finally managed to secure the upgraded version of the Q400 for P3D v4.  I’ve just not dedicated the time required to learning this awesome aircraft.  Perhaps if I can learn to fly this beauty properly, she would rank much higher on my list.  But until then….here we are!

#7 – QualityWings Boeing 787 Dreamliner

This is one aircraft which in the real-world I’ve yet to have the opportunity to fly.  The 787 ranks lower on my list simply due to the fact the other seven are more of a favorite than this one.  While it took the team at QualityWings a mini-lifetime to bring this beautiful aircraft to Prepar3D v4, it was worth the wait.  With the recent updates, the QW Dreamliner is truly a dream to fly and one I do enjoy flying every chance I get.  Now before I leave the subject of QualityWings, I truly wish they would hurry up and bring their Boeing 757 to P3D v4.  As soon as they do, I’ll purchase it and drop the CaptainSim in a heartbeat.  

#6 – PMDG Boeing 747-400 v3 (Queen of the Skies II)

While it only took me a few minutes to jot down ten aircraft (11 if you count the honorable mention), it’s now getting down to the truly difficult part.  Really from the Dreamliner all the way down to the #1, it really all boils down to just how frequently I fly these aircraft.  As I truly love the immersion experience the flight simulation hobby gives to me, I also enjoy simulating real world flights.  It’s just really, really hard to consider flying the magnificent Boeing 747-400 on a two hour flight.  But then again…there’s always cargo operations. 

The Boeing 747-400 will always be a very special aircraft for me.  In my lifetime, I’ve flown on several.  The first was on a United Airlines when I flew from San Francisco to Tokyo.  I’ve since flown on a British Airways 747-400 another three times with a fourth coming up this summer when my wife and I will once again travel across the pond from Denver to London Heathrow on the British Airways 744.  While she’s starting to get really long in the tooth, it’s still the most magnificent aircraft I’ve ever had the chance to fly on. 

#5 – PMDG Boeing 777

I recently counted the number of trips across the pond (US to UK) which I’ve completed in my life.  That number is eleven with my twelfth crossing coming up later this summer.  The Boeing 777 holds a special place in my heart (and on this list) as it was in an American Airlines Boeing 777-200 that I made my first transatlantic crossing back in 2001.  It was this trip which introduced me to my beautiful wife.  Since that first trip, I’ve flown on British Airways 777 several times before they began using the 747-400 on the Denver to Heathrow route. 

Of course, the 777 ranks here for much the same reason as the 747.  But I do tend to fly a lot of domestic Fedex routes and they are always fun to fly.  I truly love this aircraft.

#4 – FlightSimLabs Airbus A320/A319

Longtime and regular readers of my blog postings will certainly recall a time where I actually said I would never own the FlightSimLabs Airbus aircraft.  A few months later I changed my mind and wrote about the reasons for changing my mind.  I’m grouping the FlightSimLabs Airbus A319 and A320 aircraft together as they are very much the same aircraft, just slightly different variants.  Both are awesome to fly and both get taken out of my virtual hangar from time to time for shorter routes when I want to simulate flying for American, British Airways etc.  While I’ll always stand firm in the frustration felt with their earlier business practices, I firmly believe they have turned that corner and this team of developers are doing some really awesome things.  I look forward to their A321 variant and will add it to my virtual hangar upon release. 

#3 – Milviz DHC-2 Beaver

I  absolutely love flying in the wilds of Alaska with this awesome looking and equally performing aircraft.  An aircraft like this allows me to appreciate the shear beauty of the wonderful Alaskan scenery and with the float plane variant, there’s no place I can’t go.  Just as it says on the Milviz website, the DHC-2 Beaver embodies the ‘can-do’ attitude that’s made this iconic bush plane a symbol of hard work for nearly 70 years.

#2 – A2A Cessna 172

The finest study level general aviation aircraft available for Prepar3D v4 (also for earlier versions and FSX) which you’ll find on the entire interwebz is the A2A Cessna 172.  I’m really not sure you can call yourself a flight sim enthusiast unless you own this aircraft.  While A2A also offers (and I own) the Cessna 182 and Piper Cherokee 180, the Cessna 172 is aircraft I truly love to fly.  I will often load it up at Centennial Airport (KAPA) which is only a few miles from my home and office and fly around the Denver area. 

#1 – PMDG Boeing 737

There’s a reason why both #1 and #2 on this list also appeared in my “Top 5, Must Have Add-ons for Prepar3D v4” article I wrote last fall.  I must also admit that while I do very much enjoy flying low and slow in the above mentioned A2A Cessna 172, my main flight simulation passion is and has been for a very long time with jetliners/tubeliners.  As it happens, the PMDG Boeing 737 happens to be my favorite, my go-to and my workhorse aircraft of choice and for many reasons.

First, versatility.  This aircraft can practically go anywhere pending you account for fuel usage.  As it’s popular with many different airlines, you’ll find a wide range of liveries available to simulate your favorite airline.  It’s also a really easy and forgiving study level aircraft to start with.  I can literally load up P3Dv4 with any variant of the PMDG 737 and within 10-15 minutes I can be taxing toward the active runway with everything running/programmed and ready for flight.  Last, but certainly not least….the PMDG Boeing 737 is easy on frames which means you don’t need to have as powerful of a PC to still be able to enjoy a payware, study level aircraft.   

Final Thoughts

Well, there you have it.  My Top 10 plus an honorable mention just for the heck of it.  Really with the exception of the #1 (PMDG 737) and #2 (A2A C172) the other listings could just about fall in any other order.  Meaning, they all are top-notch payware aircraft and a whole lot of fun to fly.  When asked, or even when I’m not asked…I always recommend both the A2A Cessna 172 and the PMDG Boeing 737 to those who are just starting out in flight simulation.  As previously stated, both are truly awesome aircraft and both will give you that “As Real As It Gets” experience.

I think I’ll work on a “Top 10” Airport Add-on list next.  Stay tuned…

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


A Pilot’s Life Storyteller Series–S1, E1

Welcome to the first series and first edition of “A Pilot’s Life” Storyteller Series.  For more context on what this storyteller series is about, please read Return of the Flight Sim Storyteller.  This will bring you up to speed and set the stage for this first edition. 

Commercial Break

LOL  OK….I figure this is as good a place as any to plug my new Flight Sim Project, Flight Sim Helpers.  Flight Sim Helpers is my way of giving back to the community which has been so good to me for over 35 years.  The concept of Flight Sim Helpers, is to help those who are just starting out in the wonderful hobby of flight simulation.  However, regardless if you are brand new or a seasoned veteran, all are welcome.  I’m actually hoping to recruit others who are knowledgeable in FSX, P3D and X-Plane to serve as moderators and subject matter experts.  If you are interested, please let me know.  For now, please visit and join the Flight Sim Helpers Facebook Group and also check out the Flight Sim Helpers website.  Thank you and I’ll now proceed with the story.

Present Day

Once again I had an overnight layover in the Bay Area.  This time at SFO.  I enjoyed a nice steak at the hotel in celebration of my new promotion.  Looking at my schedule, I’m due to fly back to Seattle then out to Salt Lake City and then back up to Ketchikan, Alaska.  Oh…my favorite.  But I need to get through the next few days first. 

The crew shuttle picks us up at our hotel at 4:30 AM sharp.  It really feels like we only just arrived.  But I had the rest required by the FAA and anxious to get back to sunny Seattle (NOT).  It’s been raining all up and down the West Coast of the US the past several days.  We have a great crew with us today, so we expect no issues.  Of course I’m dreaming of my next promotion which will finally have me at the rank of Captain.  But  I’ve gotta grind it out from 212 XP up to 650 XP for this one.  But XP points do come a little quicker with each promotion.  As a comparison, at FO I earned just a little over 5.0 XP on KSEA to KOAK.  However, with Sr. FO on the flight from KSEA to KSFO, I earned almost 8 XP.  As soon as I get paid (end of the month), I’ll purchase a mobile phone which will earn me a 10% XP bonus each flight. 

Flight Details

This morning my captain and I will be operating Alaska flight 1737, non-stop service from San Francisco to Seattle.  Our flight is scheduled to depart at 6:00 AM from gate 52B.  Our planned fuel for this morning is 16,720 lbs and our take-off weight is 148,143 lbs.  Our cruising altitude will be FL360 and we have a block time of 2 hours, 9 minutes.  We anticipate departing from runway 28L. 



Walk Around

As Sr. First Officer, it’s my job today to conduct the walk around inspection of our Boeing 737-800.  This is the first flight of the day for this aircraft and the bags and cargo haven’t arrived yet. 


Almost done, checking all lights and this aircraft is looking good. 


Here Comes the Bags

Obviously we can’t go anywhere without our passengers and all their bags. 




Time for push-back

With our passengers, bags and a small amount of cargo loaded onto our Boeing 737-800, it’s time to close the doors and push back from the gate.  The skies are looking a bit rough this morning, but we expect no departure delays this morning. 


After a brief taxi, we have arrived at runway 28L. 


ASA 1737 is wheels up and on our way to Sea-Tac.


Making our right turn and headed east towards OAK.


The  obligatory wing shot. 


Making our way along the SID or Standard Instrument Departure, just a slight chop as we continue our climb.  We’ll keep the cabin crew in their seats a bit longer, but reports are smooth skies above FL200.


It’s complete cloud cover as we make our way through northern California and into Oregon. 


At FL360, we can relax a few minutes before we need to start planning our descent and arrival into Seattle. 


Monitoring a thunderstorm as we cruise above Portland. 


As we begin our approach and descent into the Seattle area, a little drag is required to meet the speed restrictions of the STAR or Standard Terminal Arrival Route.


Runway 34C is in sight.  No auto-land required today.  The Sr. First Officer has control. 


I think it’s going to be a beautiful day in Seattle today.  This makes a nice change.


Clear 34C, Cross 34R and taxi to the gate.  Note the other Alaska B738 which arrived just before us.


Parked at the Alaska terminal Sea-Tac. 


I’m due to report to another aircraft and Captain for a rotation down to Salt Lake City and back in the Boeing 737-900.  Since I only have default scenery for SLC, I will return with my “A Pilot’s Life” Storyteller Series in a few days for my trip to Ketchikan, Alaska.  That’ll be fun. 

Until then…

Happy Flying!



If you are interested in experiencing your own “A Pilot’s Life”, I highly recommend the A Pilot’s Life, by SimBitWorld add-on for Prepar3D, FSX and X-Plane.  You can learn more about the A Pilot’s Life by visiting the SimBitWorld website and/or purchase APL at SimMarket.  Also, please read my full review of A Pilot’s LIfe here

Flight Simulator:  Prepar3D v4.5 (hotfix 1)
Aircraft:  PMDG 737-800
Airline: Alaska Airlines (ASA)
Airport Scenery: KSFO FlightBeam, KSEA Drzewiecki Design
Terrain Scenery: Orbx Global Base, Orbx Vector, Orbx openLC North America, Orbx NA Pacific Northwest, NA Northern California
Sky/Cloud Textures: REX 5 SkyForce and REX 5 Environment Force
Weather Generation: ActiveSky (ASP4)
Flight Planning: SimBrief, Navigraph, FlightAware, FlightRadar24

Note:  If you are interested in any of the above mentioned add-ons.  Visit my P3D Add-ons directory for links.

PACX by TFDI Design – A Review

TFDI Design released their brand new PACX or Passenger and Crew Experience add-on application for FSX, FSX SE Prepar3D (v1-v4) and X-Plane (10/11) on Friday, 31 May.  I had been hearing about this add-on for a few months and in recent days (leading up to the release) the drums began beating louder and I must admit that I was intrigued and looking forward to adding this to my flight sim experience. 

Before I start this product review.  Please allow me to get the fine print out of the way.

The product I am reviewing was purchased by me and for my own personal use.  I receive absolutely no compensation of any form (cash, credit, discounts, promises) for reviewing this product.  I have not contacted, nor have I been contacted by the vendor to provide this product review.  The opinions expressed (good or bad) are my own, your mileage may vary.

Within 15-20 minutes of the initial release of PACX, I had completed my purchase, downloaded the installer and started the installation process.  I wish I could say that PACX installed error and trouble-free, but I’d be lying.  It was anything but trouble-free. 

Living On The Edge

As I discussed before, my greatest fear is having my entire Prepar3d setup literally destroyed by one developers poor application installation technique or design.   I must admit that at one point during the PACX installation, I began sweating and I’m sure my wife thought I had hit my thumb with a hammer as my vocabulary dipped into the realm where generally you only find sailors.  But in the end it all worked out.  Well…mostly.

Lack of Documentation and Early Access

Unfortunately, in the early hours of the PACX release there was absolutely no documentation.  Nothing…Zilch, Zero.  The TFDI Design team has stated this was by design as they suspected there would be changes made to the application based on initial feedback.  Sorry Charlie…this is no excuse!

PACX is super simple in its design and functionality.  However, not every flight simmer is at the same level of experience when it comes to these things.  The TFDI team should have included at the very least a one page “Quick Start Guide” just to fly over the specifics of the application.  But they chose not to do this and I believe this to be very poor judgement on their part.

PACX has been released as an Early Access product.  Which typically means it will change and evolve over time.  This also means there will be many additional issues/bugs flushed out in the process.  When developers release products in an early access release state, they depend on their customers to report and document issues to the best of their ability.  Think of it as a partnership between customer and developer. 

Installation Issues

This was my very first purchase from TFDI Design.  While I’ve been eyeing their Boeing 717, I’ve been so busy flying other aircraft that I just didn’t feel it would get any use.  So as I was noodling around their website searching for my download, I noticed they had something called the TFDI Design Add-On Manager.  I’m a HUGE fan of add-on/download managers and have been working on an article which I hope to release at some point in the future.  So I downloaded the TFDI Design Add-On Manager only to find that was a waste of my time.  The PACX application is stand-alone (WHY???) and not managed via their add-on manager.  Again I ask WHY????

Finally I found the PACX download and life was starting to look up.  Briefly! 

Like any other flight sim add-on, I kicked off the installer as admin.  Normally it all goes smoothly. But as the installer began doing its thing, I began to experience issues.  The first issue caused a Windows BSOD (blue screen of death) related to C++.  Once I rebooted and kicked off the install again, it breezed through the C++ install but then attempted to install FSUIPC 5.  Keep in mind I’m an FSUIPC Fan Boy and believe EVERYONE should not only use FSUIPC, but also OWN IT!  FSUIPC is one of the oldest and longest supported add-ons for FSX/P3D out there and it does so much. 

Anyway, as I already had it installed I would have desired that PACX recognize this fact and just skip attempting to install it.  But oh well…can’t have everything.  But then more drama.  PACX then attempted to install FSUIPC 4.  FSUIPC 4 is the 32 bit version of FSUIPC for P3D versions 3 (and older) and FSX.  I absolutely, positively DO NOT have any of these simulators installed on my system and absolutely, positively DO NOT have a need for FSUIPC 4.  But PACX still tried to ram it down my throat.  Why???? The workaround is to just cancel out during the FSUIPC 4 install attempt.  Otherwise you’ll receive errors as FSUIPC 4 will not detect a 32 bit version of any sim installed.  Again, just cancel out and all will be fine.

Burning Through Activations and the first HotFix

Gotta love hotfixes!  Unfortunately, the TFDI Design team only allows us 3 activations.  Between the previous mostly unsuccessful attempts at installing PACX, I had burned though my three allowed activations.  So when the TFDI Design team had released their first hotfix update, I was unable to apply it and had to open a ticket through the TFDI website and request my activation count be reset. 

While I understand the reasoning behind limiting the number of activations, I’m really not sure why it’s necessary to require the license to be re-inserted when applying a patch.  Most other add-ons don’t require this.  So if this is going to be required each time, then TFDI needs to reset our activation account prior to the release of these patches.  However, you can easily check the amount of activations you have left in the client area of the TFDI website. 

Giving Credit where Credit is Due

The TFDI Design team had reset my activation count within 15 minutes of me submitting the ticket.  So good for them as it appeared they were on the ball.  In addition, the team was also very responsive in their support forums as well.  Unfortunately, many of us all experienced the same issues but not all were able to get past them. 

Did someone order a sunroof?

As I began to recover from the unsuccessful installation attempts and get things pointed in the right direction,  I loaded up an Alaska Airlines PMDG 737-900 flight from KSEA to KLAS.  I loaded up all my accompanying add-ons, started vPilot for VATSIM and then kicked off PACX.  Much to my surprise, once the flight attendant began speaking a giant hole opened up in my PMDG 737 flight deck just above the captains seat. 

Before – All normal.  No Hole.


After – Boom!  Did someone say sunroof? 


The giant window to God didn’t prevent the PMDG 737 from functioning and while I had plenty of oxygen, I just couldn’t get over the fact my immersion was 1000% blown from this experience.  So I posted this issue on the forums, went to bed.  I’ll admit….I wasn’t very pleased with this purchase (at this time)…but was willing to allow a brand new day the opportunity to restore my faith in TFDI.

Hello Saturday

Managed to get a good nights sleep and woke up fairly early.  I headed downstairs, fired up the gaming machine and with coffee in hand, grabbed my laptop and tuned into the TFDI Forums.  I was hopeful I might find a solution to my sunroof problem. 

While I didn’t find a solution (at least one that would permanently address the issue) another simmer had experienced the same and told me what he did to resolve.  Basically the hole which appears has something to do with the HUD.  After realizing this, it did make sense because the HUD is no longer there. 

The workaround is to go into the PMDG 737 FMS, go to PMDG Setup > Aircraft > Equipment > Next Page until you see HGS Installed.  Set it to NO, then back to YES.  This will magically repair the hole and allow for maximum immersion to return.

Do you have to do this for every flight?????  No, as of Sunday 2 June, the TFDI Design Team released another PACX patch ( which has resolved this issue from occurring. 

What the heck is PACX Anyway Jerry?

Yes, I realized I’ve been rambling on discussing all the struggles I had and really haven’t explained what this add-on is all about.  PACX is Passenger and Crew Experience.  Basically it’s an updated version of FSPassengers (if you are familiar with that older add-on).  As the name implies, PACX simulates the overall flight experience of both your passengers as well as the crew.  In addition, it allows for direct communication with passengers and dynamic, varied announcements.  You can read more about all the features of PACX from the TFDI Design website.

General Use

As I stated before, PACX is a fairly simplistic in operation and actually quite rich in functionality.  When the application is running, it will look like the image below.  There are various settings you can customize by clicking the gear icon.  For example, I had to increase the volume and also set it to never auto disappear.  As I use multiple monitors in my sim setup, I just have it displayed on my third monitor where I have other applications such as A Pilot’s Life, ActiveSky, ProjectFly etc. 


To get started with a flight click Start.  This will bring up the “Start A Flight” dialog box.  Enter in the departure ICAO, Arrival ICAO, Time to Departure, Flight Time, Cruise Altitude and Flight Number.  Select the aircraft type from the drop down menu and customize the passenger account via the slider.  If your aircraft is equipped with Wi-Fi you can tick that box.  Not entirely sure what that does, but I love Wi-Fi access on a flight, so why not!  But this would have been where a nice one-page quick start guide would have been handy. 

Click OK to begin. 


Depending on what other add-ons you might be running (GSX for example) you might need to tweak the time to departure slightly.  GSX tends to load passengers and cargo really slow (in my opinion).  I’m still trying to figure out the right time to use. 

As you are flying along, you can click the Airplane icon for a current status.  It will show your expected arrival time and passenger satisfaction.  The expected arrival time will be determined by how accurate your time of departure and flight time entries were in the setup screen.  I love happy passengers!


Upon landing at your destination, you’ll be presented with this report after you press END on PACX.  Looks like one of my passengers was “quite thirsty”.  You can also upload this report which will be stored on the TFDI Design website. 


From the TFDI Design website, I can see my total stats and my uploaded flights. 


Clicking on View for my first flight I can see all the details.


Final Thoughts

Despite the struggles I experienced in installing PACX and the issue with the 737 sunroof (now fully resolved), I’m actually impressed and excited about the future of PACX.  I’m hopeful that the TFDI Design team will continue to develop PACX and enhance it beyond what it currently is.  I’d love to see tighter integration with the aircraft where PACX will recognize the use of the PMDG seatbelt sign switch versus also having to toggle it from within PACX.  Also, as PACX will also allow 3rd party application support, I’d love to see an integration between A Pilot’s Life and PACX. 

Obviously, I’ve spent just a small amount of time with PACX and as of this writing, have only completed two flights.  But I do see myself using PACX to add extra immersion to my flights.  While these types of applications are not for all virtual pilots.  I believe PACX to be worth the investment if you would like to add Passenger and Crew Experience to your flights.  The TFDI Design team have proven to me they are a serious team of developers doing great things for the flight simulation hobby.  I look forward to watching this small company grow and further develop awesome add-ons to further enhance our experiences. 

Just a reminder,

The product I am reviewing was purchased by me and for my own personal use.  I receive absolutely no compensation of any form (cash, credit, discounts, promises) for reviewing this product.  I have not contacted, nor have I been contacted by the vendor to provide this product review.  The opinions expressed (good or bad) are my own, your mileage may vary.

Thanks again for reading this review of the Passenger and Crew Experience (PACX) by TFDI Design.  If you haven’t already, I would love your support in my efforts to grow a new flight simulation community called Flight Sim Helpers.  Please visit and join the Flight Sim Helpers Facebook Group and bookmark the FSH website.  Thank you!

Until next time….

Please sit down, buckle your seatbelt and enjoy the flight. 


Audio for VATSIM

Unless you either have no clue what VATSIM is, don’t use VATSIM or have been hiding under a rock for nearly two decades, you know the audio codec which VATSIM has been using is truly the weakest link of the entire VATSIM system. 

While I absolutely love flying on the VATSIM network, in recent months I’ve almost preferred not to have ATC controllers logged in and just let us pilots announce our intentions on UNICOM to avoid the awful VATSIM audio.  While most ATC positions seem to have OK sounding audio, the majority of pilots out there simply DO NOT!  A new audio codec system has been needed on the VATSIM network for a very long time and I believe the future looks sounds very good. 

Audio For VATSIM

OK…you gotta love how we love to acronym everything that has to do with technology.  Audio For VATSIM (AFV) was first announced a few years ago.  Or at least, VATSIM acknowledged the need for an updated audio system and audio codec a few years ago.  I’m not exactly sure when the powers that be at VATSIM actually kicked off the project, but we all were able to hear the results of a test conducted late last year (26 September) and released in the form of a YouTube video on 26 September.  During the first 25 seconds, the video includes the poor audio we’ve had to endure from 2001 – 2018.  Then the video spends the remaining time showcasing the new Audio for VATSIM. 

I’m not sure when we can expect the new Audio for VATSIM to become available for all virtual pilots. The past several weeks VATSIM has been conducting various small scale testing sessions and from all accounts, these sessions have been very positive. 

Image may contain: text

There is an upcoming large scale test being planned to take place on 8th & 9th June where anyone who manages to pre-book a flight will have access to AFV beta during this event.  The pre-booking system opens tomorrow (Saturday, 1 June at 1900z) and I’m sure these slots will go fast.  You can learn more and book your slot here

Again, I’m not sure when VATSIM plans to flip the switch and implement AFV for all. If I were a betting man, I would suspect it will happen sooner rather than later. I believe POSCON will be providing an update during FSExpo.  I wrote about POSCON last year.  You can read those postings here and here.  I’ll be honest, I haven’t really followed the POSCON news since I wrote those articles.  I believe a lot of the drama is over and I look forward to hearing their news during FSExpo. 

Until next time….

Happy Flying!


New REX Environment Force

As most will already know, the new REX Environment Force add-on was released a few weeks ago.  Over the course of this article I’m going to share some opinions, show some evidence and basically discuss how I moved from the Envtex/Envshade products to REX and what my overall impressions are.  Spoiler:  I’m happy as a pig in mud!

If anyone tries to tell you the industry built around and supporting the flight simulation hobby is dead, dying or even stagnant…..they are wrong.  In addition, if anyone tries to tell you the industry supporting Prepar3D is dead, dying or stagnant….They too are WRONG!  The level of creativity coming from our 3rd party developers is very much alive and kicking.  The proof is certainly in the pudding and boy does this pudding taste good. 

I’m Getting Old

I can’t remember much about the selection of add-ons available for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (FS9) nor my direct involvement with them.   When FS9 was the sim of choice, I was super busy traveling and had many irons in the fire.  But I do know (at least for me) with Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) and certainly through each of the iterations of Prepar3D I’ve owned (P3D 2.x, 3.x and 4.x) I’ve literally poured hundreds of dollars down the ole proverbial rat hole in an attempt to achieve maximum eye-candy.  It’s truly a constant struggle and balancing act as I explained in a recent writing titled “Flight Simulation – The Struggle for Balance”. 

Choices & Decisions

In the area of visual add-ons to help stimulate your visual senses, there’s a lot of choice out there.  This is certainly the case for Prepar3d version 4.4/4.5, slightly less for earlier versions of P3D and FSX.  But still a lot of choice in this category of visual enhancing add-ons. 

There was a time (not too long ago) where I pretty much believed they all did just about the same thing.  Of course, each camp will have their fanboys and each will have their haters.  Remember, “haters gonna hate”, right?

I’ve honestly tried them all…well, most of them.  For the record, as I pointed out in a recent article titled, “Shaders – What’s the big deal?”, I haven’t tried Tomatoshade.  While there are plenty of Tomatoshade fanboys singing its praises…there are many others who are sitting in the corner crying because something catastrophic happened to the their sim.  I discuss some of these pitfalls here.  Yes, yes…ABSOLUTELY YES…I agree that most who are sitting in the corner crying either didn’t read the “destructions” or have/had some other issue going on which became a bigger issue when they attempted to implement a product they didn’t understand in the first place.  Bottom line for me, I just don’t like Tomatoes  LOL  and I guess I’ve never taken the time to fully understand and embrace its use and full potential.  Anyway….I digress.

Should I Stay or Should I Go…

You know how I like to intermix popular 80’s music lyrics into my writings…I had my own decisions to make and I spent about a week reading the accounts from others and literally drooling over the images I was seeing as a result of this new REX Environment Force add-on.  However, I kept flying with my previous setup using Envtex/Envshade along with ASCA/ASP4 and closely comparing what I saw on my own screens versus what others were showing in their screenshots.  The results/comparisons were almost night and day differences.  I couldn’t resist and I shelled out my hard-earned money and purchased both the new REX Environment Force and also REX Sky Force 3D.  These were on sale in a bundled deal direct from the REX store

Out With The Old…

and in with the new.  While REX Environment Force states it supports and will work along side all add-ons, there’s always a risk.  I also truly wanted to see exactly what my sim would look like with only the REX products installed and without Envtex/Envshade etc.  So the task I set out to accomplish was to remove Envtex/Envshade from my sim without blowing a hole in P3D as a result.  I said a quick little prayer and got to work. 

Step 1.  Removing Envtex/Envshade

I had done my research and had read accounts from others who had done the same thing I wanted to accomplish.  The first step was to restore the original P3D textures.  This is easily done from the Envdir program by clicking the Restore button.  This process re-installs your old textures from the backup made when you first installed/configured the Envdir/Envtex/Envshade programs. 

Step 2.  Delete P3D Shader Folder and start P3D

After restoring the P3D textures in the above step, I located my P3D shader folder (located under Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D.  Just delete the entire folder.  Launch P3D and in the process P3D will add a new shader folder and will reset shaders. 

Step 3.  Install REX Products

I installed and activated both my new REX Sky Force 3D and Environment Force products.  While REX Sky Force has a built in weather engine, I wanted to continue to use Active Sky.  So once Sky Force was installed, I simply deactivated the real-time weather function in Sky Force. 

Step 4.  Reinstall ASCA

If you’re using ASCA (Active Sky Cloud Art) with Envdir, you’ll want to reinstall it as it will error when it can’t locate certain files related to Envdir. 

Step 5.  Read, Read and Read

Both the REX products have comprehensive documentation found in the .pdf files which accompany both products.  If you’re anything like me, you want to get going as soon as possible.  But I would encourage you just the same to do some reading about these products, their settings and how to use them.  But hey…I get it. 

Step 6.  Launch REX products before P3D

I know there are various schools of thought on this.  But it’s just a habit I’ve been doing for many years.  I first launch REX Sky Force, then REX Environment Force, then ActiveSky (ASP4)/ASCA and then finally P3D v4. 

Step 7.  Fly and enjoy….

Obviously some configuration is required with the REX products.  But the real beauty of REX Environment Force (EF) is these tweaks and changes can be made while P3D is running.  So you can choose if you want to run EF in auto mode or in manual mode and tweak to your heart is content.  I’ll be honest, I’ve done a bit of both and will play around more in the manual mode.  But here’s a series of screenshots I captured on a recent flight from Miami down to St. Maarten. 


Taxing out to the active runway (08R) while watching a company 738 land on runway 12. 


Blasting out of Miami.  The weather is perfect for testing the new REX products. 


Beautiful clouds and water textures.


The PMDG Boeing 737-800 decked out in the American Airlines livery.  This is my favorite add-on aircraft.


Getting ready to punch through the clouds.


One of my favorites.


Just another minute before we fly over Maho Beach and land safely at Princess Juliana International Airport.  I love this approach and landing. 

Well there you have it.  I’m truly pleased with the experience I’m getting from the new REX Environment Force and REX Sky Force products.  I’ve used REX products in the past.  Specifically REX Soft Clouds and the older REX Texture Direct.  While I moved away from these older products for something better, I believe the best at this time is these new REX products and I’m happy to be a REX Customer once again. 

Until next time…

Happy Simming!


Return of the Flight Sim Storyteller

Once upon a time, a few of us flight sim bloggers were into storytelling through our writings and images. This was really before the YouTube thing took off.  A few years in, I took the turn down the path of Twitch and YouTube and mostly used the blog for “how to” type articles.  Essentially I sort of shelved the storytelling articles a few years ago.  My other blogging friends also seem to have dropped out of the blogosphere.  That’s sad….as several of them were really good at what they did.  But I suppose the trend is more towards watching flight sim livestreams, requesting songs via YouTube and watching someone fly from point A to point B.  Nothing wrong with that….at all!  I just learned it wasn’t my cup of tea to be that type of content creator.

A few days ago I posted a couple of screenshots over on the “A Pilot’s Life – SimBitWorld” Discord server regarding my quickly approaching promotion to Sr. First Officer.  At the time I was less than one XP point away from the promotion and would certainly secure it on my flight from Oakland, CA back to SeaTac.  If you haven’t heard about “A Pilot’s Life” by SimBitWorld, then please read my review of this add-on application which has been developed for all major flight sim platforms including Prepar3D, FSX and X-Plane.  Anyway, one of the other APL pilots commented “Love your stories, maybe you should write a diary flying APL and the adventures you are facing.”  Actually…I agree!  So let’s do this!

Is the Blogosphere Dead?

A couple of thoughts come to mind when I ask myself that question.  First, my long-term readers will know how I often like to intermix music lyrics or song titles (especially from the 80’s) into my writings.  Has blogging suffered the same fate as that of the radio star (Video Kill the Radio Star)?  My second thought has to do with the decline of the book store.  The major shopping mall I visit regularly is one of those massive double-decker types.   When I first moved to the area over 20 years ago, this shopping mall had 2-3 book stores. One of which took up both floors.  Today…there are none.  Not a single one.  We have to drive a few miles down the road to find one of the last major brick and mortar book stores.  But….the stats on my website still tell me that I receive plenty of visitors each day.  The vast majority of these visitors show up for my flight sim content, so I’ll give it a whirl.

Return of the Flight Sim Storyteller

Before I get going with the first entry (coming next week), allow me to bring you up to speed on my APL career thus far.  I feel this is necessary just to bring things current.  I purchased APL back in mid April.  So at the time of this writing, I’ve been logging hours for about 6 weeks.  As I explained in my review, everyone starts off with zero hours and the rank of Junior First Officer.  I was hired by Sun Country Airlines (SCX) and based in Minneapolis KMSP.  I flew mostly the Boeing 737-700 and 737-800 on routes in the eastern portion and Midwest of the US. These routes took me to cities like Chicago, Memphis, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Atlanta, Washington DC, Cincinnati and Denver. 


After working my way through two flight schedules, and accumulating 50 XP I was promoted to First Officer and after fulfilling the terms of that new contract, I wanted to make a change in the hopes of gaining a higher hourly wage and different routes.  I was offered the current job I have now with Alaska Airlines and moved to Seattle. 

I began my work with Alaska Airlines on 10 May and my first flight was from Sea-Tac down to Las Vegas.  My flights with Alaska has taken me to Las Vegas, Phoenix, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland in the Southwest portion of the US.  I’ve also had flights up to Juneau, Sitka and my favorite Alaskan airport of Ketchikan.   I hope to return to Ketchikan very soon.

Upon recently arriving into Oakland, I was less than 1 XP away from my promotion to Sr. First Officer.  I had a overnight layover in Oakland and returned back to Sea-Tac the following morning.  Upon landing and arriving in the crew office I was presented with my Sr. First Officer certificate and a new contract guaranteeing me a new salary of $39.39 per hour.  The terms of the contract state I must continue to work for Alaska Airlines for another 7 days.  I didn’t have much time to celebrate as I was due to fly back down to California soon after signing my new contract.

What’s Next

Initially when I began typing this article, it was going to contain the first installment of my “A Pilot’s Life” Storyteller series with a flight from San Francisco back to Seattle.  But I realized it might make for a really long first edition, so I will use this post to just bring you up to speed and I’ll return with the first edition early next week.  As for how frequently these will come out….for now, we’ll just have to see. 

But until next time…

Happy Flying!


Flight Simulation–The Struggle for Balance

While I’ll be the absolute first to tell you that Prepar3D, Flight Simulator X (FSX) and X-Plane are NOT video games…they are computer based flight simulators!  It certainly didn’t start out this way.  As I often show my age when I speak about the fact that I’ve been flying computer based simulations since the early 1980’s…really and truly at that time, the ancestors of P3D, FSX and X-Plane were just simply games.  At that time, I really don’t think anyone (perhaps other than the developers) could imagine what these games would become and the industry which would rise up to support it. 

A Picture is Worth…

They say “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words”.  The top image is what things looked like back around 1984 on the Commodore 64.  I spent hours upon hours and a few hours more sitting at my desk flying around Chicago Meig’s Field. 

Advance the calendar some 35 years and this is what the above evolved into.  The image below is from my own Prepar3d version 4 setup and the PMDG 747-400.  I believe I captured this screenshot on a flight from Denver to London late last summer (2018). 


The stark contrast between those two images is truly amazing.  From a very basic 2D cockpit with very limited controls to the flight deck of the Queen herself where just about every button, every switch and every dial does something is again just simply amazing.  While I often envy the younger generation who have basically grown up with only knowing the more modern of things, I do consider myself lucky to have had the opportunity to witness this first hand. 

There’s an interesting backstory with the above image.  I have this image on my work laptop and Windows 10 automagically changes out my desktop image every 15 minutes.  I have two very large external monitors in my office and they are situated where if someone stops by to visit, they can see the desktop image if I have my applications minimized.  One of my co-workers stopped by one day, saw the image and asked me where I found it.  I explained that I captured the image (that’s all I said), he looked at me and said “how the hell did you manage to convince the pilots to A. let you onto the flight deck, and B. convince them to step out so this picture could be taken.  LOL  I explained this was a screenshot from my home flight simulator setup.  I think we spent the next hour discussing the hobby.

The Struggle is Real

While I can’t speak for all who are involved in the hobby of flight simulation, I would wager to guess that most (at least some) struggle with the balance between ultimate realism and beautiful/stunning eye-candy.  Which is more important and does it really matter? 

As Microsoft Flight Simulator evolved over the years, there was still a time where third party add-ons were somewhat rare.  Especially what I would refer to as complex versions like we have today from the likes of PMDG, FSLabs and A2A.  So I would say (for me), as the complex aircraft were slowly starting to come onto the scene, I was still stuck in the “I care more about eye candy” mode.  What I wanted was simple.  I wanted an aircraft which closely resembled what ever I wanted to fly (Boeing 727, 737, 757 etc.), I wanted it to have decent flight characteristics (meaning perform better than a brick) and I wanted a livery for which ever real world airline I was simulating at the time.  Again, at that time….all the rest wasn’t a concern.  I also wasn’t all that bothered if the aircraft didn’t have a virtual cockpit.  I would guess this was the time frame of about 25 years ago. 

The turning point for me was sometime after the dawn of the SATCO/VATSIM age (circa 2000-01).  Of course, this is also around the same timeframe when internet based virtual airlines began popping up and the interwebz made the world a much smaller place. 

Immersion is Key

I think with any simulation based title, the immersive experience is due part from the software itself and also from ones own imagination.  While I’m not suggesting any of us sim gamers go around thinking (or certainly not pretending) we’re farmers, truckers or pilots…but I believe, our own imagination certainly makes up a small (perhaps larger) part of our overall experience. 

For example, I have my own rules for how I enjoy flight simulation.  First, I almost always begin a flight from the last airport I previously landed at.  There are a few times in my mind I will just say “jump seat” and start off from an airport I hadn’t just flown into…but that’s rare.  Second, I’m also not the type of virtual aviator who fires up a flight and then either goes to bed, goes to work or goes shopping.  While I’m not going to lie and tell you that my rear keister is always firmly planted in my chair for every minute, every hour of a flight….I’m generally not far away.  After all, pilots in the real world will get up and stretch their legs and go to the toilet.  Finally, when I was single…I would often heat up a “TV Dinner” which I would eat on longer flights.  But hey…I was eating a lot of these types of dinners when I was single. 

The Trade Off

Unfortunately, it wasn’t that long ago most of us had to make a decision.  Did we want the experience which the complex, advanced simulation add-on aircraft would deliver…OR…did we want the breathtaking visuals?  Because it wasn’t always money that determined the path. 

Before P3Dv4 was finally capable of taking advantage of a 64 bit architecture and move beyond the 4 GB virtual memory limitations, we all found it hard to mix both together.  You’ll find older writings of mine on this blog site where I attempted to marry the complex and the stunning visuals….yes it was doable, but it required significant compromise. 

It’s All a Balancing Act

Today, I enjoy a perfect balance between the more advanced simulation add-on aircraft and the stunning visuals.  With the advancement of hardware, software and the financial ability to marry both together…I can finally shove those graphic sliders to the right and enjoy the challenge of learning and flying some of the greatest machines ever invented and experience the visuals as if it was really happening.  My friends…that’s how you define the tagline “As Real As It Gets”. 

Until next time…

Enjoy the experience however you define it.


Political Division–No Place in our Hobby

I participate in two different hobbies which in the past have always promoted good will towards mankind.  The first is amateur radio (ham radio) which brings likeminded radio/electronics enthusiasts from around the world where we find each other on the airwaves and use our common interests to bridge the issues that divide us.  In this hobby, I’ve talked to fellow hams all over the world.  From someone a few blocks away all the way to hams in England, Japan, Australia, China, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq and Israel.  We exchange our thoughts, ideas and our dreams for a peaceful and better world.  In my over 10 years of being an FCC licensed amateur radio operator, I’ve never heard anything other than positive vibes regardless who is talking and regardless of where they are talking from. 

Years ago, the flight simulation hobby was just like this.  VATSIM, IVAO and the internet in general has brought many of us from differing cultures together for a common interest and that is aviation and flight simulation. 

Last week on one of the Facebook groups I belong to, a fellow flight simmer posted a series of screen shots he had taken from his flight simulator to showcase a flight he had recently enjoyed.  The pictures showed an aircraft from the Israeli airlines El-Al.  The image was simply celebrating the history of Israel.  The image, nor the typed message from the original poster didn’t contain any hateful, hurtful or political remarks.  Yet, just a few minutes after it was posted….several members began sharing their hateful, spiteful and dangerous comments. 

Thinking back to the immediate days after September 11, 2001….VATSIM shut down their network to coincide with what was happening in the real world.  I was extremely proud that something which is just a hobby, made the decision to also cease operations during the timeframe where no other commercial aircraft was flying around the world.  I received messages from fellow flight simmers who also were members of the same virtual airline I was flying for at the time (American virtual Airlines) offering their condolences for the tragic events that took place that day.  Some of these fellow members were from the Middle East.  They realized this hobby has no place for hate and political BS.  We just want to fly our virtual aircraft. 

Our world and our hobby is not the same as it was on the 10th of September 2001.  The internet and social media has unfortunately created a mass of “keyboard warriors” who spew their hate, spew their political agendas and their absolute ignorance.  I’m not being naïve about this, I’m simply saying that this hobby doesn’t have room for this behavior.   The good news????  The admins of this Facebook group did quickly act, they shut down the post and they banned those who were spewing their hate towards the El-Al photograph.

I’m a fan of all airlines and while I mostly fly American Airlines, Southwest and British Airways….I also simulate operations for airlines such as Emirates, Etihad, Royal Jordanian, Gulf Air and YES…I also fly El-Al from time to time.  I’m not planning to stop and I’m not planning to stop sharing screenshots of these flights.  If this happens to become the new norm (and I don’t think it will), I’m not sure I want to remain participating (at least not publicly) in the hobby any longer. 

For the most part I realize the overwhelming majority who participates in our hobby will agree with what I’m saying.  However, there is that old saying which reads, “a few bad apples can spoil the entire barrel”.  So I hope you’ll join me in ensuring the bad apples never make it into the basket.  If while on social media you see the type of behavior I’ve described, say something…report it.  I’m not suggesting you act the same way (two wrongs don’t make a right), but stepping in, reporting it and I’d even go so far as insisting the admins do the right thing and place temporary or permanent bans on the offenders is really the only way this can be stopped. 

Next week I’m going to discuss the struggle for balance between between performance of the sim versus maximum immersion.  The following week I’m going to give an overview and some tips if you are planning to move away from Envtex/Envshade to the new REX Environment Force.  Then if nothing happens, the week following I plan to share with you my “Top 10 Payware Aircraft for Prepar3d/FSX”.  I hope you’ll take the time to read.

Until next time…

Be Kind to each other….


Introducing Flight Sim Helpers

I’ve created a new Facebook Community for like minded flight simulation enthusiasts with a focus of helping others get the most from the hobby.   The plan is to support all major flight simulation platforms including FSX, FSX Steam Edition, Prepar3D and X-Plane. 

Backstory for anyone interested.  I’ve been involved in the flight simulation hobby since the early 1980’s.  In those early days, support was often only found in a few BBS (bulletin board systems) and on early computer networks like Compuserv, PlayNET and later AOL.  It truly was member helping members back then. 

Today’s Internet has most certainly helped to both grow our hobby and aid in spreading knowledge.  However, its also given rise to the amount of “keyboard warriors” who simply prefer to disrupt, agitate and ridicule those who are seeking assistance.

I grew up being told there was no such thing as a stupid question and sometimes even a savvy Internet/Google search pro like myself may still have a question or two after spending time trying to find the answer myself.  The focus of Flight Sim Helpers is to help those who need it without the attitude found in other support groups. 

If you’re new to the hobby or a seasoned pro, please consider joining Flight Sim Helpers.  I’m looking to add new moderators who can help keep everything with the group running smoothly and smartly.  If you’re interested in helping, please message me. 

Thank you for your time and I hope to see you in the new Facebook Flight Sim Helpers group.   


A Gamer’s Healthy Life

I began working on this article to publish on my GrizzlyBearSims gaming blog over two months ago.  I also talked about my weight loss and exercise journey on one of my last YouTube Videos before my break.  As I had over 90% of the article written, I didn’t want it to go to waste so I’ve completed it and it’s ready to publish.  While this won’t be a regular topic on my gaming blog, it is something I’m passionate about and something that many of us truly can benefit from.  So perhaps every few months I’ll throw together some health related topics and include them here.  But it will certainly be less than 25% of my normal content.  If you’re interested in discussing more about this, you can reach me via Discord message. 

We’ve all seen and heard the typical stereotypes regarding the un-healthy lifestyle of most gamers.  Let’s face it, if you consider yourself a gamer…well, you probably enjoy spending many hours sitting while enjoying what ever type of game you enjoy.  It’s just the way it goes!  Of course, perhaps this article already finds you also living an active lifestyle.  If so, congratulations and you can probably stop reading.  But if you’re like me and spend 50+ hours a week at a high stress desk job, sometimes arrive before the sun comes up and usually leaves after the sun has set and the amount of exercise you achieve is the quick walk to the vending machine and back.  Then perhaps this article might interest you.

Go See Your Doctor

Now before I get started allow me to just say this.  Before starting any diet/exercise program you really should consult with your primary care or family doctor first.  In addition, for those of us who have experienced more than a few trips around the sun…this should be done once a year.  Some insurance providers even cover these “Wellness Exams” 100% with no co-pay.  But the important take-away from this is to consult with your doctor just to be sure you are safe to begin an exercise program.

I’m Not a Doctor…

…and I didn’t stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night either.  I’m also not a dietician, fitness expert or anything else related to this subject.  I’m just a regular guy who once was overweight, out of shape and decided to do something about it.  Then a few years passed and I almost let it all go down hill again.  The topics I’m going to cover are simply what have worked for me.  Will they work for you?  Most likely they will…but my method does require some commitment and yes…a lot of hard work.  Again, go see your doctor and remember this is just my method.

How Weight Loss Works

A friend of mine posted the below “How to Lose 10 lbs. in a week” meme on Facebook the other day.  Despite what you might see on TV, this meme is 100% accurate.  Simply put…you can’t lose 10 lbs.  in a week.  Once you accept this fact, it makes the true understanding about how weight loss through diet/exercise possible.

Image may contain: text

In simple terms, a normal/healthy human body will lose weight when the amount of calories burned through some form of exercise is greater than the amount of calories consumed.  Said in the opposite way, a normal/healthy human body will GAIN weight when you sit on the sofa all day and eat nothing but cheeseburgers and barely move.

While the concept of losing weight by burning more calories than you consume is relatively easy to understand, this is where the discipline comes into play.  The only way to really make this work is to monitor your exercise and count calories.  But fear not…there are some wonderful tools that will make this easy peasy and I’ll tell you about the tools I use in just a moment.

But What About Those Fad Diets

Oh…you mean the ones you see on TV?  Like Jenny Craig, SouthBeach Diet, WeightWatchers etc.  Yes, these will work…but have you checked the price of those meals?  WOW!  These programs work (if you adhere to the program) by simply limiting your calorie intake.  But you can achieve the exact same thing by shopping at your local grocery store and preparing your own meals.  Plus you’ll save hundreds of dollars in the process.

Now I do typically keep a few Healthy Choice (or other brand) frozen meals in my freezer.  These are for when I just don’t have the time to cook.  The reason I do this is as a safety net.  If something is keeping me from cooking, then the typical default plan is to go get fast food.  WRONG!  So I keep a few frozen meals in my freezer and will eat these instead.  While these are not as healthy as fresh cooked food, these are far better than fast food.  Plus it’s really easy to know just how many calories I’m consuming and can add that to my daily plan.

The Basic Numbers

Like most things…the science with weight loss through diet/exercise is a numbers game.  As I’ve already pointed out, a normal/healthy human body will lose weight when the amount of calories burned through exercise is greater than the amount of calories consumed.  But to really understand how this works, we need to know a few numbers.  These numbers may vary depending on the source.  The numbers I’m listing below are from a website I’ll talk more about later called MyFitnessPal.  Also, these numbers are based on my age, height and gender.  For the record, I’m 52 years old, 6’0” and I’m a guy.

Based on the info I mentioned above, I would need to eat/consume 2,250 calories just to maintain my weight.  Or 1,750 per day to lose one pound per week or 1,500 calories per day to lose up to two pounds per week.

Just for comparison, looking at the numbers for a 6’0” tall, 52 year old woman the numbers would be 2,060 calories per day to maintain current weight.  Or 1,560 calories per day to lose one pound per week or 1,200 calories to lose up to two pounds per week.  As you can tell, the differences between the male and female body as it relates to metabolism are quite different.

So yes, in theory….you could simply just consume the above mentioned calories and still stay seated on the couch and either maintain or lose weight.  But that’s no fun and it’s not healthy!

The Benefits of Exercise

When I was a young boy, I absolutely hated calisthenics.  That’s what our exercising program in elementary school was called.  I just wanted to go out to the playground and run, jump and chase the girls around the playground.  The end result would most likely have been the same…but instead we had to line up in the gymnasium and do all sorts of things.  But now that I’m older and of course much, much wiser…I fully understand the value of getting my butt up and moving.

For me personally, I have elevated cholesterol numbers (used to be very high) and I have above normal blood pressure readings and also suffer from acid reflux.  Most likely the recent stress of my job and a few other things that have been going on is contributing to the above normal BP readings.  While I’m not in the danger zone, my doctor wants me to reduce the numbers AND SO DO I!

Regarding my cholesterol.  About 15 years ago it was sky high.  My primary care doctor at the time prescribed me one of the popular statin drugs and I popped a pill every day for about 8 years.  The statin drug did what it was supposed to do, but I began suffering from the side effects after using it for that many years.  I had to do something and thankfully I changed doctors and found one that helped motivate me to exercise more.

So in my case, the exercise (and diet of course) eventually allowed me to lower my cholesterol to safe and normal levels naturally.  Unfortunately, I got lazy again. But I’m back in gear and working the numbers back down to safe levels.

So that my friends, is one of the benefits to exercise.  There are many others including actually getting a better nights sleep.  I sleep so much better when I’m exercising.

As I also mentioned acid reflux.  When I was really heavy (several years ago) I took prescription Nexium daily.  When I lost all my weight, I was able to quit the Nexium.  I should have listened to my body as a few months ago as I allowed my weight to creep above 200 pounds, I began having acid reflux symptoms again  and had to go back on Nexium.  Lesson learned!  Always, listen to your body.

My Exercise Program

Once again I’m going to encourage you to visit with your doctor before starting any form of exercise.  I’m also going to remind you of what I’ve already said regarding these are the things that work for me.  With that out of the way, an exercise program can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it.  For me, I absolutely love walking and walking is what I do and it’s just about the only thing I do for my exercise program.  Yes, I do occasionally lift small weights…but generally I just walk.

My daily goal is 10,000 steps per day.  10,000 steps per day is roughly (give or take) about 5 miles.  As previously stated, I love walking.  While I will walk on my treadmill during inclement weather, I much prefer to be outside.  I have a park across from my neighborhood which is safe and I can walk and listen to the birds sing.  I also have areas around my office building where I can also safely walk and on warm weather days see many others out stretching their legs and taking in the fresh air.  But yea…I just simply walk.

But…I walk at a fairly fast pace.  The courses I typically use will have varying elevation to them.  Some flat, some downhill and some uphill.  I like the variety as it really gets my heart pumping on the uphill segments, but then allows for a bit of a cooldown on the flat and downhill segments.  I can generally cover a mile in just under 16 minutes.  Just walking…no jogging.

Gadgets Are Cool

What can I say?  I love gadgets and many times gadgets truly help make our lives better.  Of course there are a ton of different gadgets related to fitness.  I’m going to share with you what I use and how I use them.

As I mentioned earlier, my daily exercise goal is to walk 10,000 steps.  While there are many different pedometers available I invested in a Fitbit about 5-6 years ago.  I use the Fitbit One model.  Unfortunately, the Fitbit One is no longer in production and Amazon sellers are charging an arm and a leg for new ones.  But the reason I chose the Fitbit One was I don’t typically wear a watch and I wanted something I could just clip to my belt loop and off I go.  I wear it every day, all day.  It counts every step I take regardless if I’m intentionally exercising or just walking down the hall.  But generally…even if I’m walking down the hall to a meeting, I’m doing that at a fairly brisk pace.  Folks in the office used to stare at me.  But then they began noticing the weight falling off and I’ve converted many to my lifestyle.  The Fitbit One model is fairly basic as it only tracks steps and sleep tracking.  Some models will track heartrate and most likely someday I’ll upgrade to a more fancy model.  But for now, my Fitbit One is all I want/need.

The Fitbit devices will automagically sync up to the Fitbit website via a smartphone app.  This website tracks my steps, active minutes, number of floors I’ve climbed and calories burned.  Pretty much all the info I need to monitor my daily exercise goals.

Counting Calories

I know….I know!  Counting calories is a pain.  But hey…there’s an app for that.  When I began my weight loss journey (the first time) over 5 years ago, I not only used the Fitbit I mentioned above….but I also used a website (and app) called MyFitnessPal.  MyFitnessPal or MFP for short is truly a thing of beauty and best of all, the Fitbit website and MFP can be integrated in such a way that your fitness tracking will sync to MFP (and somewhat vice versa) so you easily watch and control all your important numbers.

MyFitnessPal also has a sleek smartphone app which makes it super easy to update your food diary when on the go.  I personally love the bar code scanner feature of the app when cooking.  I can quickly add items to my food diary or even build up complete recipes.  The MFP website also contains an extensive database of food items including everything from fast food down to individual ingredients.  Super, super easy.

Counting calories is just as important as your individual exercise program.  In my opinion, if you are putting in the effort to burn calories and you are not taking the time to carefully count your calories, then you will fail.  Everything you consume needs to be accounted for.  EVERYTHING!  Otherwise, you will fail.

Moderation is Key

The word moderation is your friend especially when it pertains to what you should and shouldn’t eat/drink when on a diet and exercise program.  Remember….this is just how I do things.  But quite honestly…if you want to eat a Wendy’s Triple burger when on your diet, go for it!  Just understand this one triple meat burger weighs in around 1,090 calories, want to add large fries to that order, that’s an additional 530 calories and while we’re at it…let’s finish it off with a small errr I mean large Frosty at 590 calories for a grand total of ……(drum roll please)…..2,210 calories.   You better do a whole lot of walking to burn all those calories.  But I suppose it can be done.

But seriously, eating the foods you love “in moderation” is still doable while on a diet and exercise program.  Unless your doctor specifically tells you to watch your sodium intake…you can still enjoy “in moderation” just about everything from time to time.  While I love cheeseburgers as much as the next guy, I would much prefer to cook my own, on my own grill than blow my calorie budget on fast food.  But that’s just my opinion.

Speaking of moderation.  I’m partial to bit of Bailey’s a few times a week.  A one ounce shot of Bailey’s is 98 calories and if I can work it into my dietary budget, I’ll do it.

Speaking of Budgets

I just used the word “budget” when I spoke about working that shot of Bailey’s into my dietary plan.  In my earlier failed attempts at trying to make a diet/exercise plan work I never thought of it as a budget.  I often had “free days” built into my plan and didn’t accurately count calories or track my workouts.  These “free days” were days where I didn’t exercise and I ate whatever I wanted.  Free days often turned into back to  back free days which often turned into free weeks, free months…..I failed each time.  It wasn’t until 5-6 years ago when I bought my Fitbit and signed up for MFP that I truly began to look at things as a budget.

Just like my wife and I operate our household from a budget, you need to think about your diet/exercise program as a budget.  The exercise is the income and the food/drink you consume directly comes from that budget.  Nothing is free…there are no free days.  I’m not saying you have to workout seven days a week.  But I am saying you have to be conscience of what you are consuming and how that will impact all your hard work.  If you slip, don’t beat yourself up…rather…pick yourself up, dust yourself off and resume the work.

In Summary

I realize this is a lot of information and a lot of words to read.  I also realize this really has nothing to do with simulation based gaming other than, as gamers, we run the risk of not properly looking after ourselves and I’m sharing this with all of you to be helpful.  I firmly believe that if you devote just a few hours a week to getting some exercise, getting some fresh air and eating correctly…you’ll feel so much better and possibly add years to your life.  The alternative is to continue to feel poorly and in time lose a possible few years.  It’s up to you.  Just do it!

Until next time…

Stay Healthy My Friends!



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