How to install Mods in Farming Simulator 15

I’m going to write a series of mod reviews for Farming Simulator 15.  While I would almost imagine everyone already fully understands how to install mods in Farming Simulator 15, I figure I’ll just go ahead and quickly write this for anyone that may be confused.

First, if you are playing Farming Simulator 15 on a console platform, then you should already know that mods are not supported.  So this “how to”, as well as the mod reviews will basically be for PC users.  I’m sure there are many reasons to own and play “some” games on the console platform…but FS15 really isn’t one of them.

Most mods are available in one of three formats (listed and explained below)

1.  Self-contained Executable File – While perhaps not as common as the .zip format (described below) many mods do come in a self-contained .exe file format.  Like any other application, you just double-click to launch the .exe.  It will automagically detect where your Farming Simulator 2015 is installed (Documents > My Games > Mods)  and add the mod.  Word of caution, if you use the Mod Commander mod to manage and keep your mods separated based on map, then you’ll need to move the mod (once installed) into the appropriate map directory.

2.  ZIP Format (Most Common)  – Depending on the map I’m playing, the number of mods I run can be anywhere from just a few to a dozen or more.  The most common form of mod I run across is the .zip format.  Depending on what the mod is and how complex and large it is, you may need to open the .zip file and extract a portion of it before adding it to your mods directory.  However, in most cases…the .zip file will be ready to just copy into the mods folder.  But how can you tell?

If the mod developer is smart, he will name the .zip file which needs to be uncompressed something like “”.  This should immediately tell anyone that the contents in this .zip file first needs to be extracted.   In this example, you can see from the image below the .zip file contains a compressed .zip file named along with several .txt files.  One smartly named “README.txt”.  This file is name this way because….well….YOU SHOULD READ IT!!!  What you need to know will be explained in that .txt file.  Funny how that works huh?


I typically always open each .zip file I download.  First, if the file is corrupt…then it probably won’t open and will need to be downloaded again.  But also you can quickly see if the .zip file needs to be further extracted or just copied to the mods folder.  In the example below, this .zip file just needs to be copied to the mods directory as it is.


3.  RAR Compressed File (Least Common) – Of the compressed file formats, the RAR compressed file is the least common.   These will always need to be uncompressed to reveal the enclosed .exe or .zip files stored inside.

A quick note about archival/compression utilities.  I use and recommend 7Zip.  7Zip will unpack RAR files and also compress and decompress .zip files.  It works extremely well and is free.  WinRAR is also available for those who prefer that utility.

Again, I’m almost certain that anyone playing the PC version of Farming Simulator 15 will already know this information.  If this has helped you, then it was worth my time in writing the piece.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!


Trucker’s Logbook #4

Our Trucker’s Logbook #4 once again has us in Europe.  I’ve been spending a little more time playing ETS2 versus ATS.  As I’ve stated before, I do love ATS.  But I’ve spent almost 60 hours playing since it was released a few weeks ago and I’ve discovered all cities and I’ve explored almost 100% of the map (CA and AZ).  I’m hearing Mantrid is going to include I-10 to his Coast-to-Coast Map and more than likely that will force me to drive that route so I can drive through my birth state of Texas.  But my feelings on the Coast-to-Coast map are mixed.  I’ll  just say that I prefer quality over quantity and leave it at that for now.

Speaking of quality.  I recently updated my Promods ETS2 map to the latest and greatest version of 2.0.1.  Also, I’ve installed the RusMap which adds 30 new cities in Russia and 12 new cities in Belarus.  It’s been a while since I’ve headed east across Europe and Promods have done a lot of work on their Poland map (Poland Rebuilding) and it was merged into their Promods map system several releases ago.  But this is the first time I’ve ventured out in that direction since they added it.   I actually have reviews for both Promods and RusMap in the pipeline, so certainly keep an eye out for those blog pieces coming soon.

As previously mentioned, our logbook entry for today has us in ETS2.  We are going to head to Russia and do some exploring around the (new to me) RusMap map mod.  The job we are taking is hauling three forklifts from the Bayer company in Brussel’s Belgium to StoraEnso in Tver, Russia.  The total weight of the three forklifts and trailer is 11 tons.  The total trip distance is 2,454 km (1,525 mi) with an estimated travel time of 39 hours, 38 minutes.   The job is paying €103,036 or €41.67 /km.


Our route will take us out of Belgium across Germany, then through Poland, across Belarus and finally into Russia.

Our day starts out on Friday just before Noon at our garage in Brussels.  We have a large thermos of coffee and plenty of snacks for the trip.  Our pickup location of Bayer is just around the corner from our garage.

We arrive at Bayer and the trailer and three forklifts is ready to go.  We back up, hook up and do a quick inspection of everything.  It’s time to roll….

As we depart Brussels, we enter into Antwerp.  The snapshot below is looking at the Cathedral in Antwerp and is one of my favorite places to visit.  I’ll visit here in real life this coming July and I can’t wait.

The snapshot below is more for commentary than it is to really document our trip.  But somewhere in Germany I saw this ICE train rolling by.  What interested me about it that it is a long train.  I’m pretty sure this train is part of the default ETS2 and not part of ProMods.  If my thinking is correct, and this is part of the default ETS2…they why did SCS Software give us such short trains in American Truck Simulator?

It’s been a really long day and we’ve covered a lot of miles during day 1, leg 1.  It’s approaching 20:30 and we are yawning.  We pull into this Shell station to fill up before resting.  But what’s interesting about the screenshot is the TWO fueling points.  I’ve never seen that before and I think it is WONDERFUL.  With some of the larger truck stops we see in ATS, we need more than just one fuel point.


Good morning!  Day two begins just after 7:30 on Saturday morning.  Yep…it’s raining!

It’s still raining…and while I might be hungry…I think I’ll just pass the Mickey D’s on by.

All the toll booths.  We must be in Poland.

This guy was trying to tell me something.  But we are just gonna keep on rolling….

Day two comes to a close and once again we are yawning our self crazy.  We pull over and stop just before we reach the border of Poland and Belarus.  Day three (Sunday) also starts off much like day two with rain.  Let’s head to Belarus.

“Here Comes The Sun”  Now where are those sunglasses?

Hello Belarus…

110 km/h YES PLEASE!!!

Rolling through Russia, we see a lot of cars/trucks pulled over on the soft shoulder.  Many of the people appear to be ready to throw down with each other.  Peace folks…

I was hoping we would be able to make our delivery on Sunday (mid-afternoon) without the need to rest prior.  But we were held up in traffic and we would likely be falling asleep trying to drive the last 25-30 km.  So we are going to have a rest here.  We have plenty of time and should make our delivery sometime late Sunday night or early Monday morning.

As we wake from our rest, it is Sunday evening just before 8 PM.  We have just another few hours until we make our delivery.  The developers of RusMap have made sure to include some beautiful Russian architecture.

We have reached our delivery destination and they are happy to see us.

Despite a speeding ticket we received in Belarus, our job completed with excellent results.

While this job was not our longest completed.  That would be our ATS Coast-to-Coast run we did a few weeks ago.  This job did take much longer and is perhaps our longest (measured in time) job to date.  The time required was just shy of 3 hours.  But well worth it.  I’m going to do mostly short-haul jobs in Russia for a few days and try to explore more of the RusMap before I pickup another long-haul out of this region.  It was a of fun and I’ll be sure to get back to Russia and Belarus compliments to RusMap for providing this wonderful add-on map mod.

Until next time…

Счастливый Грузоперевозки  “Happy Trucking in Russian”  Or at least that is what Google Translate thinks it is.


ATS Map Mod Projects

I have briefly made comments when talking about map mods for both American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2.  The words I’ve used to express my own opinion of map mods is quality over quantity.  At the present time (according to the SCS forums for ATS map mods) there are about ten different ATS map mod projects underway in various forms of competition.  With ten or so being actively discussed in the SCS Forums I linked to above, how many are currently in various forms of development that we may not know about?  Who knows right.  In all honesty, the only expansion may I’m truly interested in is the map of Arizona which SCS Software is currently working on.  But that of course is a different story.

The ATS Map Mods actively being discussed in the SCS forums include the following:  Coast to Coast Map, Hawaii, MHAPro map ATS – by Heavy Alex, Alaska, Project Australia, USA Offroad Map, Project Utah, Republic of China, DFW Metroplex, Project Idaho and Oregon.  Whew….what a list!

I’m going to re-group the above list into a few different categories.  The first being, “I Get That”, “I don’t know what this is about” and “Why?”  This will be fun, let’s go!

I Get That

Coast to Coast – This map project started as a personal project of a modder named Mantrid.  I’ve talked about the Coast to Coast map before as well as another helpful ATS mod titled Speed Limit Fixes.  Mantrid created this map for his own use in order to be able to drive longer distances than what we currently have access to in ATS.  When he shared this map he indicated it was a work in progress and for the most part, the map consisted of a route taking truckers from California through Arizona and out to the furthest point of Boston.  The cities included along the way were pretty sparse and the scenery was really just a duplicating cut and paste from that of the base California and Nevada map.  That is why on the first release or so of this Coast to Coast map you’ll see palm trees around New York City.  This map (current release is 1.4.1) has been much improved and Mantrid has plans to further develop it based on feedback received in the forums.  One of the next major editions to the map will feature Interstate 10.  I-10 runs from Los Angeles all the way to Jacksonville, Florida.  The route will take virtual truckers through Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola, Tallahassee.  At least this is the real world route.   It’s unclear just how far Mantrid is planning to develop this map.  While I drove the distance to Boston once, I’ll likely drive the I-10 route when this version is released at least once.

USA Offroad and Alaska – This is really a combined project from what I understand.  While I attempted to install, I had issues and quickly backed out.  But the concept is worthy of me classifying it in the “I Get That” category.  With Alaska, every one has probably seen the History Channel program titled Ice Road Truckers.  I’m not sure why this is on the History Channel, but that is a completely different discussion.  The program showcases life as a trucker driver moving goods across the the dangerous roads in Canada and Alaska.  Unfortunately, to get to Alaska you sort of drive north to the California border and the next thing you know you are in Fairbanks Alaska.  I’m not sure what happened to Oregon, Washington and much of British Columbia.  I think I would almost prefer this map to just be a stand-alone map, not tied to California.

DFW Metroplex – Perhaps the only reason why I’m not placing this into the “Why” category is based on what I’ve read about this map mod in the SCS Forums.  The mod developer is planning to create new prefabs, roads and road signs which better meet those seen in this area.  He has created this YouTube video showcasing the prefabs for his new DFW map.  I grew up and lived many years in the DFW area and this is one map that I’m looking forward to playing.  However, the discussion thread has gone quiet with the last posting being from me back on the 19 of February.

I Don’t Know What This Is About

MHAPro Map ATS by Heavy Alex – For the life of me I can’t figure out what this map is about.  I’ve read the three pages in the SCS Forums and I’ve read a portion of his blog site but I’ve yet to see a image of the map or a detailed description of what his map mod does.  Best I can tell is this is just a modified map to cover the already existing California and Nevada region.   I’m currently watching a YouTube video titled ATS Gameplay Jackpot Elko MHA map.  But there is no narration and it’s hard to tell what really has been changed with this map mod.  While I could try it to find out.  Nope, not without a better description into what the map mod does and what it covers.  I’ll pass….


Of course, anyone is free to develop and distribute any mod they are capable of creating.  Just like anyone is free to download, install and play these map mods.  I also completely understand that based on the length of time it has taken SCS (from release of ATS) to still not release Arizona…that we’re talking several years before all of the lower 48 US states are available.  The last update from SCS Software regarding the release of the Arizona DLC was back on 1 March and here’s the direct quote from SCS Software “We don’t have a release date to announce yet, but there should not be more than a couple of months of solid work ahead of us, plus the final testing and polishing stage.”   So a couple of months?  That could be two, it could be three…it could be even more.  I say this only because if my wife asks me to do something, my response might be…Yes Dear!  She may ask when I’ll do it, and my response might be “I’ll do it in a couple of minutes”.  In most situations, my definition of “A Couple of Minutes” is more than TWO.   So having said that, let me start with the Utah, Oregon and Idaho.

Utah, Oregon and Idaho – History often repeats itself.  For whatever reason SCS chose to start in California and Nevada they will likely move East and North as they develop and release DLC maps.  Depending on whatever direction SCS decides to go AFTER Arizona, the states of Utah, Idaho and Oregon are bordering states to California and Nevada.  Most likely (at the very least) chance are pretty good that Utah “might” be coming after Arizona. Of course, I could be complete wrong and SCS could continue their eastward expansion across New Mexico, Texas etc.  But my gut is telling me they will work their way north and east as they expand across the lower US 48.  So in time these map mods will be obsolete.

Finally, with regards to Hawaii, Australia and Republic of China map projects.  Just why?

In closing, here’s my recommendation to all who want to create ATS map mods.  Please visit the ProMods forum and read this thread.  ProMods is recruiting developers who want to be part of a team in creating quality map mods similar to those we see from ProMods for ETS2.  For me, quality is always better than quantity.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


Idleair Eye Candy

I just love all the various eye candy we’ve been given in ATS and ETS2.  I’ve seen several chatters in various Twitch ATS Streams ask what these yellow tubes are hanging down at some truck stop parking areas in the American Truck Simulator.  While there are different brands, they essentially depict technology similar to that of the IdleAir systems.  The IdleAir technology allows truckers to have comfort of air conditioning or heating without the need to idle their truck during rest periods.  These are great in helping to save on fuel costs and just as importantly, helping to keep the environment just a bit cleaner.

In addition to the AC/Heat these systems provide to the relaxing trucker.  They also provide 120V AC power for various appliances, basic satellite cable TV service connection, Telephone, and high-speed internet access.  (see below)


A similar system to the IdleAir connected


Close-up view

Plaza 23

I hope SCS Software will continue to provide these great looking pieces of eye candy as they continue to expand the USA map.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


Milviz 737-200C for Prepar3D v2 & v3

I purchased the Milviz 737-200C about two years ago before I cut ties with FSX.  At the time I was primarily running FSX and slowly starting to get my feet wet into P3D.  This was circa P3D v2.4 timeframe.  When I made the move to P3D v3, I also took the time to completely rebuild my system and in doing so I forever cut ties to FSX.  The Milviz 737-200C was one aircraft that I was prepared to just say goodbye to forever.  Remember I also made the decision to only install flight sim add-ons that had P3D v3.x installers in an effort to keep my system running top-notch.  I think the only thing I made an exception to was EZDok.  Unfortunately, once you use Ezdok…there just is no going back.   But I’m getting off subject now….back to the Milviz.

If you are a registered owner of the Milviz 737-200C, you should have received an email this week regarding the immediate availability of the –200C for P3D v2.x and v3.x.  This means Milviz have complete installers for all all variants of flight sim including FSX Classic, FSX Steam and Prepar3D.  This is very cool.  Best of all, the updated –200C for P3D is available at no additional charge.  Thank you Milviz.

If you currently do not own the Milvix 737-200C, then check it out on the Milviz website.  This is a great alternative or addition to the PMDG 737.

I truly loved the –200C and now with this awesome news, I will love it once again in P3D v3.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


PC-SG Simulation Gaming Community


If you’re like me, you desire to participate in internet forums or communities along with likeminded individuals for the sole purpose of learning, sharing knowledge or for just good ole camaraderie with good people.  While there are communities just for the farming folks, or for the truckers…there are very few which are geared towards all things simulation gaming.  And let’s be honest, if you truly enjoy simulation based gaming…you more than likely are farming, you are trucking, you may also be flying, driving a train, a bus…etc.  Of course, another issue with some online communities has to do with their heavy handed moderation tactics which in my opinion just says “UNFRIENDLY”.  As I’ve become older, I’ve found I have very little time for these types of places and tend to avoid them like the plague.  But…there is a place that is different.

Please allow me a few minutes to share with all my readers of the GrizzlyBearSims Blog, a wonderful community which is dedicated to all things simulation.  The community is called PC-SG.  The PC-SG site is managed by a wonderful individual named Stuart who is based in the UK.  I first learned about PC-SG last summer as Stuart was launching the community.  Stuart asked me if I would be interested in joining and helping him with some moderation duties and writing content.  I gladly accepted and really enjoyed my time assisting.  Unfortunately, I had to take a few months away due to personal reasons…but returned to PC-SG and have also resumed my staff duties as well.  I’m truly honored Stuart kept my seat warm during my absence.

I truly believe PC-SG is a different kind of community, built and designed for a different breed of gamer.  Stuart himself is an avid simulation gamer and passionate about helping others.  After all, he created PC-SG just for the sole purpose of bringing like minded individuals together who enjoy simulation based gaming and want an online place to call home.  At PC-SG you’ll find others who share your enthusiasm and interest in simulation games including Flight Simulator, Train Simulator, Farming Simulator, Truck Simulator and more.  At PC-SG you’ll also find extremely talented individuals who have taken their love of simulation games and combined it with their creativity to produce some of the best mods on the internet.

I think I can speak for Stuart when I say, we want and need others who share our level of passion and enthusiasm.  If you enjoy PC Simulation Gaming and looking for others who also share your same interests, then head over to PC-SG and register for an account.  Then…stop by the forums and introduce yourself.

Thank you for your time and I’ll see you at PC-SG.

Have a great weekend!


Holmer DLC

If you are a fan of Farming Simulator 15, then you’ve probably already heard about the new DLC which was released on Thursday, 10 March for PC.  I had mixed feelings about this new DLC when I heard about it.  First, while I love the JCB DLC pack that came out last year.  I was really disappointed in the IT Runner DLC.  So much so, I initially passed on the New Holland DLC pack (I still need to review them here) but did finally purchase as I felt I could/would use them on my farms.  But as I began hearing about the Holmer DLC and seeing pictures of them I did jump to conclusions and in my mind immediately compared it to the IT Runner and sort of decided I would give it a pass.  After all, I really didn’t need another DLC pack of equipment collecting dust.  Plus with FS2017 coming later this year….well, you get the point.

This morning as I was getting my Thursday morning off to a roaring start in the office, I decided to quickly check YouTube and see if any of my favorite farming YouTuber’s had released a video review of the new Holmer DLC.  Low and behold, BradM73 had released a fantastic review showcasing the new DLC.  As I enjoy harvesting sugar beets and also want to better utilize the massive amount of liquid manure my farm has accumulated, I decided to purchase the Holmer DLC.  I’ll give it a proper test this evening and will certainly provide an update on my overall experience in the coming days.

Until then….please enjoy this wonderful video review from BradM73 and you can decide if the Holmer DLC is something you’ll add to your collection.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!


ATS Mod Review–Foggy Weather

In a similar theme to last weeks mod review, this cool mod brings about some excellent weather effects such as fog and dust storms in the desert.

What is the Featured Mod and what does it do?

This mod is the Foggy Weather 1.6.3 update.  It produces fog/smog effects along the west coast, sand storm effects in the desert and cloudy/light rainy weather near west coast and desert areas.

How can I get this mod?

The Default Weather Update mod for American Truck Simulator is available here.

How do I install this mod?

Please see my blog post “How to Install Mods in American Truck Simulator” for complete instructions.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


Bus Simulator 16 My Top Issues List

Bus Simulator 16 was released via Steam one week ago today.  I wrote my usual “My First Look” blog post last Friday after 5 hours of game play.  As of today, one week after release, I have 18 hours of game play and have reached level 21, own 8 buses and employ 8 drivers and working towards completing the Tourist City Objective.  I wanted to break away from playing the game to make a few comments.

In that “My First Look” blog post from last week, I indicated several things I Liked about the game and a much longer list of things I didn’t like about it.  The “Things I Dislike” list was mostly a list of bugs I had encountered during the first 5 hours of play.  Again, with almost 20 hours logged in the game…I’ve come up with a “Top Issues List”.  Some of these issues I had pointed out last week and some I didn’t.  By the way, the development team from Stillalive studios were super quick to push out an update last week to address poor performance issues in the game.  They have also been awesome in providing support through the Steam Discussion page.  I remain confident additional patches and fixes will be released in the coming days/weeks to address problems.  Additionally, Stillalive Studios have been actively pursuing feedback and suggestions from the user community on what they would like to see added to the game.  This is a fantastic game and I’m really looking forward to watching it grow.  Now for my top issues list…

GPS Map Rotation

This one was at the top of my list last week and it is where it remains today.  While this is just my theory, but this has to be a complete failure of the development and/or testing team.  Regardless if I use my Garmin or my GPS enabled smartphone for SatNav purposes, the maps in these devices auto center and keep the arrow or vehicle icon always pointing up.  The same applies in my friends expensive SatNav built into his high end SUV.  Same goes for the SatNav in both ETS2 and ATS.  So it’s not hard to connect the dots and place this issue as a mistake in coding and/or testing.  As I’m not a software developer, I don’t immediately know what level of effort it will take to correct this issue.  But I would think it would be a simple fix and I hope one that comes sooner rather than later.

Steering Wheel Support

Let me just state for the record that most of what I outlined with issues I had experienced with Steering Wheel Support have been resolved.  Remember, I had mentioned that no matter what I did, my Logitech G27 wheel was very hard to turn as if the force feedback was set to max.  I had tried everything suggested in the Steam discussion group.  I had both sets of Logitech drivers installed and had tweaked a variety of settings in both the game and in the Logitech Profiler.  What did I do to resolve my tight wheel issues?  I really don’t know.  But I think it had to do with me uninstalling and reinstalling the Logitech drivers for their new line of controllers.  Understand, these drivers don’t have anything directly to do with the G27.  These drivers won’t recognize the G27.  But according to the Bus Simulator 16 developers, the Logitech wheel support they developed into the game requires at least part (probably a .dll somewhere) of this new Logitech driver package.  I had installed it before, but after removing it and reinstalling it again, magically my G27 loosened up on me.

AI Traffic Brake Lights and Turn Signals

Neither exist in the game play.  I also find this a bit ironic considering we as game play bus drivers are rewarded with using our turn signals.  It would really help to have the AI vehicles also use their turn signals.  Brake lights is also one seems to have been overlooked.

Yes there are many other areas which I hope in time will be addressed.  Things like TrackIR support, other AI Bus Traffic etc.  I hope will come in time.  But I’m also hopeful and perhaps optimistic that at the very least the GPS map rotation issue will be address in the next patch.  I would hope we would see the next patch in the next few days.

Until next time…

Happy Simming!!!


P.S.  Bus Sim 16 Developers, please…please fix the GPS map rotation soon.  Thank you for all your hard work to bring us what I believe will become a fantastic bus simulator.

Trucker’s Logbook #3

Our Trucker’s Logbook #3 has me returning to Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2) for some long-haul trucking.  Even before the release of American Truck Simulator (ATS), it had been a few months since I spent any amount of time in ETS2.  I did attempt to launch it over the Christmas holiday but it wouldn’t start and gave me an error about a mod issue with a previous game save.  Come to find out this was because I hadn’t updated ProMods after an update to ETS2 was made available.  After realizing the error of my ways, I have ETS2 working once again.   As you can see from the map below, I haven’t spent as much time trying to discover more of the map.  Actually, much of the map is new territory with the ProMods expansion into Romania etc. 

While ATS is obviously my favorite, I do enjoy ETS2.  My wife is from Belgium and we visit about every 18 months or so.  We spend time in Belgium and England when we visit and I have really enjoyed exploring the ETS2 map. 


Our job today is driving 22 tons of Canned Beef for Euro Goodies in Lille, France to Transinet in Pyce (Ruse), Bulgaria.  Just to familiarize you with the truck I drive in ETS2.  I own the Volvo FH with the Globetrotter XL Cabin and the 6×3 chassis.  The rig has the massive 750 HP engine installed.  She performs really well.  The job is expected to pay €73,510 or €34.65/km.  The trip distance is 2,104 km (1,307 mi) and should take approx.. 34 hours.


Our route will take us from France through Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania and then into Bulgaria. 


We’re picking up the trailer just after 11 AM on Wednesday.  We are due to delivery in Pyce no later than 01:04 on Saturday morning.  We are fully rested and ready to go. 


Day 1, it’s a beautiful day as we drive through France towards Belgium. 


Taking an opportunity to stretch our legs, freshen up our coffee while we fill up.


I love how SCS Software gives us so much to look at as we drive.  In the background an airplane is on final into Brussels EBBR. 


Day 1 comes to an end as we pull over for a rest just outside of Nurnberg, Germany. 


Day 2 starts early with a wet start.  Rain is the general theme for much of the day.  We do leave the rain behind in the afternoon and spend our second night on the road just outside of Budapest.  However, we did have a minor fender-bender when a car hit our trailer.  I blame it on the rain. 


Day 3 starts well before the sun rises but we arrive at our destination on Friday afternoon. 


Unfortunately the accident penalized use some XP and cash.  But we will live to drive another day. 


I then headed back to Bucharest, Romania to meet with a realtor and purchased a new garage. 


I believe with our new Bucharest garage, this makes about 6 or 7 that we have in ETS2.  All our ETS2 garages are just the small version and filled with three trucks and three drivers. 

As we have just about covered all there is to cover in California and Nevada in the awesome American Truck Simulator, I’m probably going to spend more time trucking around in Europe and try to discover more cities.  I’m also looking into adding RusMap which should provide 30 cities in Russia and 12 cities in Belarus.  I’ll make sure to tell you all about it here.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!



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