Goldcrest Valley Episode One

I’m a little slow getting my new FS17 series rolling.  I spent the past two and a half days playing and recording content for the series and have really just now stopped to take the time to edit, produce, render, upload etc.  Unlike with my Paradise Hills series where I introduced each episode with a new blog post, I’m going to just start the series with this one post and have you look for future episodes directly on my YouTube channel.  So do please subscribe if you haven’t done so already.

Farming Simulator 17 is everything I had hoped it would be.  While there are still some bugs with my controllers, I’m confident Giants will fix these issues.  Mods have already started to roll in.  Some of the really “must have” mods have already been released and I’m keeping my spreadsheet current of the mods I’m finding and using in FS17.  Just look on the FS17 tab at the bottom.

In this first episode, I sort of setup the storyline and provide some brief introduction to what FS17 has to offer.  But because there is already so much content out regarding FS17 and Goldcrest Valley, I have limited what I share to just the content I feel applies to what I’m doing in this series.  Like my FS15 series, I’m a little slow in getting my audio levels set correctly.  So please bear with me.

Regarding my FS15 Paradise Hills series.  There are just two episodes remaining.  These will release on Friday and the finale on Saturday.   For now, FS17 Goldcrest Valley will release daily (Monday – Friday) usually in the morning before 8 AM MST.

Enjoy episode one, Goldcrest Valley and Farming Simulator 17.

Until next time….

Happy Farming!!!


Tip Anything Farming Simulator 17

Perhaps I’m crazy…perhaps I’m just too easily entertained.  Perhaps both….  Of all the cool features I’ve read about, watched on YouTube…the feature I’m actually looking forward to is the tip anything feature in Farming Simulator 17.  Yes, I know with a mod we have placeable heaps.  But just as it sounds, it’s just a heap.  Check out this latest video from Giants and tell me this doesn’t excite you to the core.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!


Cattle and Crops Gameplay Trailer

A brand new Cattle and Crops Gameplay Trailer was released today.  If you’ve been holding onto your pennies in anticipation of the new Cattle and Crops farming simulation game releasing this year versus pre-ordering Farming Simulator 17, then go ahead and place that pre-order for FS17 TODAY!  Cattle and Crops will not….I repeat, WILL NOT release in 2016.  Yes…this is disappointing news.  But in the past few hours we’ve learned a lot about who’s behind Cattle and Crops and a much better idea regarding their plan.

First, please direct your attention to the brand new game play video which was released today.

I must admit, I’m still mostly captivated by what I see from Cattle and Crops (CnC).  For me, this has been the case from the very first video they released.  However, it’s all starting to make a little more sense to me.  Just as I mentioned earlier in the week when I posted the CnC news regarding the upcoming gameplay trailer, we haven’t heard much from CnC and I had started to hold little faith that we would see this game title actually release in 2016 despite what they stated on their website.  The software business (including the gaming world) is all about marketing.  We’ve heard practically nothing from CnC compared to GIANTS and their upcoming release of FS17.  But again, it’s all making sense now.

I do applaud the CnC folks for not rushing this product out the door.  If it’s not ready….then it’s not ready!  While I’ve often thought the whole CnC concept was vaporware (not real, just a hoax) I’m now convinced this is an actual product/concept and I will continue to follow its progress.  But we still have many unanswered questions.  In my opinion, wonderful graphics is only part of what goes into a true simulation based game.  The short gameplay trailer really didn’t demonstrate anything more than that.  Time will tell just how much focus they have dedicated to produce a more realistic simulation versus an arcade experience.

The Cattle and Crops website has been updated to include much more detail regarding CnC, the people behind CnC and the future plans (including the Kickstarter campaign).  Please visit the Cattle and Crops website for more information.  When you view the actual Kickstarter page (and I hope you do), please pay close attention to what they are calling “Season Pass”.  You’ll find this starting at the €44 level.  I really don’t know what this means, but it looks like….sounds like…some sort of subscription “pay for play” model???

In closing, I don’t need to worry about my attention being pulled away from FS17 later this Fall or early Winter.  As I’ve stated, I pre-ordered FS17 a few months ago and am looking forward to sinking my teeth into all that is new and different.  At this time I’m undecided if I’ll participate in the Kickstarter campaign.  I’d really like to better understand what they are attempting to achieve with what they are referring to as a “Season Pass”.  I’m certainly not a cheapskate, I support GIANTS (and others) by purchasing most DLC made available for their titles.  My advice to CnC is scrap the “Season Pass” concept and just produce affordable, quality DLC (like GIANTS) but please don’t become another Train Simulator.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!


P.S.  In the long run, it’s probably very smart for CnC to delay their release until the Fall of 2017.  After all, at that point FS17 will be a year old and unless GIANTS changes their highly predictable release schedule, FS19 will be a long one-year away.  This could mean the audience (you and I) will be ready to try something new.  If CnC is successful in accomplishing all they hope to accomplish, it should also drive FS19 to be that much better.

The Value of FS15

As I type this blog article on 28 September 2016, we are less than one month away from the release of Farming Simulator 17.  Giants will release Farming Simulator 17 on 25 October.  The ability to Pre-order (with incentives) is currently still available.  Just about everyone I know have either already pre-ordered FS17 or have committed to making the move.  Actually most everyone I know, while certainly reserved regarding the true differences between FS15 and FS17, are actually pretty excited about the new release.  I actually fall into this category as well.  While I’m trying very hard not to get my hopes up, I am still excited about the changes I’ve seen and read about.

Again, as I’m typing out the words in this article, some farming sim enthusiasts are still actually weighing the value of Farming Simulator 15 and its DLC packages.  A fellow FS15 gamer posted a question in the Steam discussion groups asking for opinions if “it really made sense” to purchase the FS15 DLC he is currently missing in his collection.  He recognizes the cost of the missing DLC (he confirms to own the Gold Edition) exceeds the price of FS17, but still wants to know if it is really worth it.

There is a saying (at least in the US) that goes like this.  “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.  Said in another way, what is valuable to one individual, may not hold the same value to another.  By the way, I’m certainly not calling FS15 DLC trash.  I actually responded to this individuals question with the following statement “I think you are the only person who can really answer this question”.  I went on to add some additional content to my answer, but really the true answer is defined in that first statement.

Earlier this week I sort of touched on the economy of the video game market in a post I wrote about the new Schwarzmuller Trailer Pack DLC for ETS2.  I explained how the initial purchase of a game like ETS2, ATS or FS15 somewhat covers the developers cost to bring that title to market, but DLC sold along the way continues to keep the lights on and provides further motivation and financial support for future work.  This is certainly the case for the DLC we’ve seen released by Giants for FS15.  Each Farming Simulator version (13, 15, 17) are unique and unlike in the Flight Simulation market where you may have purchased an add-on for FSX 10 years ago AND that same add-on (or a slightly updated one) can be used for Prepar3D with no extra cost just isn’t the case.  The best we can hope for is DLC equipment sold for FS15 (like the JCB as an example) would be part of the default equipment list in FS17.  But more about this in just a minute…

Value of FS15 Today

As I previously stated, most everyone I know is truly excited about the upcoming release of Farming Simulator 17 on 25 October.  The anticipation of this release has actually caused me to have a renewed interest in FS15.  I’m going to announce in a few days a new project I’ve started.  In a nutshell, it’s about limited game play on YouTube.  But the excitement around FS17, does actually have me playing FS15 a bit more than I had been playing in recent months.  However, even though I’m excited about the release of FS17, I also know that while FS17 will most likely dominate my virtual farming efforts….I’m not entirely sure I’ll immediately pull the plug on FS15.

On 25 October (the day FS17 officially is released) there will be absolutely no mods available.  Mods that I hold very near and dear in my game play such as Drive Control, Courseplay, Auto-Combine and others will not be available for FS17.  Most likely, dates on the October calendar labeled as 26 October, 27 October, 28 October etc. will be just like 25 October.  Oh…I’m sure there will be some mods which were originally developed for FS13 which were converted for FS15 which will once again be converted to FS17 start to appear.  But, I personally believe many days (perhaps weeks) and in some cases a few months may pass before we see our must have mods available.  The main reason for this is the folks that develop a mod like Courseplay will not see FS17 until we all see FS17.  Another saying which I believe applies here goes like this….”Good things come to those who wait”

FS15 DLC in FS17

Even at this late date we don’t  know all the equipment which will be available as default/in-game equipment when FS17 releases next month.  Giants has certainly done an outstanding job in building the suspense all the way to release day.  What we do know however, is much of the JCB equipment which was sold in the FS15 JCB DLC will be available in FS17 as default equipment.  It’s still unclear regarding the New Holland DLC pack and the Holmer DLC packs.  But if I were a betting man, I would say these will also be included (or most will be included).  In time, Giants will develop and release brand new and exciting DLC for FS17 and the cycle continues.

Bottom Line

For some, it may be worth picking up FS15 DLC (even in this late stage) to continue to broaden and enhance game play in FS15.  For those on PC, I might suggest you look into mods…but that of course is a different story with the console platform.  October 25th really is just around the corner.  But if we reflect back on our childhood memories, the weeks, days and hours leading up to Christmas morning also seemed like eternity.  But really….the value of FS15 DLC at this point in time is truly in the eye of the beholder.

Until next time….

Happy Farming!


FS17 Console Mod Support

Over the past 72+ hours, the forum thread on the official Giants Farming Simulator 17 forum thread lit up with rumors of rumors of even more rumors regarding console mod support for the upcoming (and highly anticipated) release of Farming Simulator 17.  For the record, I’m not a console platform gamer and I haven’t been a console platform gamer since the mid 1980’s when I replaced my Atari 2600 with a PC.  I realize there are some advantages to console game play with certain game titles.  But for a game application like Farming Simulator, in recent releases the PC has been truly the best option and this has been down to the availability of mods.

A game like Farming Simulator is certainly an awesome game in its “vanilla” format.  But just like vanilla ice cream can be made so much better with some chocolate syrup, whipped cream and even a cherry on top, games like Farming Simulator become truly AMAZING with mods.  Perhaps one of the best use for mods in Farming Simulator is the variety of add-on maps available.  As someone who has enjoyed FS15 since soon after it released almost two years ago, I’m really not sure I would still be playing it today if I only had access to the maps released by Giants.

When Giants announced the release date for Farming Simulator 17, one of the really big news items was the availability of mods for the console platform.  This included mod support for Sony PlayStation and Microsoft XBOX console platforms.  Again, this was really BIG News and rightfully so.

However, late last week the discussion on the Giants FS17 Discussion Forum began to turn a bit sour with news about how Sony has blocked mod support for Fallout 4 and Skyrim.  Both had been previously advertised to have mod support and both were denied mod support.  A little more reading and it appears Sony blocked mod support for these titles because they do not allow mods which alter the game in such a way the player has total freedom over the game.  For those of us who play Farming Simulator, the mass majority of our mods don’t alter the game in this fashion.

Over the course of several days, many who had pre-ordered one of the console versions of FS17 had threatened to cancel as their stated sole purpose of purchasing was based on mod support.  I certainly don’t blame them.  However, Giants did finally respond in the forum thread with the following comment “You can relax, we’ve worked with Sony to find a solution that works for both sides and nothing has changed since then.  Mod support for both platforms, Xbox One and PS4, will be available at Farming Simulator 17’s launch”.

While Giants response is certainly good news.  In my opinion it somewhat strengthens the idea in my mind that nothing in life is certain.  At some point in time Sony (or even Microsoft) could block mods from FS17 and there is nothing Giants or you as the consumer can do about it.  Of course, I’m hopeful this does not happen.  In addition, will the process of submitting mods for the console version of FS17 become too difficult?  Will some modders refuse to make available their mods to these platforms?  So while FS17 will have mod support available to console gamers AND Sony and Microsoft will allow mods to their console platform, will the variety of mods be the same between PC and console?  If not, what then?

Any console gamer making the assumption that all mods for the PC version will be available to the console (and they function correctly) may be in for a really big surprise.  For example, I’m not a mod developer.  But if I were, would I make the personal investment of purchasing console hardware and FS17 just to test?

But this does bring my thoughts around to a somewhat related subject of how mod distribution is handled for PC users.  In short….It’s an outright mess!  But I think I’ll save these comments for a future blog article which I’ll write and release very soon.

Until next time…

Happy Farming with Mods!


Farming Simulator 17 Research

I spent some time in my lazy-boy recliner on Monday evening doing a little reading on the highly anticipated release of Farming Simulator 17.  As I recently pointed out, the summer of 2016 (like most summer months) has been really busy for me.  I’ve just not had time to spend gaming and when I don’t game….well I also don’t have much time to blog either.  Of the simulation based games I frequently play (when I have time) I must admit it is Farming Simulator which is one I really enjoy and I think the reason for this is because it is not just one dimensional.  Meaning, with American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2…the task at hand is driving a truck.  With Train Simulator the task is driving a train and with Flight Simulator….Ok…you get my point.  Now…please understand that I do enjoy each and every one of those sims.  I also realize each of those do offer a great deal of variety in the types of trucks, trains and aircraft which can be operated.  But the general premise is still one dimensional.

While Farming Simulator can certainly be one dimensional if that is how one desires to play it.  Of course, in the early stages of a new map the game play is often devoted to just farming (planting, harvesting, sell, rinse/repeat).  But as your farm/map gets rolling there’s plenty of other things to do including animal husbandry and even logging.  Yes…yes…I know.  The element of logging might be a short stretch with regards to connecting it to farming.  I’ll also be honest and say that until I purchased my Logitech joystick and figured out how to get both the wheel/pedal AND joystick all working together, I absolutely hated logging.  By the way, I recorded a YouTube video documenting how I managed to get it all working in Farming Simulator 15.  Even without a joystick, a chainsaw and this modded woodchipper can help earn some good money and help remove some of those trees which always seem to get in your way.  But hey….this blog post isn’t supposed to be about any of this.

The countdown to the release of Farming Simulator 17 is on everyone’s mind (including mine).  If you are a Farming Simulator fan, then you know FS17 is expected to release on 25 October 2016.  In early March of this year, I typed up a Top 10 wish-list of sorts for what I had hoped FS17 would include.   Once FS17 has been released and I have a few hours with the game, I’ll certainly compare notes between my wish-list and FS17.  But….from what I’ve been reading several of the items I called out may have been addressed.  We already know FS17 will include more crop and animal types to the base game.  Of course, with mods the sky is the limit and our friends who play Farming Simulator on a console platform will finally (with the release of FS17) have mod support.

As I mentioned at the top of this article, I spent some time relaxing in my Lazy-Boy recliner on Monday evening.  With laptop in my lap, I began reading the over 40 pages in the FS17 Feedback thread on the official Farming Simulator Forums.  Through the 40+ pages, the topic of conversation which began on 28 July 2016 is for the purpose of comments and feedback related to the screenshots, videos and other information officially released by Giants.  While representatives of Giants have occasionally posted answers to questions and feedback to opinions, I only found a few examples of this. By the way, the links to the feedback thread are for the English language section.  I’m told Giants may be a little more responsive in the German language section.  As I don’t speak German…that does me no good.  However, there is still a lot of good information in the English language section.

Some details I learned pointed me to the Giants Farming Simulator Facebook page.  On the Notes page, I found information regarding the “New Environment” including the new North American themed map which is set in the Pacific Northwest of the US (Washington State).  While I’m not that excited about finding and collecting the gold coins (I know some of you are), I am really interested in what Giants has described as interacting with local businesses, farmers and residents.  While  the missions in FS15 were fun in the beginning…I always felt more could be done other than just moving a pallet around or mowing.  From the sounds of things, the new Mission System in FS17 will certainly be more interesting as we’ll have the opportunity to earn money by performing tasks on fields we currently don’t own.  That’s pretty cool!

2017 – The Year of Farming

2017 is certainly shaping up to be the year of farming.  In addition to the Giants release of Farming Simulator 17, we also have other “Farming” themed titles slated for release this fall.  Of course, Cattle and Crops is the one at the top of my watch list.   Of the “17 or 2017” branded titles, Professional Farmer 2017 was the first to release earlier this  year.  I sampled it by watching a few YouTube videos and quickly realized I would just keep my pennies in my pocket.  Professional Farmer 2017 is available from Steam for $19.99

Next on the list is Farm Expert 2017.  It’s been available as  a pre-release beta but now has been officially released as of 1 September.  I watched several videos and while I think it shows some promise I personally don’t plan to purchase at this time.  Many of the reviews seem to point to issues which were present in the pre-release and didn’t get fixed in the full version.  From what I have read (and seen), Farm Expert 2017 is more about the actual “Farm Management” versus farm equipment driving simulation.  But having said that, I’m certainly going to keep my eye on this title and see how it progresses over time.  Farm Expert 2017 is available via Steam for $19.99.

Pure Farming 17 is one I just recently learned about.  They have a website and Facebook page with a few published videos.  But unless I’m mistaken, the videos appear to be CGI and not actual recorded game play.  The release is slated for early 2017.

Finally, Cattle and Crops.  Some speculated Cattle and Crops was nothing more than a hoax.  I suppose that could still be the case, but other than being excited about FS17, I’m also holding out some excitement for Cattle and Crops.  It could still prove to be vaporware….but from all that I’ve read and seen about this new entry, it has all that we love about FS15 and all that we want FS17 to be rolled into one.  Like Farm Expert 2017, Cattle and Crops is also supposed to be more than just a farm equipment driving simulation.  But really who knows?  Cattle and Crops, if you are reading this…why are you not pushing more videos, screenshots and general information out?

Final Thoughts

I’m just speaking for myself here.  While I’m already committed to purchase Farming Simulator 17 (pre-order via Steam), I plan to just carefully and cautiously watch the other titles.  I really don’t have an interest in owning and playing multiple farm sim games.  Meaning, if I felt confident Cattle and Crops, Pure Farming 17 or Farm Expert 2017 had what it takes to beat Farming Simulator 17, then most likely one of those two titles would replace FS17 for me.  But as it certainly stands today….I feel pretty confident in saying that FS17 will be enough of an improvement over FS15 to justify the cost and FS17 will become my “Farm Simulator” title once it is released.

However, if anyone from Cattle and Crops, Pure Farming 17, Professional Farmer 2017 or Farm Expert 2017 is reading this.  This blog site averages around  4,500 – 5,000 page views per month.  I’d be more than happy to write an honest review based on game play if you care to contact me.

As I’m traveling the next few days this will be the last blog post until mid-September.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!


A Busy Summer

I suppose I should never underestimate just how busy the summer months can be for me.  The summer of 2016 has been no exception.  While the US Labor Day holiday is officially behind us, and Labor Day is somewhat the official end of summer. I’m not 100% sure when things will slow down for me.

Since returning from our European vacation, I’ve been busy with business related travels and other projects.  I did find some time over this past long weekend to enjoy some Farm Sim 15.  I’m still farming on the Sosnovka map which was part of the FS15 Gold expansion pack.  I figure I’ll continue with this map until Farming Simulator 17 is released.  Speaking of FS17, I did pre-order a few months ago.  I received an email from Steam which enticed me to pre-order to receive the Challenger MT700E Field Viper and the Valtra T-Series Cow Edition.  (see below).  I figured I would give FS17 a shot and didn’t want to miss out on these two free tractors.


The release date of FS17 is still over a month away (releases 25 October 2016) and while I’ve watched a few YouTube trailer videos, I’m still not 100% sure if we’re going to see anything that different between FS17 and the current FS15.  Sure, FS17 will feature two new crops (sunflowers and soybeans) and one new animal type (pigs).  But those of us who play FS15 on the PC platform have had those and more through the wonderful world of mods.  Of course, the really big news with FS17 is now console players will get access to mods.

Here are a couple of YouTube videos showcasing FS17.  But the big question I have regarding these videos.  Are these actual game play or still CGI teasers?


While I didn’t own FS13, the move from FS15 to FS17 will be a new experience for me.  Things like how long it takes for the mod developers to catch up will be a topic I’m keen on following.  For example, Courseplay is one of my must-have listed mods.  FS17 won’t be complete until Courseplay has been made available.  Will the FS15 version (4.01) work in FS17?  At one point I heard the Courseplay developers were on hiatus.  Does anyone know if they are once again active?

Finally, I’m somewhat surprised the YouTube channel for Cattle and Crops has not been very active in recent weeks.  With Giants releasing videos every few weeks (and less than two months to release) I would think Cattle and Crops would also be keeping us excited.  But looks like the last video from Cattle and Crops was over 3 months ago.

I guess we’ll just need to wait and see….

Until next time…


Farming Simulator 17 Preview–Sort of…

I’ve been busy.  Actually…that is a lie!  I’ve been extremely busy.  But this is just how the summer months are for me.  Plus my wife and I are just a few weeks away from our European vacation.  She and I both have jobs where we are the only individuals who do what we do.  Meaning….we have no backup.  We work extremely hard before a break or vacation and then work extremely hard once we return.  Anyway…

Yesterday, Giants released a video preview (well they call it a trailer) for the upcoming Farming Simulator 17.  When I first watched it, I had just come back from a two hour long meeting (that translates into two hours of wasted time which I’ll never get back) and I thought WOW….but then I realized it was all CGI or computer generated imagery.  Sigh….

Like you, I’m excited about the release of FS17.  I really am.  While FS15 was my introduction to this franchise, I’ve read forum posts and blogs from frustrated fans who expected a lot more with FS15 than Giants delivered.  So….I’m somewhat skeptical in exactly what FS17 will be when it releases towards the end of October.

FS15 is a great game.  But it has issues.  Will these issues be addressed in FS17?  What is really new with FS17?  These are valid questions but you won’t find the answers in the below preview.  BUT….Giants is certainly willing to take your money now.  Of course, we can speculate right?

From what I’ve seen, it looks like there could be a few new things with FS17 that wasn’t included in FS15 (at least without mods).  It appears we will see a few new equipment brands in FS17.  We may also see some new animals (perhaps pigs) and it looks like a few new crops may also be added.  But these are all things that we had in FS15 through the modding community.  But wait….I know folks who play on the console platforms don’t have access to mods.  However, it appears this may be changing with FS17.  “Among the many new features to be announced in the coming months for Farming Simulator 17, we are happy to unveil that modding support – which is exceptionally popular on PC – is making its grand debut on consoles!”  WOW….this is great news for console gamers.

OK…I realize the end of October is still over four months away.   But I’d really rather see video of actual game play instead of the CGI preview they released.  Yes, the CGI stuff looks amazing.  But I really, really, really doubt FS17 is going to look anything like this CGI preview.  What will it look like?  I think it will look like FS15, but hopefully slightly better.

Bottom line.  I think console players will be over the moon with FS17.  I think those of us on PC will be less impressed only because we’ve had access to mods all this time and we all know that mods are really what makes Farming Simulator beyond awesome.

Enjoy the preview.  I’ve got to get back to work now.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!



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