American Truck Simulator–Progress Week Three

Can you believe it?  ATS was released to the general public only three weeks ago today.  It does feel longer, but here’s my American Truck Simulator – Progress Week Three blog post.  Yes, it’s been another busy week for my small (but growing) trucking company.  My progress report of last week I mentioned I had opened a third garage in Las Vegas.  Well this week I did borrow $400,000 so that I could purchase three new trucks and hire three new drivers.  During this week of activity, my drivers in my HQ garage in LA and my second garage in San Diego have really been earning some money.  I was able to quickly pay off the $400K loan, I also was able to earn enough this week to upgrade the LA garage to five slots, purchase two new trucks (one a highly custom Kenworth W900) and hire two new drivers.

So as it stands today, I still have three garages (LA, SD and LV), own 11 trucks and employ 10 drivers.  My next step will be to upgrade the San Diego garage, buy two new trucks and hire two new drivers.  Then I’ll likely do the same with the Vegas operation.   But these will all be cash transactions.

I did grow a bit bored with my Mt. Rushmore themed truck.  So I had my trusty Peterbilt repainted with this nice American Bison theme.  I also believe I upgraded my wheels and added the bull bar grill this week as well.

Also, as I mentioned in the first paragraph…I did purchase a highly custom Kenworth W900 a few days ago.  I’ll likely alternate between the Peterbilt 579 and the Kenworth W900.  The new KW900 is sweet and I’m looking forward to taking her out on a coast to coast run sometime real soon.

Finally, I’ve experienced some graphic card issues in the past few weeks.  My current GPU is the GTX 780Ti (3GB model).  I’ve really been suffering some frame rate (FPS) issues while driving in the cities.  FPS rates can easily drop into the low 20’s and sometimes in the teens.  When this happens it’s much like watching a slide show.  It’s annoying and I’ve been doing my best to resolve the issues.  To be honest, I don’t have any issues with Farming Simulator 2015 or GTA5.  Both of these games hold a 60+ FPS rate regardless of what is going on.  But both ATS and ETS2 suffer.  Now I know comparing ATS/ETS2 to FS15 (or GTA5) is like comparing an apple to an orange…but I really believe my 780Ti should perform better than it does.

Having said all that, I have been looking at the GTX 980Ti for some time.  I finally took the plunge and will be installing that beast of a GPU in my system early this week.  I truly hope to report solid FPS rates with little to no compromise in the quality settings.


Here are my current stats for American Truck Simulator

Level 24

Total Driven Distance – 57,916

Total Driven Distance (On Duty) – 54,598

Total Free Roam Distance – 3,317

Roads Explored – 68.04% (No, I didn’t start over.  I installed the coast-to-coast map)

Deliveries Finished – 97

Deliveries Cancelled – 0

Total Game Time Spent – 100 Days, 22 Hours

Play time – 56 Hours

Don’t forget to bookmark the site and/or subscribe to the RSS feed.  Finally, please follow me on Twitter.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


Mod Review–Speed Limit Fixes (and More)

I realize this post comes slightly off schedule as I usually post mod reviews on Thursday.  But this Mod Review – Speed Limit Fixes (and More) is so awesome and so new, that I wanted to get this out ASAP.

There may be many reasons to download, install and use this mod.  But if you only do it for two reasons, I think your entire ATS game play will be better and certainly more true to life.  The first reason can be seen in the image below.  Do you recognize this intersection?  I’ll give you a hint.  It’s in Tonopah, NV and if you’ve traveled through here…you may have said a few choice words in frustration.  Keep reading…

What is the Featured Mod and what does it do?

OK, the mod is titled Speed Limit Fixes.  It was developed by Mantrid.  As the title suggests, the mod offers a temporary fix for some of the random speed limit changes on the default ATS map.  This mod also adds a few traffic lights in some of the smaller towns to help with the flow of traffic.  Mantrid is also cleaning up (removing) those redundant stop signs at many traffic light intersections.

But….But…..BUT…here’s the “Jewel in the Crown” of this mod.  This mod adds a traffic light at the poorly designed intersection of highways 6 and 95 in Tonopah (see image above).  You may remember I wrote a blog post hoping SCS Software would read it.  In this blog post I described just how painful of an intersection it was to deal with.  I tweeted this blog post to the @SCSSoftware twitter account, but didn’t receive a response.   While I still believe this is an issue SCS Software should address with the default map, I suppose…for now all is OK.

The second reason to use this mod is it removes the stupid stop light on Interstate 80 in Reno.  As I approach my 50th year on the face of this earth, I’ve driven thousands of miles on the US Interstate Highway System.  I’ve never, ever encountered a stop light in the middle of any of the interstates I’ve traveled up and down.  This mod fixes this issue.

How can I get this mod?

Mantrid’s authorized version of this mod (and the one he is updating frequently) is available via a link in the SCS Forums.  He released an updated version early this morning and the mod is still a work in progress.  So download it, install it and use it.  But keep an eye on that forum thread for future and frequent updates.

How do I install this mod?

Please see my blog post “How to Install Mods in American Truck Simulator” for complete instructions.

Final thoughts.  I would really like to tip my hat to Mantrid and all the fabulous and talented mod creators for spending time away from game play to help make OUR game play more enjoyable.  Games like ATS, ETS2 and even Farming Sim 2015 are super fun in their generic vanilla form.  But when you begin to add mods (and especially a mod like this) to the mix….the game play becomes extraordinary.

As always, thank you for reading.  Please subscribe to the blog RSS feed and/or bookmark my site and return often.  Also, follow me on Twitter where I only tweet about my simulation gaming adventures.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


ATS Mod Review–Real Gas Stations

Would you like to see more “real world” branding in the American Truck Simulator game?  Of course there is a valid reason why SCS couldn’t include real world gas stations in the ATS game.  It all comes down to licensing and brand issues.  However, mod developers can most certainly release mods which re-brand these gas stations and this one offers you stations branded as Chevron, Gulf, Texaco and BP.

What is the Featured Mod and what does it do?

This mod is the Real Gas Stations v1.0 mod for American Truck Simulator.  It simply re-brands the in-game generic gas stations with real world American gas station brands of Chevron, Gulf, Texaco and BP.

How can I get this mod?

The Real Gas Stations v1.0 mod for American Truck Simulator is available here.

How do I install this mod?

Please see my blog post “How to Install Mods in American Truck Simulator” for complete instructions.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


Trucker’s Logbook #2

The featured trip for Trucker’s Logbook #2 is in my updated Peterbilt 579.  Just a few days ago I updated the chassis to accommodate the 300 gallon capacity diesel tanks and also upgraded the Paccar engine to the 500HP model.  While the rig was in the shop, I had them apply this new paint job celebrating our great country and Mt. Rushmore.  In the coming weeks I’ll apply additional updates/upgrades to the truck.

Since Trucker’s Logbook entry #1, I’ve been hauling goods all over California and Nevada.  But as the first entry had us drive from Los Angeles, CA to Winnemucca, NV, today’s entry will be from Winnemucca to Oxnard, CA.  This haul will include 30,500 pounds of Ethane from Gallon to Chems.  The job is paying $24,155 or $37.52/mi.  It’s classified as hazardous materials.


I picked up the trailer at just before 7 PM.  The drive from Winnemucca to Oxnard is 635 miles with an estimated trip time of 16 hours, 32 minutes.  We have just over 5 hours available before a mandatory rest. Let’s get going…


Our route today will take us southwest on I-80 to I-5.  Like last week, pretty much all interstate travel.


Riding off into the sunset along I-80 in Nevada


Topping up the 300 gallon diesel tanks just before parking the rig for some much deserved rest.




What a great sleep.  Just love the stand up sleeper.  After a short weight/inspection check we are back on the road again.


Just a few miles to go, the clouds are starting to roll in near Oxnard.  I wonder if we’ll get any rain?


This job only offered an 40XP parking, but I nailed it.


If you remember last week I was approaching level 16.  This job brings me very close to level 20.  Level 21 should be in the bag on the next delivery.


I hope you enjoy these Trucker’s Logbook adventures.  Please share with your friends and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


American Truck Simulator–Progress Week Two

If you are playing American Truck Simulator (ATS) are you also having a difficult time stepping away from it?  I know I am.  For the most part, ATS is all I’m playing and it’s all I’ve been blogging about the past two weeks.  ATS has actually been responsible in helping get this blog going again.  Lots of folks are reading my blog posts and for that, I appreciate it.  Please feel free to comment and join the discussion.  Also, follow me on Twitter.

If you remember from my posting last week where I outlined my week 1 results, I am playing ATS in what I call “Career Mode”.  This just simply means that I’m not using any cheat mods.  I started out with nothing and have been building my company one brick at a time.  It’s been a lot of fun and I’m really happy to report that the progress of my second week has been even greater than what I was able to accomplish in week one.

One of the highlights of my second week was having my truck upgraded and painted.   I chose the Mt. Rushmore color scheme to remind me of my late summer 2015 vacation.  My wife and I went to Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota.  Mt Rushmore is awesome and if you haven’t had a chance to visit, you should.

The work continues to be hard.  I’m doing my best to haul the best paying loads and training my drivers in all the best skills.  During this second week I’ve managed to fill all my open driver slots of my two garages (Los Angeles and San Diego).  I own six trucks and employ five drivers.  As the second week came to a close, my drivers have finally started to generate some nice revenue.  So much so, that I manage to pay off all bank loans and managed to save up enough to  purchase our third garage in Las Vegas.  At the present time the garage remains empty, but am planning to contact the bank and borrow a $400,000 loan to purchase three new trucks and hire three new drivers.

Not sure how well Walmart pays in the real world, but in the ATS world I’ve managed to pickup a few well paying jobs hauling for Walmart.  This Walmart trailer mod is part of a mod pack which I’ll soon feature during my weekly ATS Mod Review posting.


I also installed the new multiplayer mod for ATS/ETS2 this week and have been having fun.  I had heard all the warnings about making sure you create a new profile for MP, so I found a custom profile with lots of money which I’m using just for MP fun.  I haven’t participated in a convoy just yet, but looking forward to experiencing an ATS MP Convoy very soon.   I hope to write a “how to” blog post on multiplayer.  So stay tuned…

Here are my current stats for American Truck Simulator

Level 22

Total Driven Distance – 45,096

Total Driven Distance (On Duty) – 42,479

Total Free Roam Distance – 2,617

Roads Explored – 88.09%

Deliveries Finished – 79

Deliveries Cancelled – 0

Total Game Time Spent – 75 Days, 16 Hours

Play time – 44 Hours

American Truck Simulator AI Traffic Issues–Message to SCS Software

As I have stated many times in the past two weeks, I absolutely love American Truck Simulator (ATS).  It’s absolutely fantastic and I’m having so much fun trucking around California and Nevada.  Like all other ATS Fans, I’m also anxiously awaiting the release of the Arizona DLC.  Just after ATS was released, I wrote a blog post titled “American Truck Simulator – My First Look”.  I pointed out a few issues I had experienced in the first 6-8 hours of game play.  SCS Software actually released an update for ATS today which addresses some of the issues with how speed limits are enforced.  You can read all the included fixes in update 1.1.1 and here.  While these fixes are important, I’m hoping they can also address the AI traffic issue many of us experience.

Of course the issue I’m talking about has to do with how difficult it is onto some highways when no 4-way stop light intersection is available.  The one example which most probably experience frequently is when attempting to turn left onto highway 95 in Tonopah, NV (when headed towards Elko, NV.  It’s a royal pain in the backside.  Let me explain in a series of screenshots.

In the image below, I have a truck and two cars in front of me.  Highway 95 is a very busy 4 lane highway (especially during daytime hours).  If any of the AI in front needs to turn left, you will be stuck here forever.   The only thing you can do is to save the game, exit and restart.  This action will remove all the AI from in front of you.  This of course breaks the realism factor and is frustrating.


But even with the AI gone, one must slowly begin to pull out onto highway 95 which if done carefully enough will force the AI to stop, then you can carefully cross the highway, turn left and proceed west.   While this action works and if done carefully you can avoid any collisions and damage.  But this would never be done in real life.  Unless you had a death wish.


I don’t have the answers for what needs to be done.  Also, I fully understand there is a fine line between what and how the game depicts real world highway/street connections.  But in looking at the map, it appears the intersection for highway 95 and highway 6 does feature a merging type intersection, sorry I’m not sure what that might be called, but it’s not how the game depicts the highway intersection.


Would the kind folks at SCS Software please do something to help in this type of situation?   SCS, thank you so much for reading this blog post and for considering anything that can be done to fix this issue.

Until next time….

Happy Trucking!!!


American Truck Simulator Strategy

This blog post is going to cover American Truck Simulator strategy tips.  Some may be obvious, but some may not be.  But before we get started, It’s been over a week since American Truck Simulator was released.  Do you have your copy?  No????  Why not???  Oh, you may be thinking what fun is it to just drive a diesel truck around California and Nevada?  Huh…ask yourself that question again please.  Come on…you get to drive a truck around California and Nevada!  Trust me!  It’s worth the twenty bucks ($19.99)…so go buy it already!

I’ve been watching a lot of Twitch streams featuring ATS in the past few days.  Some are better than others and trust me…I have some BIG opinions about some of the folks streaming game content.  But I’ll keep that to myself for now.  Anyway, obviously many ATS players have experience with Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2) and for the most part they are using that learned experience in getting the most from their initial days in ATS.  Many others have mortgaged the farm and are literally living payday to payday to keep their company moving down the road.  Finally, others have installed cheats and are driving around with millions of dollars in cash and high amounts of XP.  For me, part of my enjoyment with these types of games is what I refer to as “career mode” and that is playing the game just as it was intended to be played/experienced and not cheating.  Yes…IT WILL start off slow at first.  But trust me, it will keep you coming back time and time again.

Resist the urges

Yes, resist the urges to immediately purchase your own truck.  I fully understand this is painfully hard to do.  Especially for first time players to the game.  But take time and enjoy working for someone else performing Quick Orders.  While the pay is not great, you don’t have to worry about fuel costs.  In addition, you can experience a variety of different truck types/brands which may help you when it comes time to make your first truck purchase.  But I recommend you operate in this mode and delay your first truck purchase until you have the chance to level up a few times.  Yes, this will mean using discipline to ignore the first email from the bank offering that first loan.

Your first truck

Yea….that’s a special feeling when you make the decision to buy your first truck.  Enjoy this moment…you’ve deserved it.  But keep in mind that you’ll need about $120,000.  This is why I recommend you operate as a driver lessee taking quick orders and save up $30,000 – $40,000.  Then take out a $100,000 loan.   This will allow you to purchase the stock truck from either Kenworth or Peterbilt and give you some extra $$$ for fuel, tolls and fines (should you get any).  Operate as a one-man company and enjoy.  Keep in mind each day the bank will charge you the loan installment.  The loan installment for the $100,000 loan will be $1,814.  So keep this in mind as you are planning and picking your jobs.

Explore, Learn and Save

Now that you own your very first truck, it’s time to really get to work.  Choose jobs as close to where your truck is currently located.  If your truck is in Los Angeles and you choose a job out of San Diego, then you’ll incur additional fuel costs (plus time is money) to first drive to San Diego.  As you complete your deliveries, make sure to also explore.  You’ll want to discover additional truck dealerships, but most importantly you want to discover job agencies.  Keep in mind, the more job agencies you discover, the more variety of skilled drivers you’ll have the option to hire.  If at all possible, delay purchasing a second truck and hiring the first driver until you have discovered all ten job agencies.

By exercising some patience, you will have the opportunity to increase your very own experience.  This is needed to open up better paying jobs.  Remember, the deeper in debt you go…the loan payments will go up.


Each time you level up, you have the opportunity to upgrade one of your skill areas.  What you choose will matter.  For now, ignore the Eco Driving skill and don’t waste your earned points on this skill.  Apply new earned points towards Long Distance, Valuable Cargo, Fragile Cargo, Hazardous Cargo and On-Time Delivery.  Remember, until you unlock these skill areas the jobs offered to you will be limited in each of these areas.  Therefore, the opportunity to earn higher pay will also be limited.   Long distance is perhaps where I would suggest you apply your first point.  As the current ATS map is limited to California and Nevada, there is no need to worry about maxing out the Long Distance skill quickly.  Again, simply ignore applying any skill points towards Eco Driving and then balance out the others.

Truck Upgrade

Just as exciting as buying your first truck, upgrading that truck will be equally as exciting.  I know you are also excited to expand the company and hire drivers.  But I suggest you first spend a little of your hard-earned cash you’ve earned operating as a one-man company on an engine upgrade.  Upgrading the engine in your truck will allow you to more comfortable haul heavier loads and the ability to do so a little bit faster.  You can wait on adding other bells and whistles, but spend the $$ and upgrade your engine as soon as you can afford it.

Expansion Time

Keep in mind there is no rush to begin expanding your company.  The only limitations you have to accomplish this task is money and availability of skilled drivers.  Earlier I suggested waiting until you had discovered all ten job agencies.  The reason for this is it will give you the best choice of driver talent.  But we’re actually getting ahead of ourselves.  Before you can hire, you must first have available garage space and second you must have a truck for your new driver.

With regards to garage space.  The cost of expanding your one-man garage or buying a new garage in a different city is the same cost of $180,000.  Almost every city on the map will have an available garage which can be purchased.  You’ll need to visit that city, discover the garage and then make the purchase.  It probably makes the most sense to purchase a new garage in a second city.  This will allow you to eventually hire three drivers before the need to expand again.

Next, you need to purchase a second truck.  Until you have purchased five trucks, you will need to visit the dealership.  Once you have completed five purchases, then you have the option of buying online. All your new drivers will need is a base truck.  While there is rumor within the truck sim community that hired drives will be more productive in trucks with higher performing engines etc.  At this stage of your expansion, just buy them the stock truck.

Finally, while hiring a driver is not rocket science…there are a few things you should consider.  First, keep in mind, initially no one is going to work as hard as you.  What I mean by this is if you’ve deferred expanding and hiring until you have reached level 6, 8, 12 etc. then your new hires will have much lower driver ratings than yourself.  This will mean the amount of income they will generate will be much, much, much less than what you are capable of generating.

Remember, the more job agencies discovered the more and better option for talent.  When looking at hiring a driver there are several important things to look for.  First, driver rating.  Second, salary and Third is skills.  While a lower driver rating will typically come with a lower salary, keep in mind it will take longer to bring that driver up to speed.  At this point, I suggest looking at skills.  Remember what I said about your own Eco Driving skill.  That also applies to hired drivers.  The most important skill to look for in a new driver is Long Distance.  Each recruited driver will cost you a commission fee of $1,500.

To sum it all up, to expand you will need a minimum of $300,000.  Whether you save up and pay in cash or take out a bank loan will be up to you.  But keep in mind that it will be some time before your newly hired driver(s) will earn their keep.  This may mean you will really need to carry the burden with the jobs you choose to ensure you are earning enough to cover the cost of the daily loan etc.

Driver Training

Don’t forget that as time passes, your hired drivers will level up.  You can set their driver profile to focus or train on any of the available skills.  How aggressive you are in their training is up to you.  But I typically set them to train on long distance until they have 2-3 points and then start them on the other areas.  The goal as you expand is to reach a point where the income generated by your hired drivers will exceed the daily cost of the bank loan.  But this takes time.

Final Thoughts

I’m truly excited about the possibilities for American Truck Simulator.  At the present time, I have my company HQ setup in Los Angeles and I have a second garage in San Diego.  I have a total of three drivers and looking at hiring two more which will bring me to capacity.  I will perhaps purchase my third garage in Las Vegas then wait until the Arizona DLC is available before expanding further.  The strategy is part of what I enjoy about this game.

I’ll provide an update on my second week progress on Tuesday and then return again with another Trucker’s Logbook entry and finally another mod review on Thursday.  Have a great week!

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


Have a great weekend

Have a great weekend and thank you to all who have stopped by, read and subscribed to my blog postings.  Friday is here and that means weekend!  Of course, this is also Valentine’s Day weekend.  So while I’m sure you plan to do some trucking over the weekend, don’t forget about your significant other. 

I had a great week behind the wheel and picked up some really great paying jobs.  To reward myself heading into the weekend, I upgraded the engine in my Peterbilt to the 500HP model.  This should really help in moving those heavy loads and keeping my speed up on the hills.  I also increased my fuel tank capacity to 300 gallons.  Finally I was tired of the plain white paint job and had the Mount Rushmore theme applied.  My wife and I visited Mt. Rushmore the first time just last September. 

I hope you all have a great weekend.  Please subscribe to the RSS feed, tell a friend about the blog site and follow me on Twitter.  I’ll return next week (Monday) with some strategy tips, will update you on my progress two weeks in on Tuesday.  Also next week I’ll get another Trucker’s Logbook post out and then finally on Thursday another Mod Review.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


ATS Mod Review–Paccar Sound

If you are new to ATS or American Truck Simulator, you might also be new to mods.  What are mods?  Mods are modification files which enhance the base or core game application (in this case American Truck Simulator).  I recently wrote a blog post on exactly how to install mods in American Truck Simulator.

In the “How to Install Mods in American Truck Simulator” blog post I actually mentioned the exact mod I’m featuring here today.  Keep in mind that ATS is just over one week old, but of all the mods I’ve found available for ATS, this one is a must have.

What is the Featured Mod?

This mod is the Paccar Sound Mod for the default Kenworth 680 and Peterbilt 579 trucks which are featured in the ATS game.  While these trucks look amazing, the sound is rather weak sauce.  Oh…and the horn…beep beep!  Ugh…

What does this mod do?

Basically it changes the engine sound on both the Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks available in the game to a more real life sounding diesel engine.  It is night and day difference.  I highly recommend this mod!

What else does this mod do?

It turns the little “beep beep” sounding horn which is default in the Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks into a very nice low air horn.  Trust me, you won’t be embarrassed to “lay on the horn” now.

How can I get this mod?

The Paccar Sound Mod for the Kenworth 680 and Peterbilt 579 trucks is available here.

How do I install this mod?

Please see my blog post “How to Install Mods in American Truck Simulator” for complete instructions.

Again, if you only install one mod…this is the one you want to install.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


Truckers Logbook #1

I plan to occasionally document my trucking adventures in the form of a blog post with pictures.  I don’t plan to document each and every delivery, but will try to post at least one each week.  With this being the first entry, I decided to start at my Company Headquarters of Apache Trucking located in Los Angeles, California.   After a good nights rest, we picked up our truck on Tuesday, 7:49 PM.

Our Peterbilt 579 with stand-up sleeper and 455 HP engine ready to go.

The job market out of Los Angeles is usually pretty good.  I’ve had a few jobs paying upwards of 25-30K in recent days, but today we are going to haul a couple of fork lifts on behalf of Sell Goods to Walbert in Winnemucca, Nevada.  The job is paying $18,660 (or $28.16/mi).  The job type is both fragile and high value.  The trip distance is 651 miles with an estimated trip time of 16 hours, 57 minutes.

Our route will be all Interstate travel.  We’ll head north on I-5 then east on I-80.  We’ll drive the majority of this trip overnight with a planned rest stop near Reno and hopefully deliver the cargo on-time (perhaps even early).

The pickup location for Sell Goods is literally just around the corner from my HQ Garage.  Here we are connected to the lowboy trailer with two forklifts.  After a brief walk around inspection, we are ready to depart Los Angeles.

Just outside of LA we encounter our first of two weight/inspection stations.  We gladly comply to avoid the fines.

A few hours it’s time to freshen up our coffee cup and while doing so will top off our fuel tanks at this Chevron station.  Fuel cost was $2.82 per gallon.

As we’re approaching Reno, NV on I-80 we pull in for our second weight/inspection check which we pass with flying colors.  The sun is just starting to come up.

It’s just after 6:00 AM and we need to get some rest.  We choose this truck stop outside of Reno.  They have nice clean showers and great truck stop food.

After a good nights (err, I mean good days sleep) I hit the showers, grab a hot meal and finish the drive to Winnemucca where I arrive at Walbert. I accept the more difficult parking for the max 90 XP opportunity and drop the lowboy and two forklifts as requested.

Another job successfully completed with an “Excellent” ranking.  Another solid drive and I should reach Level 16.

Apache Trucking is shaping up to be a solid company.  I currently own three trucks (including mine) and employ two additional drivers.  I own the HQ garage in Los Angeles and just purchased a second garage down in San Diego.  My two drivers in LA are gaining in experience and starting to earn their keep.  I think I’m going to pay down a few of my loans to get my daily loan payment under $10K and then as I save, begin purchasing three new trucks and hire three additional drivers.

I hope you enjoyed this first Truckers Logbook adventure.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!



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