Trucker’s Logbook #7

Our next entry in the Trucker’s Logbook finds us returning to Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2) and departing Russia.  We’ve been driving around Russia exploring the RusMap which I’ve very much enjoyed.  I recently wrote about my first impressions of this ETS2 mod add-on.  While I would have loved to spend more time in Russia and explore more of the RusMap add-on, I’ve been unable to pickup any new jobs which would keep me here.  As you can see from the image below, I still have a lot of roads to drive in the RusMap region.  But I know they’ll be waiting for me another day.


The job we’ve chosen is to transport pressure tanks from Pskov, Russia to Lahti, Finland.  Our route will take us through Estonia and we’ll travel across the channel between Tallinn to Helsinki.  Our overall route distance is 497km with an estimated trip time of just under 9 hours.  We are fully rested and should not need to rest during the drive.



Our route


We arrived to pickup the trailer and the two pressure tanks just after 5 PM on Friday.  Total cargo weight is 12 t, which is not a problem for our Volvo truck.  Our trip will consist of 420 km land distance and a short 85 km ferry ride.  Again, total trip time is under 9 hours.  Let’s roll…..


This seems to be the order of the day, lot’s of road construction as we navigate our way across Estonia for the first time. 


Even in real life, I can’t pass up a windmill sunset photo opportunity.  (somewhere in Estonia)


We arrive at the Bayer plant in Helsinki, Finland on-time just after 1 AM. 


All-in-all this was an uneventful trip.  We’ll rest up here in Helsinki and decide which direction we want to proceed from here. 


Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


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