Some Fresh Thoughts on MSFS 2024

Over the past few days there have been some updated information flowing out of Microsoft/Asobo regarding the upcoming release of the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. I think from the very first time we began hearing about MSFS 2024, we knew it was going to be BIG both in sheer size but also in functionality. While many in the flight sim community grumbled at the news and didn’t/couldn’t understand why a new sim was needed, Microsoft/Asobo explained the reasons and chief among them was simply that MSFS 2020 had pretty much reached its full potential as a flight simulation platform.  With some of this recent new information which has surfaced I have a few thoughts  I want to share with you.  Let’s Go!

Client Install Size

One of the the areas of concern for me with regards to the launch of MSFS 2024 was going to be whether or not I would have enough real estate on my current system to run both MSFS 2020 and 2024 at the same time.  While I’m certainly not planning to keep both versions installed on my system in perpetually, I know there may be some limitations with regards to 3rd party add-ons for the first few weeks/months after the initial release of MSFS 2024.  Meaning, I’m not expecting 100% of all my currently purchased/installed 3rd party add-ons to work on day one.  And like many of you, I plan to purchase MSFS 2024 on day one and I want to at the very least be able to fly around in a default GA aircraft and look around.

What we’ve learned in recent weeks is that MSFS 2024 will be installed as a “thin client” whereby only the core essentials will be installed on your PC and vast majority will be streamed down via your web connection as and when that content is needed.  This concept is both exciting and concerning for me as a user.  In a perfect world it’s a great concept.  This means a much smaller install instance on our PC’s and I would assume most major updates will occur in the cloud versus the need to download gigs upon gigs of updates as time goes by.  But…..

Data Streaming Performance

Over the past four years of owning/using MSFS 2020 there have been many times where their servers have struggled and during these events the use of MSFS 2020 has been a struggle to run.  The impact to the users has either been poor performance with the updates for photogrammetry scenery or even worse not being able to launch the sim at all.  This is a huge concern with MSFS 2024, but I’m confident Microsoft/Asobo will do what is needed to ensure the best reliability available.

Sim versus Game

Back when I first started in virtual aviation on the Commodore 64 in the early 80’s and certainly due to the lack of immersion, I considered it more of a game versus the true simulation we have today.  But with all the bells and whistles which has been mentioned which MSFS 2024 will bring, is it taking a step back to being a game versus a sim?  The short answer to that question I believe is NO!  However, it will boil down to the individual user to make the decision on just how to use MSFS 2024.  It appears MSFS 2024 will allow us to actually walk around in the virtual world.  Microsoft have even stated that should one have the desire, they will be able to hike along their favorite trails.  Now while I don’t need this level of maneuverability (OK sure, I’ll try it once) what would be really cool is to be able to spawn into a parking lot, walk through a gate of a small GA airfield or even better, spawn into a terminal and walk down a jet bridge to an awaiting airliner.  But in my opinion, these are all things that truly add to the immersion and as a result makes it more of a simulator than just a game.

In Summary

I’m really excited for the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 and it will be a day one purchase for me.  While the areas of concern I’ve mentioned in this blog post are concerning, I truly believe Microsoft and Asobo will do what’s needed to ensure an optimum experience for all of us.  I’d like to know your thoughts on MSFS 2024.  Are you planning to purchase?  Or will you take a wait and see position first?

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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