Mod Review–Speed Limit Fixes (and More)

I realize this post comes slightly off schedule as I usually post mod reviews on Thursday.  But this Mod Review – Speed Limit Fixes (and More) is so awesome and so new, that I wanted to get this out ASAP.

There may be many reasons to download, install and use this mod.  But if you only do it for two reasons, I think your entire ATS game play will be better and certainly more true to life.  The first reason can be seen in the image below.  Do you recognize this intersection?  I’ll give you a hint.  It’s in Tonopah, NV and if you’ve traveled through here…you may have said a few choice words in frustration.  Keep reading…

What is the Featured Mod and what does it do?

OK, the mod is titled Speed Limit Fixes.  It was developed by Mantrid.  As the title suggests, the mod offers a temporary fix for some of the random speed limit changes on the default ATS map.  This mod also adds a few traffic lights in some of the smaller towns to help with the flow of traffic.  Mantrid is also cleaning up (removing) those redundant stop signs at many traffic light intersections.

But….But…..BUT…here’s the “Jewel in the Crown” of this mod.  This mod adds a traffic light at the poorly designed intersection of highways 6 and 95 in Tonopah (see image above).  You may remember I wrote a blog post hoping SCS Software would read it.  In this blog post I described just how painful of an intersection it was to deal with.  I tweeted this blog post to the @SCSSoftware twitter account, but didn’t receive a response.   While I still believe this is an issue SCS Software should address with the default map, I suppose…for now all is OK.

The second reason to use this mod is it removes the stupid stop light on Interstate 80 in Reno.  As I approach my 50th year on the face of this earth, I’ve driven thousands of miles on the US Interstate Highway System.  I’ve never, ever encountered a stop light in the middle of any of the interstates I’ve traveled up and down.  This mod fixes this issue.

How can I get this mod?

Mantrid’s authorized version of this mod (and the one he is updating frequently) is available via a link in the SCS Forums.  He released an updated version early this morning and the mod is still a work in progress.  So download it, install it and use it.  But keep an eye on that forum thread for future and frequent updates.

How do I install this mod?

Please see my blog post “How to Install Mods in American Truck Simulator” for complete instructions.

Final thoughts.  I would really like to tip my hat to Mantrid and all the fabulous and talented mod creators for spending time away from game play to help make OUR game play more enjoyable.  Games like ATS, ETS2 and even Farming Sim 2015 are super fun in their generic vanilla form.  But when you begin to add mods (and especially a mod like this) to the mix….the game play becomes extraordinary.

As always, thank you for reading.  Please subscribe to the blog RSS feed and/or bookmark my site and return often.  Also, follow me on Twitter where I only tweet about my simulation gaming adventures.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!



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