Merry Christmas Flight

As previously mentioned in my blog, I’ve really been having a lot of fun flying for British Airways virtual.  I’ve accumulated many hours since joining just about a month ago and my travels have taken me to many European destinations.  Since reaching Senior First Officer, I’ve been really having fun in the Level D 767.  I’m only a handful of hours away from Captain and looking forward to some long haul routes.

It just so happened that I arrived back to London Heathrow from a flight I made yesterday down to Cyprus and decided today (Christmas Eve) that I would fly to Israel in time to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  This simulated flight is the British Airways BA163 from London Heathrow to Ben Gurion (LLBG) in Tel Aviv, Israel.  Gate to gate time is just under 5 hours.


Our Route

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It’s a crisp winter morning as the sun is just starting to rise on the capitol city.  Our Airbus A321 is getting catering service.

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Can’t forget to load the bags and cargo items.

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Passengers have boarded, aircraft fueled and time for pushback.

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The weather this morning is dry with a nice steady breeze from the west. Holding short runway 27L waiting for a company Airbus A319 to depart.

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It’s our turn, BAW163, Position and Hold runway (line up and wait) 27L. 

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Climbing out with London Heathrow in the background.

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Beginning our gradual turn to join the departure route.

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Approx. 4 hours later we begin our descent.

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Beginning our turn to join ILS for runway 12 at LLBG.

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Almost there…

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Parked and unloading our passengers. We were just a few minutes late as I performed a hold waiting for other inbound traffic.  Great flight!

This flight was a lot of fun (aren’t they always).  I hope you have some time over the holidays to spend time flying in the virtual world.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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