Taking a YouTube Break

My apologies for communicating to you all this way.  I had every intention to record a short video to announce my break from YouTube over the weekend.  But time simply got away from me.  I’m writing this on my flight to Orlando and plan to create a short video consisting of a title slide just asking everyone to read this note so you’re aware of what’s going on.  It’s the best I could come up with and I didn’t want to leave you all wondering what was going on another week.

For those who have been around from almost the beginning of my GBS YouTube channel, you know I live a fairly busy and hectic life.  If work isn’t keeping  me pulled in a half-dozen different directions, my darling wife and her almost never ending project list certainly keeps me busy, busy, busy.  This past weekend was a good example, just before it was time to drive to the airport for another work trip I wrapped up some outdoor work which consisted of replacing a few cedar boards which were showing signs of rot along the side of the house.  Anyway….

Between the previous business trip, the weeklong visit with my parents and all the other tasks required to keep an almost 40 year old house running…I’m out of videos.  I have more work travel and other work related projects which I’ve scheduled during July and early August…then thankfully, my two week long European vacation will happen in late August/Early September and trust me when I say, the vacation can’t get here soon enough.

Basically, let me get to the point before this turns into another novel.  I need to take a break from YouTube for a while.  This doesn’t mean that I’m not going to be playing my favorite sim games and it also doesn’t mean I’m going to disappear.  I may actually live stream from time to time (if time permits) but I just simply don’t have the time at this point to devote to creating recorded content for YouTube.

I will do my best to touch base with everyone on Discord and most likely you’ll continue to see some activity here on my blog site.  It’s much easier for me to continue to write about simulation gaming while traveling than it is for me to produce content for YouTube.

I sincerely hope you all understand.  Life is busy for all of us and we must always ensure we focus on the areas that matter most and while I consider each and every viewer a friend, I need to take some time away and I hope you’ll understand.

Thank you and God Bless you all.

Jerry (GBS)


  1. Thats ok man. I understand you take as much of a break as you need. I hope to see you again soon!

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