Saitek and Farming Simulator 15 USA Pre-Order

I’m curious if anyone else is planning to pre-order tomorrow?  I guess we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what the pre-order price will be.  But I will admit that I’m curious about this and may just pull the trigger.

What about you?

If you were not aware of this announcement, then follow this link and sign up for their email mailing list.  This is all I did a few weeks ago.  Hopefully you’ll receive the email tomorrow announcing the pre-order process is live.

Once I find out all the details on pricing and timeframe for availability, then I’ll post another blog posting (most likely tomorrow)

Finally, check out a brand new community geared towards all things simulation (including Farming Simulator).  It’s free to join and we’d love to have you.  The new community is called PC-SG.  Stop by and say hello.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!


Pre-order your farm sim hardware

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