Reader Question – MSFS 2024 Career Mode

Another reader question which I wanted to share with y’all.  So here goes….

Hello Jerry, I have a question regarding the new MSFS 2024 Career Mode.  Do you believe this new career mode will replace all the other 3rd party versions such as A Pilot’s Life, Air Hauler etc.? Also, I’m curious why Microsoft decided to add the career mode into the new sim since there are other 3rd party options available.  Thank you for all you do for the flight sim community.  Bob

Thank you Bob for your question.  I suppose we’ve been somewhat lacking in having a built-in career mode system within the simulator for some time and both Microsoft and Asobo seem to have been listening to the voices of the community and as a result have made the decision to add this as one of the core features of the new sim.  I also believe one of the key reasons for Microsoft to develop this new career mode is for the console community which makes up a large portion of the overall Microsoft Flight Simulator userbase.

For console players using MSFS 2020, they don’t have access to all of the 3rd party options available to us PC gamers.  I believe the only career mode add-on that console players have access to is The Skypark.  Other options such as A Pilot’s Life, Air Hauler and Neofly are all PC platform only.  So I’m sure the new option in MSFS 2024 will be a welcome addition for console gamers.

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any news from the 3rd party developers who currently have options available for MSFS 2020 on their plans for the new sim.  My guess is they will all eventually support the new sim as each have a large user base who will want to continue using their applications perhaps in addition to the built in option.

I hope this helps to answer your question regarding the new career mode option in MSFS 2024.  I suppose we’ll all learn more once the new sim launches in just a few weeks time.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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