My Tenth Anniversary

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On 2 September 2010 I wrote my first flight simulator related blog article and published it to an old blog site I called “Position and Hold”.  Ten years later, I’m still actively writing about my involvement in the hobby of flight simulation.  And with a brand new simulator release from Microsoft, there’s going to be so much more to write about.

A few years later I did rebranded my site to bring all of my simulation based gaming interests into my GrizzlyBearSims brand and renamed the site “Planes, Trains and Automobiles (and Farming Too!) which of course is the name of a great movie starring the late John Candy and Steve Martin.  The concept was to have a single platform to write about flight sim (Planes), train sim (Trains) and ATS/ETS2 Truck Sim (Automobiles) and of course also throw in Farming Simulator into the mix. 

Over the past 4-5 years my writings typically followed which ever of the above mentioned topics I spent the most time enjoying.  While I enjoy ALL the titles I mentioned above, my writings have been the most passionate when they discussed the topic of flight simulation.  This is why you’ll find a lot more posts on flight sim than any of the other topics. 

As previously mentioned, with the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, there will be so much more to experience and ultimately write about.  I’ve already been busy enjoying the new sim and providing as much information as I can through both this blog site and also my YouTube channel.  In addition, I’ve been rebuilding my GrizzlyBearSims Discord channel to feature all things simulation.  Please join me as I pop the cork on the past 10 years and what will hopefully be many more years to come. 


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