More naughty behavior

Last month I blogged about some old news regarding how I believe the Flight Pro Sim software (I’m sure you’ve seen the ads on Facebook and Twitter) is seriously cheating the flight sim hobby by taking an existing product available totally free from the good folks at and ripping YOU, the flight simulator enthusiast off by re-bundling the software and charging for it.  

Well in recent days I’ve learned how they have shown back up under a different name called Flight Simulator Plus.  Trust me, this is the same old stuff just under a different name.  The fraud is the same, the software is the same and the overall concept of taking your money for software which is available for free is still the same.  It’s bad regardless of how you slice and dice it. 

Look….as I stated in May I’ve not played around with the original software.  The reason being is I’m fully invested in Microsoft Flight Simulator X and do 99.9% of all my flight simulation flying on the VATSIM network.  It is not that I’m resistant to change….I just have my FSX machine running so smoothly with FSX that I don’t see the need for a change.  But I do care about this hobby and care about those who are involved in this awesome hobby and especially those who are just starting out.

Individuals who have been around for a while may already be set with either Microsoft Flight Simulator (of any version) or X-Plane.  You have already made an investment and are probably already set in the direction you want to go.  However, new people checking the hobby out may look to Internet web searches, Facebook or Twitter data and may stumble on this fraudulent website.  They may read all the things this flight simulator can do and may think it is what is best for them.  They may not realize (until it is too late) that the same software….the original software is available for free.  

Again, as I explained in May… has stated the reasons why they believe this is their software only re-branded.  I believe what they say is true and encourage you to help share this information throughout the Flight Sim community. 

Thank you for reading my blog and helping to spread the word. 


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