ATS Mod Review–Real Gas Stations

Would you like to see more “real world” branding in the American Truck Simulator game?  Of course there is a valid reason why SCS couldn’t include real world gas stations in the ATS game.  It all comes down to licensing and brand issues.  However, mod developers can most certainly release mods which re-brand these gas stations and this one offers you stations branded as Chevron, Gulf, Texaco and BP.

What is the Featured Mod and what does it do?

This mod is the Real Gas Stations v1.0 mod for American Truck Simulator.  It simply re-brands the in-game generic gas stations with real world American gas station brands of Chevron, Gulf, Texaco and BP.

How can I get this mod?

The Real Gas Stations v1.0 mod for American Truck Simulator is available here.

How do I install this mod?

Please see my blog post “How to Install Mods in American Truck Simulator” for complete instructions.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


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