PMDG and MSFS2020

Some really great news hit the flight simulation news wires today regarding PMDG and the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (MSFS2020).  While it’s great news because obviously MSFS2020 is believed to become the next generation flight simulator which I discussed earlier this week.  Unfortunately the news set an expectation which I fully expected, the first PMDG aircraft scheduled to be released for MSFS2020 won’t be available until late Q1 2021.  This means MSFS2020 could be some 5-6 months old before we have our first study level aircraft available to fly in the new sim. 

Naturally, I didn’t believe we would have anything from PDMG, FSLabs or even Aerosoft on day one.  I also didn’t even think we’d see anything in the first 60 days.  But I do believe good things come to those who wait and I certainly believe the PMDG 737 NG will be a thing of beauty in MSFS2020.  Actually, I encourage you to read this article posted on FSElite and view the first images we’re seeing of the PMDG 737NG in MSFS2020.  Seeing is certainly believing.  Just WOW!

Where’s the Triple Seven?

For me and my Prepar3d v5 setup, the main aircraft I’m missing from my virtual hangar to have an almost complete fleet is the PMDG Boeing 777.  My fleet of payware, study-level aircraft is near complete with the PMDG 737 NGXu, 747 QotSII, the FSLabs A319/A320/A321, Aerosoft’s A318/A319/A320/A321, QualityWings 787 Dreamliner.  I’m just waiting for the 777 and once that is installed…then my P3Dv5 fleet will be complete. 

In the above mentioned article from FSElite, PMDG does provide a status but that status is that progress on the 777 is progressing slowly.  Could we have it in the next 30 days?  Well, your guess is as good as mine.  But of course, when it is ready…PMDG will release it and it will be near perfect.  I certainly can’t wait.

Interested in Flight Sim?

If you currently don’t own a flight sim product and are really interested in getting started.  My advice to you is to start with the new Microsoft Flight Simulator when it releases on 18 August.  Enjoy and learn with the default aircraft starting with the smaller general aviation aircraft and work your way up to the Airbus A320 and Boeing 747.  I know, I know…..the urge to install MSFS2020 and take the 747 out for a spin will be difficult.  However, the time you spend in these default aircraft will pay off when the study level aircraft models begin to release. 

Yes, the default models are basic.  But for those of us who have been in this hobby for as long as I have, that’s all we had back in the day was default aircraft that came packaged with whatever version of Microsoft Flight Simulator we used. 

As I pointed out earlier in the week, please check out my tutorials section. While I don’t like to “toot my own horn”, I’ll just say that for a beginner…the articles are written to be easily understood and will give you a good level of understanding. 

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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