American Truck Simulator–Progress Week Two

If you are playing American Truck Simulator (ATS) are you also having a difficult time stepping away from it?  I know I am.  For the most part, ATS is all I’m playing and it’s all I’ve been blogging about the past two weeks.  ATS has actually been responsible in helping get this blog going again.  Lots of folks are reading my blog posts and for that, I appreciate it.  Please feel free to comment and join the discussion.  Also, follow me on Twitter.

If you remember from my posting last week where I outlined my week 1 results, I am playing ATS in what I call “Career Mode”.  This just simply means that I’m not using any cheat mods.  I started out with nothing and have been building my company one brick at a time.  It’s been a lot of fun and I’m really happy to report that the progress of my second week has been even greater than what I was able to accomplish in week one.

One of the highlights of my second week was having my truck upgraded and painted.   I chose the Mt. Rushmore color scheme to remind me of my late summer 2015 vacation.  My wife and I went to Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota.  Mt Rushmore is awesome and if you haven’t had a chance to visit, you should.

The work continues to be hard.  I’m doing my best to haul the best paying loads and training my drivers in all the best skills.  During this second week I’ve managed to fill all my open driver slots of my two garages (Los Angeles and San Diego).  I own six trucks and employ five drivers.  As the second week came to a close, my drivers have finally started to generate some nice revenue.  So much so, that I manage to pay off all bank loans and managed to save up enough to  purchase our third garage in Las Vegas.  At the present time the garage remains empty, but am planning to contact the bank and borrow a $400,000 loan to purchase three new trucks and hire three new drivers.

Not sure how well Walmart pays in the real world, but in the ATS world I’ve managed to pickup a few well paying jobs hauling for Walmart.  This Walmart trailer mod is part of a mod pack which I’ll soon feature during my weekly ATS Mod Review posting.


I also installed the new multiplayer mod for ATS/ETS2 this week and have been having fun.  I had heard all the warnings about making sure you create a new profile for MP, so I found a custom profile with lots of money which I’m using just for MP fun.  I haven’t participated in a convoy just yet, but looking forward to experiencing an ATS MP Convoy very soon.   I hope to write a “how to” blog post on multiplayer.  So stay tuned…

Here are my current stats for American Truck Simulator

Level 22

Total Driven Distance – 45,096

Total Driven Distance (On Duty) – 42,479

Total Free Roam Distance – 2,617

Roads Explored – 88.09%

Deliveries Finished – 79

Deliveries Cancelled – 0

Total Game Time Spent – 75 Days, 16 Hours

Play time – 44 Hours

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