Yet Another Move to Texas Update

Well here we are in early November and the past couple of months have flown by.  One might think that having an exciting life changing moment would cause time to drag by (sort of like being a kid and counting down the days before Christmas), but time seems to have accelerated on by despite our excitement in beginning this new chapter in our lives.

Looking back to late August when my wife and I completed our journey to Texas, found our new home, then returning back to Colorado to spend almost a month recovering from COVID.  This time especially went by quickly.  I think because in the back of my mind I was constantly thinking about all the work that needed to be done to ready our Colorado home for market, but just too darn tired and sick to really do anything about it.  But since the last update in mid October, we’ve made great progress on both our healing as well as the chores needed to get the house listed.

I’m very happy to report that we managed to meet with our realtor two weeks ago and we’ve officially listed the Denver house.  Unfortunately, two months ago when we visited Texas there was only one house on the market in our neighborhood.  Today there are nine.  But competition can be a good thing and hopefully it will sell fast.  But we just don’t know.  In addition, I’ve safely packed up the gaming PC and all peripherals.  I hated to do this as at the time it was still mid October, but the realtor suggested that we stage my office area to look more like an office versus a game room.  So everything has been safely packed and I’ll see it again once we get settled in Texas.

So what does all this mean with regards of our physical move date?  Well…first, in all honesty I’m somewhat glad for the delay as it meant I was able to perform my civic duty and cast my vote in the 2024 US Presidential Election.  Had we moved any earlier, I don’t believe I would have had time to get re-registered in Texas.  So that’s done!

From way back in late August/early September, it’s been our plan/goal to be moved before the US Thanksgiving holiday.  With Thanksgiving falling late in November, this does give us a bit of extra time.  At this time I’m not sure if we would consider moving before the Denver house sells.  But either way, we still have a house we own that we’re not living in.  But we’re fully insured on both fronts and we’ll reach a decision with regards to what happens next in time.

Hopefully the next time I provide an update regarding our move, it will be to announce that everything is packed, loaded in the moving truck and we (my wife and I) are headed down I-25 towards New Mexico and then on across to Texas.  But time will tell….

I know my move updates have had nothing to do with simulation gaming.  But I wanted to share this journey with someone and well….you who are reading this is that someone.  So thank you for reading and thank you for living vicariously through these updates. I hope you’ve enjoyed the journey so far.  Certainly more to come…

Until next time….

Happy Packing!!!


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