What comes around….

Yes, I suppose it truly does go around.  I’ve blogged over the past 9-10 months about my full circle experiences of getting back involved with a virtual airline, flying on VATSIM and even managing my old DFW hub.  Sadly, it all came to an end tonight when I had to make the difficult decision to resign.

I just don’t have the time these days.  I haven’t flown or blogged much (as you can tell) and I want to change that.  But I’m afraid I just don’t have the time to spend flying 30-40 hours a month along with investing 10-20 hours with the management duties in the VA. 

I do enjoy the flight sim hobby very much.  I will return to it very soon as well as blogging about my adventures.  I think I’ll park the heavy iron and dust off the Carenado Mooney and my Carenado float plane and head up to the PNW soon. 

Look for fresh blog content about this adventure very soon.  Thanks for stopping by.


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