The Time Has Come – Last Move Update From Colorado

That’s Right!  Ladies and Gentlemen and Children of all ages…..the time has finally come.  We are 100% packed and ready to roll.  The gaming machine and all my peripherals including everything in the house with exception to the kitchen sink has been meticulously packed and loaded onto a large semi which is already headed to Texas.  OMG!  It’s been a heck of a few weeks reaching this point.  All the hard work, including recovering from COVID has finally reached the point to where we say our farewells to our neighbors and to the house that has kept my wife and I safe and secure for more than 20 years.

Back on 24 October, I celebrated my 26th year of living and calling Colorado my home.  I moved here in 1998 to begin a brand new career.  During the last 26 years I’ve experienced highs and lows, but have truly enjoyed my time in the Mile High City.  I met my wife in 2001 and she relocated to Colorado from London in 2002.  We purchased our home in the spring of 2004.  Of course, it’s a bittersweet moment to sell our house and move.  After all, we were married in our courtyard back in 2007.  This home and our neighborhood (along with many dear friends) will be forever cemented into our memories.  But my wife and I are very much looking forward to beginning the next chapter of our life in the Lone Star State.

Living in a house for the past 20 years, well we’ve accumulated a lot of stuff.  I think in an earlier update I mentioned that our Colorado house was almost 4,000 sq. ft. and our new Texas house is about 2,100 sq. ft.  So how does one fit a square peg into a round hole?  With a big hammer right?  Well in our case it’s been more like a bunch of trash bags and also a lot of trips to the second hand shops where we’ve donated a whole lot of stuff.  We’re really tried to sort through and made decisions as to what to move and what to part with.  Some things we’ve packed will get a second review once we begin unpacking in Texas.  But we’ve done a great job in our downsizing efforts on the Colorado end.

As for the Colorado home, we met with our Colorado Realtor a few weeks ago and discussed all our options for selling our Denver home.  As I’ve mentioned in previous update posts, our goal for selling our Denver home is to get the very best price, in the shortest amount of time possible and with very little stress to my wife and I.  I’m sure this is what everyone wants at the end of the day, but we have some flexibility in the fact that 1, we have a new house to move into and B, we could be out of our house within two weeks if necessary.

So what is the current status of our Denver home?  Drum roll please….Well we’re officially under contract pending all the necessary things that must come together between now and closing and we hope to close.  Our realtor found an investor who is very interested in our Denver house and plans to make the necessary renovations and most likely put it on the market in the new year.  If all goes as planned, we will close on 25 November and will do that electronically as we do not need to return to Denver to make this happen.

We’re taking our time driving home to Texas.  There’s no huge rush as our contents won’t arrive until sometime next week.  Our first leg was a short one.  The movers didn’t get the semi packed until almost 5 PM, so we drove down to Pueblo for the first night.  As we’re both tired from essentially doing nothing all day.  Today (Saturday) we will drive to Sweetwater, Texas.  Then on Sunday we will drive the remaining 230 miles or approx. 4 hours to Georgetown, our new home.

Of course, we will be residing in a hotel for a few days as we await the delivery of our furniture and household contents.  But while we wait, I have a busy first week with the Fiber Internet install on Monday and hopefully getting some of the “Must Do” items off the check-list such as vehicle registration, drivers license etc.  I figured I would do these tasks while we wait for the truck to arrive.

Finally, as Thanksgiving is quickly approaching I plan to have one somewhat fun blog posting for the 26th which discusses a fun new toy in my garage in Texas.  But I would suspect that the frequency of blog postings might slow down for a few weeks.  Yes, I’m missing out on the release of both MSFS 2024 and also Farming Simulator 25.  But there’s just no avoiding it as my priorities must be to get the new house setup.

Thank you for allowing me to share my Texas Move Adventures with you all.  There will be more updates as we get settled and of course my thoughts on MSFS 2024 and Farming Simulator 25 in due time.

Until next time…

Happy Unpacking!


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