Texas Move Final Update

We’re quickly closing in on having completed our first full month of living in Texas and in our new home.  We’ve been steadily unpacking and organizing the best we can over the past few weeks and while I wish I could say all the boxes are unpacked and everything is done, it just simply isn’t the case.  But the vast majority is done and we’re OK with that.

Most likely we will have boxes in the garage and a few unpacked boxes in the closets for a few months.  This is just the way it goes when undertaking a large move like this.  We could stress over this, but life is too short to worry about the little things and like I said, we’re OK with the progress we’ve made.

Unfortunately a lot of my time the past few weeks have been dealing with my dad.  Since we’ve been in Texas (just 4 weeks now) he’s been in and out of the hospital several times.  But this is one of the many reasons why we moved when we did and I’ll try to spend as much time as I can with him as I never know when it might be the last.

All-in-all we’re very happy here.  The weather has been amazing with day-time high temps in the upper 70’s.  The grass has stopped growing and a few weeks ago I put down some winter formula fertilizer.  Hopefully we’ll have some moisture in the spring and the grass will come back nice and green.

I did manage to unpack all my gaming gear and have spent some free time flying and farming.  I’ll have an update on my impressions of Farming Simulator 25 and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 in the new year.

As Christmas is quickly approaching, this most likely will be my last blog posting in 2024.  I look forward to the new year and writing more about simulation gaming for all you to read.  Until then, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Safe New Year!

Thanks for reading!  I’ll return soon in the new year.


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