Taking a YouTube Break

Some of you are aware that two weeks ago my Mother passed away.  She was 72 years old and died suddenly of a massive heart attack.  I got the call from my Dad letting me know she was in the hospital, but she passed before I could get there.

To be honest with both my viewers and more importantly with myself, the past few months have been a struggle with keeping content on the channel going.  I absolutely love gaming and I’m not stopping.  But unfortunately, the process of creating content does change how I enjoy the games and more importantly how the games help me to destress from a long day. 

Most of the more mature gamers I know all play games for much the same reason.  First before we were older gamers, we were younger gamers…so it’s just been a natural progression over the years.  Second, we enjoy the disconnect from life’s stressful moments, if only for an hour or two at a time. 

The passing of my mom has somewhat awoken me to what matters most in this life we live.  I’m not going to get all “philosophical” on you, but will just say that I have an insight on a few things now that I didn’t have a few weeks ago. 

In one of my last YouTube Farm Sim videos I talked about my health and what I had been doing to get in better shape.  Both of my parents suffer/suffered from many of the health conditions I’ve been trying to address through diet and exercise.  The sudden passing of my Mother has motivated me to do everything in my power to not follow the same path.  

As most content creators will know, producing content for YouTube takes time.  For now, I’m going to continue to play and enjoy all the wonderful simulation based games I own including Farming Simulator 19, American and Euro Truck Simulator, Car Mechanic Simulator and Flight Simulator.  I’m not making any hard decisions regarding the future of the GrizzlyBearSims YouTube channel other than to say that I’m taking a YouTube break for now. 

However, I’ve always enjoyed writing and I have many additional topics I want to share on my blog site.  Actually I just finished a “Basics of VATSIM” flight sim tutorial which I’ve been working off and on since early March.  This will release either tomorrow or Wednesday.  So if you are interested in getting started with the flight sim multiplayer environment known as VATSIM, then hopefully that tutorial will help you. 

So for now, I’ll do my best to stay in touch via Discord and over at PC-SG.  I’ll re-evaluate things with YouTube in a few weeks or perhaps a few months.  Thank you for understanding.


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