What’s in a name…

When I started this blog I was inspired by a fellow flight sim enthusiasts blog titled “Clear Left…Views from the virtual Flight Deck” of Al Stiff.  Another blog I enjoy reading also comes from a fellow flight sim enthusiast titled “Clear Right…Onur’s virtual skies”.  Both Onur and Al do a fine job blogging about their flight sim adventures. 

I wanted a name which was sort of catchy but at the same time defined my flight sim blog.  I liked the term “Position and Hold” from the aspect of positioning yourself in a nice comfy chair and holding by reading what I hoped would be just as fine of content as Al and Onur produce on their blog.  I had learned of the FAA’s plan to eventually change the phraseology of position and hold to line up and wait.  My blog officially debuted on 2 September 2010 and the FAA policy change was scheduled for 30 September 2010. 

I’ve received a few comments regarding the name of my blog.  Most start out like “don’t you know the term position and hold no longer applies” or “you should change the name to line up and wait”.  Yes, again I’m aware of the phraseology change and no I’m not going to change the name of my blog to line up and wait.  Smile

My blog will proudly stay titled “Position and Hold” to reflect the original thought I had and described just a minute ago and to also serve as a reminder of the phraseology which certainly sounds better than “Line up and wait”.  But of course I understand the concerns around the phraseology…just think of this blog as helping to preserve a snap shot in time.

Until next time….Please “Position and Hold”



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