Some Real World Stuff – An Update

As mentioned back in May, my wife and I are planning to move from Colorado back to my home state of Texas.  In about a week, we will visit my family in Central Texas and spend a few days shopping for a new house.  It’s been a hectic past few weeks as we’ve already started sorting through 20+ years of stuff in an effort to downsize from a home of almost 5,000 sq. ft. into something about half the size.  We’re making great progress, but still have so much to do.

The timeframe for our move is still very much up in the air at the moment.  We know we’re going to move and we know where we’re moving to.  However, at the present moment in time we don’t have a house in Texas to move into.  We certainly want to move this year and would love to be settled into our new home before Thanksgiving.  While the calendar tells me that Thanksgiving is still over 3 months away, we still have so much to do and to accomplish before hand.

The planned trip next weeks will hopefully produce fruit in the sense that we’ll find the home of our dreams and then be able to establish a solid plan to get everything from Colorado to Texas.  But wow…is this stressful.

There may come a time where my almost weekly blog posts will fall off to perhaps only once or twice a month or perhaps to even nothing for a few months.  I’ll keep you all posted on what we learn from our Texas trip.  Hopefully that will be good news and we’ve found a house and can truly get this move on the way.

Until next time….

Happy Packing!!!


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