SCS Software Y U No Fix


Thanks for the lug nuts and the wheel caps, but why did you not address the bloody intersection outside of Tonopah, NV where highways 6 and 95 meet?  While I’m anxious for Arizona, I also understand these things take time and I would rather have a beautiful (and fully working Arizona DLC) than some half-thrown together version.  But I know the intersection in Tonopah has been talked about on all the various forums.  When heading north through Tonopah to Elko, you must really break with reality to navigate this intersection.  The traffic just keeps coming and coming and coming. 

Please help all of us by correcting this nightmare of an intersection in Tonopah.  Also, I still don’t think the cluster of an intersection in Reno is correct.  I also understand there are limitations between what can be done in the virtual software world versus what we experience in the real world.  But I really doubt traffic on I-80 is slowed to 30 MPH in the real world. 

But hey…thanks for the custom lug nuts.  Smile  Please, please, pleast fix these issues.



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