Reader Question – Should I Buy A PC?

To my knowledge, or at least what I can remember…this is the first reader email I’ve received from someone who has been playing MSFS 2020 on the console platform.  Isaac is asking a very good question and one I have a few opinions.  Let’s dive into his email.

Hello Jerry!  My name is Isaac and I’ve recently found your blog and enjoy reading your content regarding Microsoft Flight Simulator.  For the past few years I’ve been enjoying MSFS on the Xbox.  As I was brand new to flight sim I honestly didn’t know what I might be missing out on between the Xbox and PC platforms.  I’m seriously considering purchasing a PC to take advantage of things like the VATSIM network.  Do you have any advice for me with regards to just what type of a PC to buy and anything else I’ll need to know?  Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.  Isaac

Isaac, first off….thank you for your email.  I think you might be the very first Xbox console user to reach out to me.  Unfortunately, as I’m a PC based MSFS user, the content I write about is mostly geared towards PC users.  I don’t own a gaming console and the only games I do play (other than MSFS) are all PC based as well.  But you are right, there are limitations which do prevent you from truly taking your flight simulation experience to the next level with the Xbox platform and you’ve mentioned one very important one with regards to the VATSIM network.

Unfortunately, with the limitations of the Xbox platform restricting some 3rd party applications I don’t ever see platform users being able to take advantage of the VATSIM, IVAO or other similar multi-player networks.  So if this is something that is important to you in the future, then the only way to make that happen is to move to the PC version. But of course, this will come at an added expense and you are the only one that can justify if that expense is worth it.

As for a PC, I would build or buy the most powerful PC which your budget will allow.  I would thoroughly research the published minimum system requirements for MSFS 2024 and get as close as you can to the “Ideal” Spec and certainly meet or exceed the “Recommended” spec.  I would advise not trying to build or buy for just the “Min” spec.  (See below for the current MSFS 2024 Specs as published by Microsoft).

What Are the Spec Requirements for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024?

When I build a new PC, I always try to build it based on the most powerful systems specs I can obtain.  This isn’t always possible due to budget restraints, but the more powerful you can build/buy today the better off you’ll be in the long run.  When I built my current gaming machine last summer, I made sure it would last me at least 5 years and I’m so glad I did, because it should run MSFS 2024 without any issues.

The other consideration you’ll need to think about is the repurchase of any add-ons.  While this isn’t an issue for those of us on PC as most everything purchased for MSFS 2020 will be made available for MSFS 2024 at no cost.  But for example, If you purchased the PMDG 737 for Xbox, most likely you’ll need to purchase it again for the PC platform.  So these things can add up quickly.

But you’re absolutely correct, the PC platform is much more robust when it comes to things like the VATSIM network and participation in Virtual Airlines.  But when the rubber hits the road, the decision to buy a PC and make the move from XBox to PC is going to come down to your own budget.

Best of luck to anyone who is compilating this move.  If there is anything I can assist with once you make the move to PC, then please contact me.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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