Reader Question – Purchasing Add-ons for MSFS

As we’re officially one week away from the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, I though this reader question was somewhat timely and fitting for all.  Connor emailed me back in early October and I answered his question and told him to keep an eye out on the website for his question to be made available to all just before the release of MSFS 2024, so let’s dive in.

Jerry, long time reader, first time emailing you.  I would like your advice with regards to how best to purchase add-ons for MSFS 2024.  When MSFS 2020 launched, I was busy with work and other family commitments and I stayed on P3D v5.  But I built a new PC and I’m wanting to move to MSFS 2024 on release but I am curious how best to purchase add-ons. I’ve heard some say it’s best to purchase everything (if available) from the MSFS Marketplace and I’ve heard people state the opposite.  Can you tell me what your best practice is for purchasing add-ons?  Thank you and best of luck on the move and the next chapter of your life.  Connor

This is a very good question, but before I discuss my own process for purchasing/installing add-ons, allow me to go back in history just a bit.  As we were nearing the release date for MSFS 2020 and more and more information was made available about the Microsoft in-game Marketplace, I was really excited about it.  I thought gone are the days where we need to have multiple installers, from multiple developers….everything we purchased would be right in the MS Marketplace for ever.  No longer would I need to keep a spreadsheet of all my purchases.  I thought this would be the best thing since a pocket on a shirt.  But boy, was I wrong.

Keep in mind that I didn’t make the move to MSFS 2020 until the release of the Fenix A320 in mid 2022.  So almost two years went by before I really became serious about MSFS.  Yes, it was a day one purchase for me, but without high-fidelity, study-level aircraft….it just wasn’t my cup of tea considering the majority of my sim time is flying airliners.  So with almost two years having gone by, I had heard enough horror stories about the in-game Marketplace to steer clear away from it.

On paper, the Microsoft in-game Marketplace should be a no-brainer.  But as I previously mentioned, there are issues which in my opinion are enough to stay clear from it.  Users have reported their purchases disappearing after a period of time and when they seek out support via Microsoft they are told there’s nothing that can be done.  Another key reason to avoid purchases via the in-game Marketplace is the length of time it takes Microsoft to approve a 3rd party update.  For example, PMDG might release an update to  one of their aircraft types, but that update won’t be available to those who purchased it via the Marketplace for several weeks.  Same with new add-ons.

Of course, those who are on a console platform have no other choice but to purchase via the in-game Microsoft Marketplace, but then again….that’s not my target audience for this blog space.

In closing, I avoid and will continue to avoid the Microsoft in-game Marketplace.  I have a pretty solid process for how I track my add-on purchases and with the addition of sites like iniBuilds and Contrail, it’s super easy to install and update the vast majority of 3rd party add-ons.  As these add-ons are made ready to install on MSFS 2024, it should also be very easy to install them.

That’s my two cents on the matter.  I hope everyone has a wonderful MSFS 2024 launch day in one week.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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