Reader Question–ATS vs ETS2

Here’s a first for the GBS Blog, a reader question regarding the differences between American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 both by SCS Software.  It’s certainly understandable as to why this is a first as I really haven’t blogged much in recent years about either of the two titles, but I do have a few articles which are still popular based on Google search analytics and as a result has brought a new reader to the GBS Blogs.  While I don’t claim to be an expert in any of the simulation based games I feature on this blog site, I do enjoy helping others and will continue to do so to the best of my ability for as long as I enjoy the titles.  So with that said, let’s dive into the question.

Hello Jerry,  I stumbled onto your blog site a few days ago and found one of your older articles that you wrote regarding the ATS Mod Sort/Load Order.  This article was extremely helpful to me as I had been experiencing some issues and had been just generally confused on just how to sort my mods for best experience in ATS.  I’m relatively new to ATS as of this past summer and having a blast driving around the various maps.  Like you, I’m really loving the new Texas DLC and believe it’s been one of the best DLC releases.  At least that is my opinion.  Anyway, my question for you (if you have time) is other than geographical differences, what are the differences between ATS and ETS2? Is one more challenging than the other? As I do enjoy ATS, do you think ETS2 would also be enjoyable?  Thank you for your time and thank you for the blog site.  Jim

Jim asks some valid questions, especially for anyone who might be new to either of the two “Truckin” Sims by SCS Software.  As of the time that I received Jim’s message, ETS2 was on sale for 75% off at $4.99.  I provided Jim with the answers to the questions he asked and let him know about the sale.  He confirmed with me a few hours later that he took advantage of the sale and now owns his own version of ETS2.  But allow me the opportunity to share the feedback I provided to Jim along with a few other insights. 

First, absolutely yes….if one enjoys ATS, I do believe they would also enjoy ETS2.  Obviously as Jim was already aware, the main differences between ATS and ETS2 is the region.  ATS being American Truck Simulator depicts trucking within the US and of course Euro Truck Simulator 2 depicts trucking within Europe.  The similarities with how the two games function are essentially identical with the new player needing to grind his or her way through various levels, earning as much money as you can to then purchase your first truck and begin building your trucking empire.  But after that….the two are vastly different. 

As most may know, ETS2 was released over 10 years ago and over the past decade the base game map has grown tremendously through the release of DLC’s and an active modding community called ProMods.  Obviously with ETS2 being an older sim compared to ATS, there’s a lot more map available to drive.  However, the scaling between ATS and ETS2 is slightly different.  ATS scaling is set to 1:20 while ETS2 is 1:19.  But this scaling difference is barely noticeable in the grand scheme of things.  Unfortunately, due to the age of ETS2…some of the original release areas are starting to show their age with some areas being outdated.  SCS Software is generally pretty good at providing map updates to correct these sorts of issues so most likely it’s just a matter of when it will get done versus if it will get done.

Obviously as ETS2 is depicting truck driving within Europe, the trucks and trailers are very different from what we see in ATS and of course what we see driving up and down the highways.  In ATS the roadways are generally nice and wide where turns are made fairly easy.  The same can’t always be said about ETS2 as the roads in Europe are often extremely narrow which is why you don’t see conventional style trucks.  The trucks within ETS2 are all cab-overs and the trailer length is also much shorter to their American counterparts.  However, I find most of the pickup/delivery locations to be easier to navigate in ETS2 due to the shorter truck/trailer lengths.   ETS2 also incorporates a few features such as ferry crossings between mainland Europe to the UK as well as the Channel Tunnel rail crossing between England and France. 

Bottom line is I enjoy both ATS and ETS2.  While I tend to spend more time in ATS, I do still very much enjoy ETS2.  My advice (if your budget allows) is to try out ETS2.  I really don’t believe you’ll be disappointed. 

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!


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