Practical Soilmod Workflow Part 5

The end is here…after carefully planting, fertilizing, watching weather forecasts and monitoring soil conditions over the past several days…the day of harvest has finally arrived and I wrap up this five part practical soilmod workflow for Farming Simulator 15.

Did you play along?  Were you successful?  Did you fail?  Regardless…do you think you can improve and do better next time?  Or did you realize the soilmod is just too much?

I hope you’ll continue to use this wonderful mod.  Remember, while I think there are plenty of lessons to be learned from each crop you plant, fertilize and harvest using the soilmod.  I also firmly believe the soilmod provides us that “real life” unpredictability when it comes to harvest yields that regardless just how close you follow any plan the results will always vary.  This is what keeps me playing this game over and over and over.

Thank you for watching, liking and subscribing.  I appreciate it!

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!


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