PMDG 777 and 737 MAX News

In the past 24-48 hours we’ve had more teasers from PMDG regarding the current projects under development.  As we’ve known for sometime, the next expected release from PMDG AFTER the 737 series was to be the Boeing 777.  Earlier this month PMDG teased us with a customary landing gear screenshot from the 777 which I discussed in my article “PMDG Egg Nog”.  Since then, many have assumed (and you know what it means to assume right?) that Robert’s comment about “looking forward to welcoming you into the hangar with a glass of egg-nog in hand” meant that we might see something new from PMDG before the end of the year.  Is this still possible? 

Then on the 17th, Robert provided an additional update on the various projects along with another screenshot from the forward cabin of the Boeing 777.


In this update from the 17th, Robert mentions that the PMDG 777 has officially entered the beta testing stage.  If memory serves, the 737 spent a couple of months in beta testing.  So would the 777 beta testing period be similar?  Could be, but Robert mentioned in this recent update that his PMDG team have learned a lot about the development process from the 737 series and that could mean the amount of time needed to thoroughly test the 777 could be shorter. 

Even more speculation

There’s been some recent details about a PMDG tester being spotted flying a B38M.  These details came from a screenshot of the testers Discord profile which showed him flying the type in MSFS around Seattle Paine Field.  See below.

Discord MAX

Once again Robert teases with how he closes out the update from the 17th by the following:  “(Only 6 more shopping days until Christmas)”.  Of course many are speculating that PMDG will release something new to us before or on Christmas. 

My Own Opinions

As the 777 only went into beta testing on the 17th, I really doubt we’ll see that aircraft released in 2023.  While I certainly believe the amount of time PMDG spent testing the 737 before release could certainly be due to the fact that MSFS was a brand new sim for them to develop for.  The fact that they’ve had more than a year to come to terms with how MSFS works and what they have to do to develop add-on aircraft could certainly mean a short testing cycle for the 777.  But I don’t think they will rush this just to try to get it to us before Christmas or even before the end of the year.  In all likelihood, we’ll see the 777 release sometime in early Q1 of 2024. 

As for the 737 MAX.  Well…..I go back to what I’ve said before where we’ve heard Robert mention that PMDG has no plans to communicate a release date for the 737 MAX.  That one day we’ll wake up and find it’s available to purchase.  Could we actually wake up on Christmas morning and find the 737 MAX available?  I suppose time will tell.

Until next time…

Only 5 more shopping days until Christmas!!


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