Paradise Hills Episode Six

Happy Tuesday to all!  I’m really not a statistics driven individual and I certainly don’t put myself out there through this blog site or my semi-new YouTube Channel in an effort just to accumulate readers, subscribers, viewers, likes etc.  However, as was the case with this blog site over six years ago, “If you build it, they will come” and the same seems to have applied to my YouTube channel.  Since starting the Paradise Hills series last week, my subscriber numbers have doubled and it’s really been exciting watching the count inch closer and closer to the 50 mark.  Just like so many of my fellow YouTube virtual farmers, the “Likes” and “Subscriptions” really do help keep us motivated and tells us you enjoy what you are seeing and want to see more.  Well….more is coming!

Our sixth installment of Paradise Hills will find us planting corn on our newly purchased field number 2.  As episode six is releasing today, I’m currently recording content for what will become episode thirteen and I’ve learned so much between episode six and episode thirteen.  I’d really like to thank Mike (Reefy1952) for his assistance, guidance and especially his mentoring in helping me become a better virtual farmer.  I highly encourage you to check out Mike’s YouTube channel and go ahead and click that “Subscribe” button as his content and commentary is both educational, but also entertaining.  Thank you Mike for your help and friendship!

Enough of my babble…here’s Paradise Hills, episode six….

Until tomorrow….

Happy Farming!!!


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