Paradise Hills Episode Nine

TGIF!  Less than TWO weeks to go until Farming Simulator 17 releases.  Can you believe it?  I’m getting more and more excited.  How about you?

Today I’m bringing you episode nine of my Farming Simulator 15 series on the awesome Paradise Hills map by Stevie.  Even if you have plans to ditch FS15 on the day FS17 releases, you should still consider downloading and experiencing Paradise Hills for yourself.  You can find the latest version of Stevie’s Paradise Hills on PC-SG.  Not a member of PC-SG?  You should correct this oversight today!  The PC-SG community is growing and we welcome you to join us, sit back and enjoy the conversation.

Yes…today is Friday and I have the ninth episode of my Paradise Hills series to present to you.  In this edition, we start off planting some barley and eventually do a little mowing.  I hope you enjoy this video.  If you do, I would appreciate you taking just a few seconds of your time to “Like” it and also please consider clicking the Subscribe button as well.  I really appreciate it.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I’ll return on Monday with episode 10.

Until then…

Happy Farming!!!


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