One of our own…

One of our own…needs some help!  If there is one thing I truly know in the very bottom of my heart is as a community we do our very best to take care of our own.  Especially when the individual in need of help has helped so many.  Now please understand that this is the very first time I’ve actually put words down on my blog in an effort to ask YOU to help someone else.  So here goes….

A fellow simulation gamer named BiPolar Prophet is an awesome gamer and fellow YouTuber.  I’ve come to know him through his videos and I’m telling you his content is some of the best I’ve seen on YouTube.  He’s been producing “Let’s Play” gaming videos for several years now including game play on ATS, ETS2, Spintires, iRacing and of course lots and lots of Farming Simulator 15.  Actually it’s through his FS15 videos where I’ve come to know him and come to appreciate all the hard work he puts into his videos. 

Anyway, the BiPolar Prophet’s gaming laptop (the machine he uses to play, record and render his awesome videos) is on it’s last legs.   Unfortunately he’s not in a position to be able to just go out and purchase a new machine.  Also, BP is a very proud individual and hasn’t directly asked for assistance.  But many of his friends are asking the community on his behalf. 

So here’s the deal.  Many of you have known me through my blogging (and now YouTube) efforts for many years.  You trust me enough by returning and reading my material and now watching my videos.  I ask you to trust me once again, and please go visit BP’s YouTube channel and watch some of his videos.  IF you like what you see (and I believe you will), then at the top of his YouTube Channel page is a donation link (via Paypal).  I ask you, please consider making what ever amount of donation you feel you can.  BiPolar Prophet will use the donation to purchase another gaming machine and get back to producing his awesome content. 

Here’s the link to BiPolar Prophet’s YouTube Channel.  From that page, just look in the upper right corner and you’ll see buttons for Facebook, Paypal, Twitter, Twitch etc.  Just click the Paypal button and make a donation.  Any amount will be greatly appreciated. 

On behalf of BP and all his friends…I thank you for taking the time to read this and thank you for the consideration. 


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