OMG–Only One John Deere Combine in FS19

I’m sorry…I’ve just been triggered by something.  My friend Duckzorly spent some time during one of his recent Farming Simulator 17 Livestreams standing on his soapbox talking about the madness some in the FS community seem to be showing/exhibiting after it appears there will only be ONE (1) John Deere combine in FS19.

For the record, it wasn’t Duckzorly’s livestream video which triggered me to write this piece.  Actually it was another video I stumbled on where the YouTube content creator just seems to be really upset, disappointed…but mostly upset with the fact that only one John Deere harvester has been announced for FS19.  Really???  Geez dude….you really have your priorities out of whack and you need to take a chill pill STAT!

Patience Grasshopper

Let’s take a deep breath and try to put things into perspective.  First, Farming Simulator 19 is the first of the long running agricultural based simulators by GIANTS to include John Deere in the base game.  In other words, FS19 is the first to include an “officially licensed” John Deere piece of equipment in the base game.  Something that many of us believed would never, ever happen.

Second to that point.  We’re still two months away from the release of Farming Simulator 19.  While I understand those who are studying the FS19 Fact Sheets are drawing conclusions that there will only be one JD combine in the game, we’re still two months away from release.  So really…anything can happen.

Third, because this is the first time John Deere has been officially licensed into Farming Simulator, perhaps the John Deere company is taking a “wait and see” approach to determine what the next phase will be.  Or perhaps it’s GIANTS who are taking the “wait and see” approach…or equal parts of both.  Or…here’s an idea!  Stop the presses…unfortunately I can’t say you heard it here first (as Duckzorly was the first I heard suggest this idea) that the usual DLC we see GIANTS release a few months down the road will be a John Deere themed DLC.  From a marketing perspective…that right there ladies and gentlemen is a brilliant idea.   Take my money now!!!

As it stands on Tuesday, 25 September…we’re getting six pieces of John Deere branded equipment.  This includes one JD weight, one JD 7.6m grain header, one JD 6.0m corn header, one JD 8R series tractor and ONE JD T560 harvester.  There appears to still be one (yet to be revealed) JD vehicle (believed to be the JD Gator) that has not been announced.  If this is all the JD equipment we see on release day, then be thankful and shut up about it.  In the days, weeks, months after release of FS19 the internet will be full of John Deere mods which may or may not work well for FS19.

Bottom Line

We all have opinions, complaints and plenty of hopes and dreams for what Farming Simulator will deliver to us on 20 November.  Later this week (perhaps tomorrow) I’m going to share some of these with you and discuss whether or not GIANTS have lost the plot with the direction (or at least the perceived direction) they are taking FS19.

But until then, if you want to talk about Farming Simulator 19…join me as I say farewell to Farming Simulator 17 on an upcoming YouTube Livestream on the South Mountain Creamery map with Seasons.  In the mean time, please consider also visiting my good friends and excellent YouTube content creators Duckzorly Gaming and Eustace Pharmer.  If you’re not familiar with these two channels, you are missing out on some of the very best and family friendly Farming Simulator entertainment on the entire interwebz.

Remember!  One John Deere combine is better than NO John Deere combine.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!



  1. I suspect you’re right about JD not “green lighting” (pardon the pun) a lot of equipment at the beginning. After all, I suspect they were left with quite the distaste in their mouth after their own stab into the gaming world (in retrospect, contracting a sholvelware company like ValuSoft to develop the game was never going to end well). I do think the folks in Moline, if they are paying attention, might be influenced to the better to see the demand amongst the playerbase for the big green machines.

    In truth, I’m hoping for a large DLC that covers many of the things the JD produces: additional tractors, seed drills, cotton and sugar cane harvesters, perhaps even the 9630T. And, I’m hoping beyond hope that the modding community will do for JD what they did for MF in the ’17 version and put together a nice pack with vehicles from the 70’s – 90’s. (I’m all about the retro.)

    Keeping my fingers crossed, but my head screwed on.
    Battery H

  2. Another point to consider (IIRC Dagerwin is where I first heard it suggested) is that Giants needs to maintain a good relationship with the other manufacturers already in game. Opening the floodgates on the JD tap could be seen as playing favorites. I’ve seen a number of comments on the forums about posters being disappointed that they can’t run a full JD set up that seems to support the idea that left unchecked the game for some would become JD Simulator.

    If I’m being honest I was hoping we would see some S series combine (If I’m being really honest I’m still holding on to hope for some Gleaner combines)

    • That’s a very good point Bob. We certainly need GIANTS to manage the relationship with all manufacturers so they all feel they have an equal stake in the game (so to speak). Thanks for posting.

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