New FS17 Courseplay Tutorial Series

Hello Friends,

My apologies in neglecting keeping fresh content flowing through the pages of my simulation gaming blog site.  I’ve been having fun launching my YouTube Channel and producing video content showcasing my virtual farming adventures.  If you haven’t had the chance, please visit the GrizzlyBearSims YouTube Channel, Subscribe and dive in.

While I realize many YouTube channels may already feature FS17 Courseplay tutorials, some of these channels are victims of their own success.  What I mean by that is their channels are so BIG, these guys just don’t have time to respond to questions from their viewers.

Part of my day-to-day job in the real world is to write training documentation.  The thing I learned a long time ago is to “Get In, Get Out and Don’t Make Too Big of a Mess”.  I believe I’ve tried to convey this approach in some of my tutorials I’ve recorded for my YouTube Channel over the past 14 months or so.

Starting this week, I plan to release a series of tutorial videos on Courseplay for Farming Simulator 17 in my “no-nonsense” style of presentation.  Each video will contain just the information you’ll need to replicate the same action on your virtual farm.

To kick things off, I’ve recorded this brief introduction to Courseplay for FS17 including how to download, how to install and initial setup.  Thank you for watching!


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