MSFS2020 PMDG Delays?

Could the PMDG 737NG3 for MSFS2020 be delayed even longer than first anticipated?  While many of us fully understand the time it would take to bring an aircraft of the level of quality and sophistication like the PMDG 737 into MSFS2020, we might need to wait just a bit longer.

A few weeks before the new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 was released, Robert Randazzo (CEO of PMDG) announced we could see the new PMDG 737NG3 in the new simulator sometime in late Q1 2001 or early in Q2.  Here’s the link to the full article and below is a snippet from that same article discussing the possible timeline. 

pmdg q1

However, it appears Robert commented just a few days ago with the following:

pmdg 6-12 mos

While certainly his now 6-12 month comment isn’t a sign of panic, after all I’d personally rather have it 100% ready than to have PMDG rush to bring it out only to find it’s useless.  Plus this isn’t how PMDG operates anyway. 

What this comment tells me and I quote from the post, is the platform (as it stands today) simply isn’t ready for products as complex as PMDG’s.  I believe the same can also be said for FSLabs and others.  Again, I’m not worried (and neither should you be) as those of us who are content with P3D and X-Plane certainly have alternatives. 

Of course, time will tell just what other “stuff” is coming to P3D and whether anyone will buy it.  I’m just hoping the release of their Boeing 777 is sooner rather than later for P3Dv5.  While I tend to mostly fly shorter-haul flights in the Boeing 737 and Airbus A319/A320/A321, I do still enjoy stretching my legs on some longer flights and absolutely adore the 777. 

So Robert Randazzo, if you happen to stumble onto this writing (which I doubt you will).  Take your time with FS2020.  It will be worth the wait. 

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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