MSFS2020 First Patch Coming Soon

If you’ve been enjoying or trying to enjoy the brand new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you’ll be happy to note the first expected patch is due to be released in the next few days.  Microsoft recently announced on their dev blog the full list of fixes users can expect in this very first patch

Yes, it’s a short list!

Many in the flight sim community are expressing disappointment with this first patch believing it should include more fixes and enhancements.  I personally believe this update is 100% spot on and is precisely the fixes the sim needs now, versus waiting another week, two or more to include more. 

First, there are many who are still struggling simply to download and install the sim.  If you refer to the patch notes, you’ll see there are several items being addressed which should help the folks who haven’t been able to install. 

Second, the SimConnect FPS drop has all but grounded anyone who desires to use MSFS2020 with the online networks like VATSIM, IVAO and PilotEdge. 

Third, the sim crashes when USB devices are connected or disconnected is another show stopper in my opinion and has been causing issues for many users.

More to Come?

Absolutely!  There are many opportunities which need to be addressed and I’m confident these will be addressed in time.  I’d personally rather see Microsoft/Asobo address the truly show stopper issues first (as they’ve done with this first patch) then hold this patch up several more weeks. 

How to Apply the Update?

That’s Easy-Peasy, Lemon Squeezy.  If you happen to be running MSFS2020 at the time the update is released, just simply shut down the sim and restart.  The sim will automagically download and install the updates. 

We should know more about what’s on the horizon in future patch releases on 3 September.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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