MSFS 2024 Purchase Options

By now I’m sure you’ve all heard that Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is now officially available for pre-order.  The actual release date, pending no issues is set for 19 November which is less than two months away.  Like you, I’ve been diving into all the various purchase options to try and determine which option suits me best.

When MSFS 2020 released, I decided to purchase the Premium Deluxe version.  I made this decision primarily due to the hand-crafted airports option and thinking these would fulfill my requirements.  While some did, sadly many didn’t and I ended up purchasing third party versions.  This was especially true for airports I tend to visit frequently including KDEN, KORD, KSFO, KJFK, KSEA, EGLL etc.  Of course, I’m thankful I made that purchase decision as it did allow me to leverage the 787 Dreamliner mods which allowed me to conduct some awesome long-haul flights while waiting for the PMDG 777-300ER.

In reviewing the various fact sheets and videos which have surfaced regarding the purchase options for MSFS 2024, I’m still weighing my options to determine which direction I want to go.  What I have ruled out is the Aviator’s Edition.  While the Aviator’s Edition includes 30 additional aircraft, these are Microsoft published aircraft i.e. “Local Legends” and I never used those with 2020. In my opinion these aircraft are not worth the extra $70.  At least not to me!

I suppose the direction I’m leaning at this very moment (and I don’t plan to pre-order in the near future) is to once again go with the Premium Deluxe Edition.  Priced at $129.99 it offers the largest selection of hand-crafted airports (160) and the same amount of new and upgraded aircraft (45/50).  I don’t necessarily hold out any faith that any of the hand-crafted airports will meet my expectations, everything I’ve purchased for 2020 should work in 2024 and perhaps some such as KDFW will have been fixed as I talked about here a week or so ago.  Unfortunately, at the time I’m writing this article Microsoft hasn’t published any details regarding the hand-crafted airports for 2024.

But bottom line, I’m OK with the $129.99 price for the Premium Deluxe Edition and who knows, perhaps Microsoft/Asobo have updated these hand-crafted airports to modern specs and those that I haven’t already purchased will meet my needs.

Final Thoughts

As I’ve been providing frequent updates about my upcoming move from Colorado to Texas, most likely around the time of the release of MSFS 2024 I will be knee deep in trying to get boxes unpacked, getting my man-cave setup and then we have Thanksgiving the very next week.  What I’m actually trying to say is I doubt very seriously if my gaming machine will be setup and ready to install and use MSFS 2024 until sometime in early December.  So the hype of the initial release of MSFS 2024 will not be something I’ll have the time to enjoy as the priority of getting settled into the new house must be #1.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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