Getting Rich Quick on Ringwoods Farm

I know the title sounds like the late night infomercial you stumble on when you can’t sleep.  In my last blog article, I mentioned I had amassed a fairly large amount of cash farming on theRingwoods Farm map.  By the way, at the time of this writing the Ringwoods Farm map is the brand spankin new (and final) update v1.8.  I only learned of this brand new update today and haven’t even played it yet.  So as I write this blog article, I’ll also be following my own advice for “Getting Rich Quick on Ringwoods Farm”.

Anyway, Ringwoods Farm is a really cool map for Farming Simulator 2015.  It is based on the default Westbridge Hills map but made much, much, much, much better by Stevie (AKA FIREZ34).  This latest update (and the final version) has been made even better.  As with most maps, you are generally presented with a small selection of equipment (a tractor (or two or three), tipper, plow, harvester, cultivator, sowing machine along with at least one already owned piece of land and many times this piece of land is ready to harvest.  In addition, you have about $6,000 cash in the bank, a $100,000 loan with the ability to borrow another $100,000.  This gives you $106,000 to start your farming empire.  Of course there are money mods and other cheats which can be done to the game to start you off at just about any level of $$$ you desire.  But if you want to experience the game as it was intended, then hopefully my tips will help you.

When you begin a new game on Ringwoods Farm you’ll have $6,000 in cash, you’ll have the already existing $100,000 bank loan (with the option of borrowing another $100,000) and you’ll own fields 16 and 3.  In addition, you’ll also own a whopping almost 1 million in equipment.  So you have many options to proceed.

Option 1 – Status Quo

You take it as you have it.  You start planting, fertilizing, harvesting and selling crops from fields 3 and 16.  Rinse and repeat as necessary.  You’ll need to take an additional loan to cover the initial seed, fertilizer and operating costs.  But after the first harvest you should be able to start paying back the bank loan and just continue planting and harvesting from fields 3 and 16 until such time you can save up enough for a third field, then a fourth and so on.  You also have the grass field (not owned) on field 20 along with a mower attachment and the small Euroboss forge wagon.  You also own both a tedder and windrower, so you can start storing grass, hay and make silage to either sell or use for dairy cows, sheep etc.  If you are into logging and forestry…you have some really nice equipment to get you started.

Option 2 – Max the Loan Baby!!!

Taking out the extra $100K loan will give you $106,000.  This is certainly enough to get started and will provide you a little more operating overhead than option 1.  You might even consider upgrading a few of the pieces of equipment you already own.  I would suggest selling the offset Novacat mower and pickup the Kuhn FC 3525 F to mount on the front of the tractor.  This is a really nice “in-game” mower and works well when you add the Kuhn FC 10030 to the back of your tractor.  You then have a working/mowing width of over 9 feet.  In no time you will have access to more cash to be able to pickup new fields and take advantage of more crops.

Option 3 – Go For Broke –or- It Takes Money to Make Money

The beauty of Ringwoods is two-fold.  First, there is SOOOOOOO much to do.  This map features a little bit of everything.  Unfortunately, this is also somewhat of a drawback in a sense.  For me, I’m really not into the logging and forestry.  I probably would enjoy it more if the game physics were better when handling the wood.  Likewise I would probably enjoy it more if I added a joystick to my setup to control the crane operations.  Using the mouse just frustrates me and watching the logs bounce around frustrates me even more.  Anyway….the second advantage of Ringwoods is the almost $1 million dollars in equipment you have available to you.  It’s all in the “free and clear” and can easily be liquidated to build up the level of on-hand cash.

One of the fastest and most reliable ways of earning $$$ is producing and selling silage at the Bio Gas Plant or BGA.  In normal mode, a bunker full of silage (600,000 liters) will earn you approx. $480,000.  Of course, the old saying “It Takes Money to Make Money” will prove true in this option.  Short of winning the lotto, you’ll need to sell some of the existing equipment and invest in new equipment which will help you maximize your earning potential.  Here’s TEN easy to follow steps that will soon have you farming all the way to the bank.

Step One – let’s have a yard sale.  By selling the Ponsse ScorpianKing, Ponsse Buffalo, Lenz wood chipper, Stepa Log transporter and Damcon tree planter (essentially getting out of the forestry business) you’ll generate $353,000.  But we are not done yet.  Sell the New Holland TC5.90 Harvester and Header (you’ll want a bigger harvester anyway) will get you another $91,000.  Next, sell the Piqup and either the New Holland T8.435 Smarttrax or one of the three Case Magnum 380’s.  This will bring you to a total cash on hand of $622,500 ($629,500 if you sell the T8.435).  Actually, sell both of them for a grand total of $778,500.

Step Two – Go ahead and max out the loan or what I call “spend my children’s inheritance”.  This will give you a grand total of $884,500.  All that money burning a hole in your pocket?  Don’t worry…it won’t be there long.

Step Three – Head to the tractor store and buy the following items Krone BigX 100,000 capacity combine (this is a mod available here) for $415,000.  Pickup the “in-game” EasyCollect 1053 10.5m header for $45,000.  While you have the Telehandler in your fleet, do yourself a favor and buy the “in-game” Liebherr Wheel Loader and the universal bucket for $168,400.  Now relax for a minute when you realize you’ve just spent $628,400.  But don’t panic.  You should still have approx. $256,000 from your liquidation efforts.

Step Four – Now go seed field #16 with corn.   You won’t need to pickup a special corn seeder, as the seeders provided on the Ringwoods map will do it all.  Don’t forget to fertilize!

Step Five – Wait for the corn to grow, then harvest it for chaff using the Krone BigX you purchased earlier.  To simplify the process, setup Courseplay and use two tractors and the two 45,000 liter tippers you already own.  Dump all the chaff into the BGA bunker.  Start with the bunker on the north end.  Once filled, compact it and cover it to allow it to ferment into silage.  Of course, you also own field 3.  I would sow this field in either wheat or barley.  Keep in mind that you sold your smaller combine in step one.  So you’ll need to complete the sell of your first full bunker of silage before you’ll have enough to buy a new combine.

Step Six – Hopefully you’ve already re-sown field #16 with corn.  If not, what are you waiting for?  Now once the silage is ready, again use Courseplay and setup a route to empty the silage in the first bunker.  This will be a slow process as the BGA can only handle up to 20,000 liters of silage at a time.  However, you can set your timescale to 5x and the wheel loader will not overload the process.  Once the full bunker is emptied, you should have $700,000 + in cash.  Now would be a good time to re-invest this in a larger combine.  With $700K you will be able to easily afford the New Holland CR10.90 at $430,000 along with the 41’ Varifeed Header at $65,000.

Step Seven – Keeping in mind that for every filled bunker of silage at the BGA will earn you approx. $480,000, if you fill all four bunkers and sell the silage back to the BGA, this will earn you a cool 1.9 million dollars.

Step Eight – As you continue producing and selling silage (and other crops) start taking the extra cash you are accumulating and purchase new fields.  Eventually you may want to re-locate your corn/chaff to field 14 to shorten the trip to the BGA.

Step Nine – If you are interested in logging and forestry work, then start purchasing back the equipment you sold earlier.  As you begin to get more fields sowed and take advantage of all the features this map offer you’ll find yourself busy.  Keep producing silage as much or as little as you need to have access to quick cash.

Step Ten – Have Fun!  Continue producing as much silage as needed to reach the financial goals you have for your farm.  Payback the loans and reap the benefits of the financial freedom a little bit of corn and hard work has provided.  Crack open a cold beverage, sit back and relax.  You’ve earned this break…

I hope you have enjoyed this tip and likewise I also hope it helps you in some way.  Please bookmark my blog site and/or subscribe to my RSS feed so you’ll always receive new content as soon as it is published.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!


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