Gearing up

Yes it’s been a while since I posted anything to this blog site.  It’s also been a few months since I’ve taken time to enjoy flight simming.  As mentioned back in September, I did have to step away from the virtual airline aspect of the hobby.  I had a project offered to me which I couldn’t turn down and I spent a great deal of time involved with that. 

As the subject line reads.  I’m gearing up to do another adventure.  I completed one back in 2010 in the Carenado Mooney.  I’m currently looking at other options and honestly looking pretty hard at the brand new Carenado Malibu JetProp which has recently been released. 

The adventure for 2012 is still somewhat up in the air.  Right now I’m leaning towards a tour of the lower 48.  The idea is I would fly from state to state and land in each state capitol city.  Right now I’m spending just a little time making sure my sim machine is in working order and just flying around in the Mooney. 

I’ll post more details about the planned tour very soon.

Until then….

Happy Flying!!


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