For Sale: Paradise Hills Farm

Note:  This is a fictional post to setup a story line (fictional of course) for an upcoming “Let’s Play” series in Farming Simulator 17.  This new “Let’s Play” series will begin soon after the general release of the new Farming Simulator 17. 

For Sale:  Paradise Hills Farm

Located in beautiful Paradise Hills, USA.  I’m selling up….lock, stock and barrel.  My family and I are in the process of moving to Goldcrest Valley where we plan to start our new life.  Much of the proceeds from the sale of Paradise Hills will be used to pay college tuition and set us up in the new location.  From the sell of most of the equipment on Paradise Hills, we’ve managed to scrape together enough to purchase our new farm and starting equipment.  But things will be very different.

Our new farm will consist of a very nice farm house, barn and three fields (F12, F14 and F15).  While the fall harvest has begun, the previous owner (Mr. Richards) did harvest field 12 and 14 but has left us with field 15 planted in wheat.  From what we’ve heard, field 12 is ready to seed and field 14 needs to be cultivated first.  The grain silo does have a small amount of wheat, barley, canola, sunflowers, soybeans and corn.  Mr. Richards has also left us with enough seeds and fertilizer to take care of getting the fields turned around.  However, we will need to purchase a plow and either a fertilize spreader or sprayer sooner rather than later.

With regards to equipment, the previous farmer has left us with three tractors (New Holland 8340 and two Case 1455XL’s), a Case 1660 Axial-Flow Combine Harvester complete with the 14’ 1030 header, a small Metaltech  8,000 liter tipper, a Kuhn cultivator, a Great Plains seeder and an old farm truck.

My wife (who also is my business manager) has informed me our available cash-on-hand after all is said and done will only be $20,000.  We may have a small line of credit available from the bank, but we will need to be extremely frugal with our spending in the early days.  However, I’m also very much committed to keeping Mr. Richards farm hands gainfully employed.  I’m meeting with them very soon and I hope they will decide to stay on.  I really need them.

Life in recent years hasn’t been easy in Goldcrest Valley.  The local economy has all but stalled and many area farmers have suffered as a result.  As we’ve known for some time, good help is also hard to find.  But there is work available if you know where to look and I plan to do all I can to help the local farmers.  I believe this will prove helpful in earning some good money on the side.  Some of these local farmers may also be looking to sell some of their land and when the time comes, this will certainly help us grow.

Yes, I’m extremely nervous about this change.  We have a pretty nice setup in Paradise Hills.  But the wife wants to be closer to her family, and well….you know the saying “Happy Wife, Happy Life”.  Plus the oldest will start college in the nearby area.  The stakes are high, but the rewards are even higher.  Can I make this work?

Final thoughts…As you can see from the screenshot below (this is from my Steam FS15 Achievements) I didn’t seek out the gold coins and more importantly, I also never went negative on my bank balance.  So I do plan to do a little (actually a lot) of gold prospecting in my spare time and we’ll see if I can keep my operation out of the red.  Time will tell….


Look to my YouTube channel for Farming Simulator 17 videos coming very soon.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!


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