Flight Days Five and Six

Continuing our southerly path towards Cape Town, days five and six were pretty much uneventful.  I departed N’Dola airport in the city of Kinshasa, DRC for Huambo, Angola and the Albano Machado airport (FNHU).  The town of Huambo sits at an elevation of 5,584 feet. 


Lined up on the active at FZAB.  Slightly improved weather conditions from yesterday.


I love these shots looking back. FZAB in the background.


On the ground at the Albano Machado Airport (FNHU) in Huambo, Angola for a fuel/food stop.


Back in the air after a brief fuel stop.  We’ll make Windhoek Airport in Windhoek, Namibia by nightfall. 


On final for the second time into Windhoek FYWE. Had to go around due to aircraft on the runway.  We’ll spend the night here and resume our journey towards Cape Town, South Africa tomorrow (day six).


Day Six begins late morning as we depart Windhoek, Namibia for Cape Town, South Africa. 

It’s been an amazing week of flying through Africa.  To break things up just a bit, I’m going to place the King Air in storage at the Cape Town airport while my wealthy passengers spend a few weeks vacationing in Cape Town.  I’ve warned them about the great white sharks and will catch a flight from Cape Town back to London to run some “big iron” flights in and around Europe.  I’ll resume my adventure in a few weeks.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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