

The number 50 is a pretty special number for me in many ways.  I turned the BIG 5-0 just a few weeks ago, but even more important….my little YouTube Channel has officially reached 50 subscribers.  Because of this, I’m extremely happy.  Actually….I’m ecstatic.  I truly am!  Yes, I know the number 50 is still very small compared to some YouTube channels.  I know I have so much to learn and I need to really polish, polish and polish some more to get anywhere near the level of quality as those YouTube virtual farmers I truly look up to and admire.  I truly thank each and every of the 50 individuals who took the chance and subscribed to my channel and will work very hard to improve and make you all proud to be the first fifty.

A very special “Thank You” to Mike (Reefy1952) who (unbeknownst to him) serves as my mentor and personal inspiration.

As we continue together over the next several days, weeks and months….I will strive to do my very best and work hard to keep each of you as subscribers while hopefully gaining even more.

Thank you



  1. Congrats. FS17 should see you into triple digits

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