Fenix A319/A321 Expansion Pack – Oh Yea!!!

Fenix released their much anticipated Airbus A319/A321 expansion package companion to their awesome Airbus A320 on Monday and wow….what an impressive package it truly has been.  I purchased and downloaded the expansion pack within minutes of the announcement and was quickly flying the Airbus A321 from DFW to DEN which is a real world route I’ve flown on many times and as recent as this past June.

I honestly can’t say enough positive things about this expansion pack.  Some in the community have argued against the price which is roughly $52 USD.  But how can you honestly complain about getting two high-fidelity, study-level aircraft for this price?  I’m sorry but those who say this is overpriced are just out of touch.  I spent well over $400 on the same aircraft in P3D from FSLabs. Compared to my total investment in the Fenix at $120.  While we may not have the sharklets at this moment in time for the Fenix aircraft, those are coming and they will be free.  FSLabs charged $90 each for their A320 and A321 SL models.

Anyway….since my initial purchase of the expansion pack I’ve flown both the A321 and the A319 on multiple flights.  I’ve even taken the A319 from DFW down to BOG (SKBO Bogota, Colombia) on a 5+ hour flight.  Again, I just can’t say enough about this expansion package or about the awesome developers at Fenix.

Back during my P3D days, the Airbus A319 was my least favorite and I mostly used the A321.  But in MSFS, I’m truly loving the sporty feel of the A319 when hand flying it that most likely I will fly the A319 a lot more now.

In my honest opinion, you just can’t go wrong with Fenix.  If you’re looking for a study-level, high-fidelity aircraft which rivals the quality and attention to detail of PMDG, Fenix is the way to go.  Period!

My time will be somewhat short with being able to get more flights in with the Fenix as my wife and I will be soon traveling to Texas to look at houses.  You’ll read more about this next week.

This truly has been an awesome summer of new aircraft releases and hopefully soon we’ll have the Boeing 737 Max from PMDG and of course the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is just around the corner.  With all the packing and planning I’ve been doing for the upcoming move to Texas, the summer has flown by.

Until next time…

Happy Flying!!!


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