Farming Simulator 17 Preview–Sort of…

I’ve been busy.  Actually…that is a lie!  I’ve been extremely busy.  But this is just how the summer months are for me.  Plus my wife and I are just a few weeks away from our European vacation.  She and I both have jobs where we are the only individuals who do what we do.  Meaning….we have no backup.  We work extremely hard before a break or vacation and then work extremely hard once we return.  Anyway…

Yesterday, Giants released a video preview (well they call it a trailer) for the upcoming Farming Simulator 17.  When I first watched it, I had just come back from a two hour long meeting (that translates into two hours of wasted time which I’ll never get back) and I thought WOW….but then I realized it was all CGI or computer generated imagery.  Sigh….

Like you, I’m excited about the release of FS17.  I really am.  While FS15 was my introduction to this franchise, I’ve read forum posts and blogs from frustrated fans who expected a lot more with FS15 than Giants delivered.  So….I’m somewhat skeptical in exactly what FS17 will be when it releases towards the end of October.

FS15 is a great game.  But it has issues.  Will these issues be addressed in FS17?  What is really new with FS17?  These are valid questions but you won’t find the answers in the below preview.  BUT….Giants is certainly willing to take your money now.  Of course, we can speculate right?

From what I’ve seen, it looks like there could be a few new things with FS17 that wasn’t included in FS15 (at least without mods).  It appears we will see a few new equipment brands in FS17.  We may also see some new animals (perhaps pigs) and it looks like a few new crops may also be added.  But these are all things that we had in FS15 through the modding community.  But wait….I know folks who play on the console platforms don’t have access to mods.  However, it appears this may be changing with FS17.  “Among the many new features to be announced in the coming months for Farming Simulator 17, we are happy to unveil that modding support – which is exceptionally popular on PC – is making its grand debut on consoles!”  WOW….this is great news for console gamers.

OK…I realize the end of October is still over four months away.   But I’d really rather see video of actual game play instead of the CGI preview they released.  Yes, the CGI stuff looks amazing.  But I really, really, really doubt FS17 is going to look anything like this CGI preview.  What will it look like?  I think it will look like FS15, but hopefully slightly better.

Bottom line.  I think console players will be over the moon with FS17.  I think those of us on PC will be less impressed only because we’ve had access to mods all this time and we all know that mods are really what makes Farming Simulator beyond awesome.

Enjoy the preview.  I’ve got to get back to work now.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!


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