Cattle and Crops News

The silence from Cattle and Crops over the past few months has been absolutely deafening.  The last update on their Facebook page was 26 August and it didn’t tell us much.  In contrast, Giants has been releasing news content multiple times a week on the much anticipated release of Farming Simulator 17.  But the silence has been broken today with a news bulletin from Cattle and Crops.

According to the Cattle and Crops Facebook Page, we can expect a gameplay trailer to be released on Friday.  C&C have also posted  a countdown timer on their website which indicates the Friday they are referring to is this Friday, 30 September.

I’ll be honest, much of the excitement I had for Cattle and Crops has dried up.  If this game ends up being more than vaporware, they seriously need to re-think their marketing strategy.

I’m not the only one that may have considered waiting to purchase FS17 if the communications from C&C would have been more forthcoming.  I’m extremely impressed with how Giants have kept us all informed on the new changes coming to FS17.  This is what marketing looks like.  Unfortunately for C&C, I made the decision to pre-order FS17 as I really didn’t believe Cattle and Crops actually existed or if it did exist, it wouldn’t be releasing before the end of the year.

Again, I’m not the only one left scratching my head here.  A Facebook user named Jarrod, posted “I’m not sure what your strategy is for releasing this game knowing that FS17 is already being released next month and pre-orders are already out there.  If I were you I would wait and see the faults Giants are going to have and be so much better than them”.

Like you, I’ll watch the game play trailer on Friday.  Will I lose any sleep over it Thursday night?  Nope…but I’ll watch it.  Most likely I’ll even have some comments to share here.

Until next time…

Happy Farming!!!



  1. At least their not overhyping the game in No Mans Sky fashion. I agree the lack of information is disconcerning. In a positive light it may just be the inexperience of a small indie developer, more cynically it could be they have nothing to show.

    • I think we’ll know more on Friday….

      I would expect if they still plan to release in 2016, that the game play video we see on Friday should blow our socks off.

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