Bus Simulator 16

Has anyone been watching the Twitch Live Streams or YouTube videos regarding the newly released Bus Simulator 16?  What are your thoughts?  What are your opinions?  I had been thinking about adding OMSI 2 for several months.  With Aerosoft behind the development of the game I felt like it would be a good purchase.  However, it was released in late 2013 and from watching videos and reading reviews, the graphics are rather lacking, the overall game performance is mediocre and I keep hearing how difficult it is to setup.  Finally the price.  OMSI 2 sells for $34.99 in the Steam Store and various add-on DLC starts at $9.99 with some commanding up to $34.99 for what appears to be an unfinished map.

Yesterday, Wednesday 2 March a brand new Bus Simulator was released via the Steam Store simply called Bus Simulator 16.  At the current moment, Bus Simulator 16 is on sale at 10% off (ends 9 March) and will cost you $22.49 USD (Reg. price $24.99).  You can also visit the external website for Bus Simulator 16 here.  The game is available for both PC and Mac.

As I stated, I watched several excellent Twitch Streamers on Wednesday who played the game for several hours.  Most had very positive feedback for the game but pretty much everyone agrees that it does need some work.  The great news about the game is it does offer mod support.  While I’m sure the game developers will address the important issues with the game, mod support will also help make this a very successful game.

Take about 5 minutes of your time and watch TheNorthernAlex provide an “Everything You Need To Know” overview of Bus Simulator 16.  This is a brand new feature on his channel and he is kicking it off with Bus Simulator 16.

Finally, you may also want to read the player reviews on the Bus Simulator 16 Steam Store Page.  But I would encourage you to read these with an open mind.  I’m certainly not attempting to convince you to purchase (or not purchase) this game…I’m simply saying that many of the negative reviews were posted with little actual playing time.

Will I purchase this game?  Yes…I am planning to purchase Bus Simulator 16 today (Thursday).   I may even live stream my experience from the very beginning.  So please check out my Twitch channel and go ahead and follow me so you’ll receive the notification when I go live.

Until next time…

Happy Simming!!!


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