ATS Rescale News

On Monday, 5 September SCS Software released brand new screenshots for the much anticipated ATS map rescale project.  While the screenshots are certainly welcome, the better news from SCS is they are “finishing work faster than initially anticipated”.  The info went on to state that they believe internal testing could begin in several weeks and after (only after) will the open beta be made available.

I truly must say that SCS Software is perhaps the best at keeping its users informed of changes and projects for the simulation based games I enjoy.  You can read more about the ATS rescale project and view the screenshots here.

As I’ve previously mentioned in an earlier blog posting, my summer has been extremely busy.  What little time I’ve had for game play I’ve spent farming.  ATS and ETS2 are certainly sim based games I still enjoy and I’ll return to them when time permits.

Until next time…

Happy Trucking!!!



  1. Thanks……nice to stay informed

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